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Riptide Mage

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Everything posted by Riptide Mage

  1. The top 15 isn't stagnant, by the time he has 2.1b exp it will probably require ~2.3b and he will be out of afk/buyable skills. Then we see what he can actually do without fast skills handed to him via dice rank. Don't forget he has 100m DG exp he can buy. tragic news has only gained 2mil more exp in the past month than I have, and I'm not even slightly trying for 200mil in anything, how exactly is 25m exp (with 14m of it in DG) in a month insane? edit: totally didn't notice that was your username, only looked at your RSN.
  2. This please. You are getting mad because you have to change the layout of a 3rd party tool? I think? Or maybe you just want *something* to complain about. I think the point is that we shouldn't have to use a 3rd party tool for something that should have been a part of DG from the start.
  3. Nice privacy. No worse than showing "Member Since 20##"
  4. In the current regime when has Jagex ever cared about F2P?
  5. On the second article, the link in "We invite you to discuss them in this forum topic." links to the article you're already viewing, not this thread.
  6. I can't take an article seriously that has a page of ads in the middle of the article.
  7. I guess this is relevant again: [hide=ZARFOT'S GUIDE TO MERCHANTING] [/hide]
  8. If you're using the Sims 2 as a point of reference you really should look into upgrading your computer. The game is 8 years old, which according to Gordon's law means the average PC is 16 times more powerful than the best PC when the game came out. Most tablets and high end phones even far surpass the minimum requirements for the game, as well as an hour long HD video being laarger than the game and all its expansions and the textures alone for skyrim were almost as big as the whole Sims 2 game.
  9. I think he meant more uses for jcoins outside of War of Legends. In a way you can already use JCoins to buy EXP, it costs JCoins to unban accounts banned for botting.
  10. If that's the way you wish to see it, but that's an extremely cynical view, IMO. If you are concerned about that, then you certainly wouldn't be the first to simply use their RS name and incorrect address, if you chose that path. Now, can we keep it to discussion of the principles of the petition, please? It may be cynical but it is also perfectly logical. They are not a payment processor so they do not have to follow the strict security restrictions of PCI and therefore are not liable at all if their database is breached, which in the modern age is not too uncommon to assume it won't happen to changes.org, in fact I would think changes.org is a massive target for groups who want to discover information about the people petitioning against them. Edit: [qfc]15-16-361-63671263[/qfc] This thread and the previous in the series by the same poster is a petition that might actually have an effect.
  11. Which just means a ton of people are going to have their personal information needlessly made public if the site ever gets compromised.
  12. Sorry, I'm not entering my full name and address into a website I'm not buying something from.
  13. Translation: Close down Runescape, open Transformers
  14. And this technicality is because this is loaded with behind the scenes legal mumbo jumbo to make this not technically gambling, even though it blatantly is.
  15. Apparently it doesn't count as gambling in a real life sense because you cannot win anything of real world value.... In my town we have a half dozen "Internet Sweepstakes" establishments that work similar to this. Gambling is illegal in my state but these get around it, this is how: -Everyone is given 100 free credits a day -Or you can buy 100 credits for $1 -You swipe your card into a "computer" that has an interface that looks an awful lot like a slot machine -You hit the spin button -You win "bonus credits" determined by what the wheels land on -"Bonus credits" can then be exchanged for cash at the same 100:1 exchange rate Sound familiar? It's "not gambling" because there are guaranteed odds of winning each prize and you aren't using cash for the "sweepstakes". A few of my friends work there so I'll go and hang out every so often (free food / soda doesn't hurt), and it is beyond sad to see people spending their paychecks as soon as they get it on this "not gambling." This is Jagex sliding way down the slippery slope they started with loyalty rewards and sliding right into a dark back alley. also completely contradicts [qfc]254-255-159-63608827[/qfc]
  16. In all seriousness, wasn't credit card and paypal fraud one of the original reasons for removing free trade? And now they have added a feature that pretty much encourages fraud to obtain in game advantages.
  17. AOL has a rather long timeout period, usually takes almost a minute after a connection has dropped before it logs out.
  18. Why are you watching a poor transcode of the screener of Drive when the BluRay has been out for almost 3 months?
  19. He means accounts whose memberships have lapsed and are no longer shown on the high scores.
  20. Best non-gano mage gear you have (NOT VOID), surgebox if you have it, arcane stream if you have it, armadyl battlestaff, overloads and pray renews Fire spell on glacor until minis Iron Titan specs on sapping (Switching to steel titan once you hit 99 summoning), storm of arma on enduring, storm of arma on unstable More fire spells on glacor Flash soul split as needed to heal and EEE or DDP++ for spec weapon
  21. Considering that 3 months via credit card (for me at least) is $5.00. The Runescape cards are like $7.00+ per month. I thought that the cards were more expensive so that the retailer can make money off of them. Well, a 3 month card at Wal-Mart is like $22.00 if I am not mistaken. So there is like a $7.00 difference. If $3.00 of that $7.00 goes to the store, JaGeX is still making more than they would with a credit card. Don't forget the processing fees for credit cards that Jagex has to pay, as well as the cost of staying PCI compliant.
  22. Why not kill rocklobs for charms or glacors for cash to get 99?
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