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Riptide Mage

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Everything posted by Riptide Mage

  1. Several hundred thousand on the same day? When you drop membership, you will still be on the highscores until Jagex decides to purge them. And there is no proof that they don't also ban bots on the same day.
  2. Several hundred thousand on the same day? When you drop membership, you will still be on the highscores until Jagex decides to purge them. And there is no proof that they don't also ban bots on the same day.
  3. Good luck on 99, sorry I logged out mid convo last night, ISP decided to update their systems, leaving the entire state with no Internet.
  4. There's an effigy limit now though...and don't think you can bank dragonkin lamps, so he's restricted to 6 effigies at one time I think. Wouldn't hurt to stockpile peng. points maybe though? Ugh, I tend to forget things I wish didn't happen actually happened.
  5. Wouldn't it be more logical that he would start stocking up on ways of exchanging for exp in preparation for whenever there is a new skill? Such as filling his bank with effigies.
  6. If he could afford to post the bail, then surely he could afford to buy the GP legit? Or am I just talking crazy? lol Bail-bondsmen will often take collateral (like a car title) in order to post bail.
  7. No it doesn't. It still counts as assault with a deadly weapon since the victim has no idea its a fake, and the minimum is 2 years in state prison in most states.
  8. I wonder though if the gun was even real. Why call it "realistic looking"? Still though, I think it's illegal to pull a toy gun on someone if you remove that orange safety cap on the end of the barrel. For all practical purposes, the victim thinks it's a real gun. If the gun is fake you avoid a slew of charges, such as attempted murder, possession charges, concealment charges, etc. AFAIK, there are no laws on how you modify a toy gun. And there are no laws, at least directly, regarding toy guns such as you stated. Otherwise, water gun fights would be a bit, well tricky i suppose. And then there are pop cap guns, and bb guns.As far as the kid goes, he's in trouble for sure. But doubt he will get more then a few years if any prison time at all. Will be interesting to see how it plays out legally. I wonder if the robbery charges could even be beat/dropped for example, as the gold "does not exist"? With a good lawyer I can def see the kid getting off the hook. http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/15C76.txt You are completely and dangerously wrong.
  9. http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Pendant_of_Prayer First result on Google for "Runescape Pendant of Prayer"
  10. Where are you even supposed to see there is a weekend event? The latest news I see about the beta is from July 20th.
  11. The first Crucible dupe about a month ago. Other glitches just off the top of my head that were game breaking: DG rune/arrow dupe from Salt in the Wound LS glitch w/ RoW for guaranteed drops Dragon bolt dupe ยต crashing the game
  12. I will, because unless you haven't visited any major cities in Runescape for the past year then you have seen bots advertizing gold selling sites. And if you had your private on you got PMs from gold selling sites.
  13. I would have if I was 100% certain I could do so without any legal troubles. I've got student loans to pay and crippling medical debt. But there's no way I could reach absolute certainty with something like that, so I wouldn't have. I kind of think those who tried to sell their abused earnings might not have thought through how badly a criminal offense can [bleep] up your life. With 20 minutes of this dupe and reselling the GP at wholesale they could have easily gotten a lawyer and bank account in Panama, a tax and banking haven. A few hours worth of the dupe and they could afford a new house and car in another country. I think its safe to say these guys are set for life and Jagex putting their names on the front page only inflates their egos. I think saying any of them are "set for life" is a bit of a stretch. It takes more than 6 figures to retire these days. Assuming they kept up the 80b/hr rate and were wholesaling the GP for .20 a mil thats $16,000 an hour, just using two accounts. 24 hours of that is $384,000. This was around for weeks.
  14. I would have if I was 100% certain I could do so without any legal troubles. I've got student loans to pay and crippling medical debt. But there's no way I could reach absolute certainty with something like that, so I wouldn't have. I kind of think those who tried to sell their abused earnings might not have thought through how badly a criminal offense can [bleep] up your life. With 20 minutes of this dupe and reselling the GP at wholesale they could have easily gotten a lawyer and bank account in Panama, a tax and banking haven. A few hours worth of the dupe and they could afford a new house and car in another country. I think its safe to say these guys are set for life and Jagex putting their names on the front page only inflates their egos.
  15. You wouldn't even have to go through it to that extent. Just look for large quantities of cash being gained in the crucible without gaining any crucible ranks. As a developer you don't necessarily want to write bug catching code tuned to a very specific activity, you write broad code that will catch a multitude of strange actions that all have the same result. In this case picking large amounts of cash off the ground, but you would also track dropping large amounts of cash and cross-reference that info to find the buyer and seller; but in this case since no player was dropping cash at the same spot it SHOULD have sent up so many red flags.
  16. There is something very interesting we can learn from this. Jagex has/had almost no way to effectively monitor for RWT or anomalous GP gains. Accounts should have been monitored for any of the following: - Picking up large amounts of GP from the ground (good old fashion drop trade RWT) - Giving away large amounts of GP without significant PVM drops, magic exp gains, or GE sales/trades (this covers the main ways of GP income) - Strangely high number of interactions with a non-common aspect of the game (not skill related, travel related, inter-mini-game related) The fact that Jagex can't even manage to have basic bug-detection sent what little belief I had left in the company straight through the floor. Before the mandatory "then why don't you do it better" post, this is what I do every single day, tracking and monitoring account and transaction data for anomalies and fraud attempts.
  17. Exactly, he should just go spend 5-6 hours at dag sents instead of screwing over DG teams during the 10m dg exp he would gain while getting 99 def
  18. How do you know? Because most of them have been very adamantly against it and it is easy to tell from daily exp gains if they were opening lamps.
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