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Riptide Mage

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Everything posted by Riptide Mage

  1. Sell DG floors for 6 mil an hour, bank rebuilt in no time.
  2. Pretty sure farm level doesnt effect herbs picked.
  3. You've always gotten a handful of items when making a new account.
  4. I ivy when i absolutely cannot pay attention, for example in class. Today is a Monday and a prime example of the benefits of ivy (on a phone), I had class from 1:35 pm to 9:00 pm, got a 6hr log in that time I cut so much ivy, better than the past 2 months when i didn't even log in on Mondays. Pretty sure rs isn't playable on a phone? Or is there something I'm missing If you phone supports Java it is playable, also there are ways around it if it doesn't support java. Countless phones dating back almost a decade "support" and even run on java, that doesn't mean they support runescape. [/hide] I use a VNC on my phone, runs RS at about 25FPS. Easily playable. Yup, saw your video, I do the same from time to time on my android tablet. I was commenting on essiw's comment mostly, because every phone that supports java definitely can't support Runescape or a vnc client. My ancient RAZR v3i supported java as does my old BlackBerry, could never dream of anything as complex as Runescape on them.
  5. I ivy when i absolutely cannot pay attention, for example in class. Today is a Monday and a prime example of the benefits of ivy (on a phone), I had class from 1:35 pm to 9:00 pm, got a 6hr log in that time I cut so much ivy, better than the past 2 months when i didn't even log in on Mondays. Pretty sure rs isn't playable on a phone? Or is there something I'm missing If you phone supports Java it is playable, also there are ways around it if it doesn't support java. Countless phones dating back almost a decade "support" and even run on java, that doesn't mean they support runescape.
  6. And how exactly would you do the addition to come up with the value the string would store? Answer: Using longs or BigInt
  7. Writing a BigInt class is programming 101, and in fact has been a built in class in Java since 1.1 The issue is that since it is not a primitive object it adds more overhead, and overhead can quickly add up on the client, the game server, and the database server The limit could be increased to 4,294,967,295 by using bitshifting, but that would require an overhaul of most of the game engine to handle. It could also be increased to 2^63-1 by using a long type, but that would most likely double the client and server memory requirements.
  8. Oh look another negative post from pal2002. Use the search feature next time: http://forum.tip.it/topic/308727-stellar-dawn-put-on-hold/
  9. See I hate comments like this. People think they spent so much damn money and time on a tiny update. They didn't even announce this update, and they already fulfilled the rest of the stuff. The fact that you can move the little goblin menu thing is a triumph because it paves way for newer and better interfaces, and it works. You have no idea how long or how short it took them either, so don't be a jagex apologist
  10. Get a better mouse and upgrade your hardware. That processor is 6 years out of date at best, 9 at worst.
  11. In this day and age it is a terrible idea NOT to have flash disabled by default, whitelisting players as needed.
  12. Two computers on the same internet connection both have the same WAN IP, don't post things that are blatantly incorrect.
  13. The q&a just reaffirms that jagex is completely out of touch with the player base.
  14. This is no different than using a physical keyboard. It raises the exact same input events. There is a reason it is called an assessability feature and not a security feature.
  15. The hypocracy in this post is amazing.
  16. They have for me until I spend almost 300 hours on noncombat grinds
  17. Are you sure you know what you're talking about? If there's one drop that can be changed across the board, it's effigies... The drop rate is a function of the combat level. If they changed the function, they changed the drop rate for every monster. They don't have to change the drop rate manually for every monster. It's more like the monster has a flag whether it drops them or don't, nothing else about the effigy drop rate. you'd be surprised how poorly they wrote this game that makes me say this. If I made the game I'd do it like you said but Jagex time and again has supported my theory on some pretty important stuff too You are arguing against proven facts: http://www.xp-waste.com/mummyscape-t32.html
  18. You only need 87 agility, clan citadel battlefields can give a +10 boost
  19. Bosses, specifically glacors and tds arewere amazing camping for effigies
  20. This update removed any motivation I had to keep playing RS. I have no buyables left (99 herb will come in time as I use/make overloads and 99 fletching will come when I finish off Livid Farm), I'm already 99 slayer, I'm already 99 summoning, and I have all the armor/weapons I want. I wanted to slowly work towards a Comp Cape but now I will be forced to babysit my character for hours on end as it fishes, mines, woodcuts, etc which require almost no user input to train. Agility and runecrafting are both a contest of what will happen first: die of boredom running in circles or a repetitive strain injury. My way of getting a comp cape was going to consist of a few hours of grinding, followed by a few hour break at Glacors in hopes of an effigy to cut down on the mindless grind. The charms have no value to me, the drops have no value to me, but on average an effigy saves me 57 minutes of grinding mindless skills. I have 50 or so effigies in my bank that I cannot open until I have raised grind skills. It will take me 280 hours to get all my effigy skills into boosting range of 97. That is 280 hours that I can no longer take breaks at Glacors (or any other PVM spot) because there is nothing of value (to me) that they drop. I see this as nothing more than yet another money making scheme from Jagex, forcing players to grind longer and thus pay for memberships for longer. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to play smartly and efficiently yet is not already 99 slayer. They must now spend hundreds of hours on mindless grinds before training one of the TWO non-combat skills that isn't 100% repetitive (slayer and dungeoneering). These kinds of changes don't encourage new players and only infuriate long time players.
  21. lol i know. I just wanted to post this somewhere to show how similar they look :) The concept of a Griffin has been around for over 5,300 years
  22. No, you found a 4 year old picture of a monster from Devil May Cry on a Polish gaming blog. http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Griffon
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