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Everything posted by Vape

  1. I've spent a considerable amount of time reading over the firefixmyths website and reviewing it's sources. And I must say I fail to see where this "utter bull" is warranted? I think a lot of those myths are justified in the multiple sources available. However I agree the website is extremely bias, and similar nit picky sort of arguments could be made about pretty much anything. Most of the "myths" are just silly users posting stuff they know nothing about. The site makes it sound as though Mozilla is spreading these myths and undermining public knowledge or something, whereas this site is the first place I've ever heard of any of these claims. It would be like if someone said "The blue e is the internet" and then me arguing that Microsoft is polluting users' mind and that this is completely false and going into an in-depth analysis of what the internet actually is. Clearly, nobody with two brain cells to rub together thinks that the blue e on their desktop is "the internet" and we could just point out that whoever does think that is a silly user who doesn't understand what they are dealing with. So, for an example of this, lets skip the first one on the page because it's completely silly, and go to the second one. Myth - "Firefox and Mozilla are Not for Profit" [*:2hgzb9n9]Nowhere on the linked page does that quote appear. [*:2hgzb9n9]Firefox is an application, not an organisation. [*:2hgzb9n9]Just because a company makes an income, doesn't mean they are for-profit. The red cross makes an income, then they invest it into aid.The reason the Mozilla Foundation created the Mozilla Corporation was that non-profit law is designed for and well understood when it applies to traditional non-profit organisations such as museums, charities, universities, etc. It doesn't mesh well with software development and distribution. So, Mozilla Corporation was created. It's a taxable (or "for-profit") company, so it can make money and operate in the way any other company would. However, the subsidiary is wholly owned by the Mozilla Foundation (there are no other shareholders) and thus its primary goal is not to make money. If you look carefully, the page doesn't actually say that Mozilla is all about making money and fleecing users, it doesn't say anything at all, it just combines quotes from external sources to imply that that is what Mozilla is doing. Rofl.. I just noticed a quote on that page: "...Firefox Myths. Good stuff - give it a read." - Asa D. Completely out of context. The actual quote is: "accettura tears apart the myth maker Robert Accettura has a nice response to the poorly constructed and mostly worthless article Firefox Myths. Good stuff - give it a read." Any page which quotes like that is clearly "complete and utter bull."
  2. I'm guessing you're talking about auto complete. When typing in a web form (such as one used when searching) your web browser will automatically show matching search terms that you have typed before. It's meant to be a convenience but it can also be a privacy concern. You can get rid of individual ones by hovering over them with your mouse (or using the arrow keys to select them) and pressing the delete key on your keyboard. In Firefox 2, to clear all your autocomplete data go to tools -> clear private data. Ensure "Saved form and search history" is checked and click "Clear private data now" In IE 7, tools -> internet options -> browsing history -> delete -> delete form data.
  3. Jard: If you could answer a few of my previous questions, it would greatly assist me in helping others experiencing this issue, as well as possibly help the Firefox developers track down and fix a bug. Additionally, which ones did you delete?
  4. I don't see anyone claiming anything about Firefox's speed in this topic actually. While howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html seems to be based on some vague research and fact, firefoxmyths.com is complete and utter bull.
  5. Not as far as I know of. Send an abusive email to Microsoft telling them they suck for trying to lock you into using one browser. Add your webmail provider (hotmail probably) to your bookmarks toolbar and then just click that when msn tells you that you have a new email - it's crap, but that's Microsoft for you.
  6. No apostrophe plox :twisted:
  7. Earpy: Yah that's what I might end up doing...
  8. Adobe is a company that makes software. Adobe Reader, Acrobat Reader and Adobe Acrobat are all about the same thing - pdf files. Pdf is "the" file format for distributing documents that you want anyone to be able to open on any platform and have it look the same. It's regularly used for things like newsletters, catalogues, forms, etc. that are primarily designed to be printed out. It's not so great for stuff that's just designed to be read on screen as it doesn't adjust to fit on the screen, or to a user's preferred font size and family, and it tends to have a far higher download size compared to XHTML + images. Read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Document_Format
  9. What you're proposing would take some serious modifications for little gain IMO. If users have the most recent version of their operating system and web browser, as well as an up-to-date firewall and antivirus, someone can't put a keylogger on their computer just by getting them to click a link. They have to click the link, download the file, run the file, have it be not noticed by their antivirus (unlikely) and then grant it access through their firewall. If users are going to click on suspicious-looking links to sites they don't know and download and run executable files, or run out of date software, they're demonstrating a serious desire to access this file - having them need to copy and paste the url into their address bar first of all isn't going to stop them - they're on a mission of stupidity. As Ard_Choille said, reporting these posts ASAP usually gets them dealt with in a timely manner.
  10. I've got a possible inkling about what could be causing that, but I don't know for sure. To help me try and reproduce it: Did you just upgrade to Firefox 2? What localisation of Firefox are you using? If you just upgraded, were you using the same localisation beforehand? What search engines do you have installed? Is there anything you've done with your search engines that might have been out of the ordinary?
  11. Thanks for your input Fadfdfd, but Quickbooks is not free in any sense of the word.
  12. Winzip is an application to compress and decompress zip archives. This makes their filesize smaller, but they need to be decompressed before they can be opened. Right click on the archive and select decompress, or extract files. Then extract them into a folder and then run the installer. You don't need Winrar, as far as I know every version of Windows has shipped with an archiving application to handle zip files. If you really want a different program to handle them, I suggest 7zip - Winrar is a free trial, 7zip is actually free software.
  13. Hey all, I'm looking for some advice regarding accounting software. I've recently taken up the job of treasurer for a, hrm I guess it's kind of like a club, that I'm involved with. We have fees (every 3 months) that I need to issue invoices for, and we also have a fridge which has drinks in it at our den (or clubhouse) - I need to record when we buy cartons of drinks from the shop and how much money we end up making that I then put into our bank account. We pay bills and from time to time will issue other invoices to members on top of the membership fees (eg. fees for a special event.) I've had a brief look at some accounting software but it all seems to be very complicated and bloated for the simple task I want to achieve. I do intend to continue researching more software and learning how to use it but I thought I'd ask around to see if anyone else has any advice regarding this? Free as in beer is required, free as in speech is preferred (that means that I don't have the money to pay for the software, and would prefer that it was open source too.) If anyone has any experience with any software they've used to achieve similar tasks, I'd be interested in any recommendations you could make. Frankly, this is something I could achieve with a simple spreadsheet but I was hoping to have an application with a decent UI to make it even simpler - unfortunately the applications I've looked at so far have just made it more complex.
  14. I like layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word - means when I double click on a word to apply bbcode to underline it, I don't underline the space - much neater :) Http pipelining is also great :) I also recommend you leave Network.prefetch-next set to true - it's a really useful feature.
  15. Ah.. apparently in Fx 2 it now only goes to the first result if it's a clear match, else it shows the google search results. Try changing keyword.URL to http://www.google.com/search?btnI=I%27m ... e=UTF-8&q= :) Sorry for the confusion.
  16. Vito Blade's suggestion is incorrect. If I were you I'd reset network.prefetch-next - it's actually a useful feature. I've seen people say on another forum that Tabbrowser preferences affects this - do you have that extension? Try going into about:config and in the filter box, type keyword. Are the two preferences (keyword.URL and keyword.enabled) in regular text, or in bold? If they're in bold, right click on them and select "reset."
  17. Our servers (ie. the addons.mozilla.org servers, where you probably downloaded many of your extensions) are currently a little unhappy (ie. tears, stamping of feet, all out tantrum kind of unhappy.) Top psychologists are counselling them as we speak.
  18. Huzzah! Lets all try and get to 250 clients (without clones) :D Let the idling begin
  19. No need to spread FUD. There's no reason to suspect a virus infection. Of course scanning your PC regularly is still important, but it's unlikely to help troubleshoot this problem. This is probably caused by problems with the tip.it server or a router somewhere between you and it. See http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=530606 for discussion by other users experiencing similar problems.
  20. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=9701 Mercifull++
  21. Pokemama: that's a slightly different issue surrounding IRC etiquette. There is actually an /away command that you can use to specify that you are away and if you desire, to give a reason or explanation of when you will be back, eg. /away Gone to the shops, back at 4AM UTC However, depending on which IRC client you use, it may or may not show this information to you visually. I know, for instance, that ChatZilla (my client.. open source, Mozilla developed, etc. :P) automatically checks the /away status of every user in the channel every few minutes or so. Users that have /away set have their names turn grey in the list of users (whereas people who don't have it set are black.) I don't believe mIRC visually shows this information, you have to /whois a user separately to see if they have /away set :( However, this is just netiquette, not really something that needs to be enforced. Oh, and there are 130,867 users on the forums, does it worry you that only a few of them post?
  22. Hah! Gave me my laugh for the day. I don't know everything about Firefox, and there's occasions when other people will be able to shed light on things that I can't :P
  23. As always, if you've got something reproducible, feel free to come forward with it :P
  24. Further to my previous advice, if the find bar does come up, you can press ESC to get rid of it. You could try updating to Firefox 2.. perhaps there's some minor bug that's been fixed now...
  25. Are you going to start only allowing people to read the forum if they've posted in the last 24 hours? What's the point of reading the forums if you never post?
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