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Everything posted by Vape

  1. Actually, the last part is multiplication.. but since multiplication is simply repeated addition, I'll let you get away with it. To all the people who worked this out - would you be able to work it out if it wasn't written down - if someone just told you it, and they only told you once and you had to remember it?
  2. With this great tool called Google. http://www.google.com.au/search?q=make%20animated%20gif
  3. Depends how big your harddrive is, and how much free space it's got. If it's getting above 80-90%, it's time to start thinking of other ways to store your data. If you don't listen to your music that often, you can store them on DVDs or cds, usually as mp3 files, and then just whack it in the drive when you want to listen to it. So go buy 3 dvds or a 20 pack of cds and away you go. If your music isn't compressed, you can try that - 192 kbps mp3 is plenty good enough for most uses.
  4. JPG is best for photographs. PNG & GIF are best for computer drawn stuff with a limited number of colours, screenshots, etc. In almost all cases PNG is better than GIF.
  5. They're animated GIF images (GIF is the file format, like PNG or JPEG.)
  6. Double click the speaker in your system tray and ensure that the SW Synth volume is up and not muted. If there isn't one, try looking for sounds in your control panel. If this doesn't solve it, what browser and operating system are you using?
  7. Try http://www.phpbbhacks.com/download/345 I don't know if that's the one Tip.it uses...
  8. Are you underweight? If so, do not attempt this. In Australia we have something called the 40 hour famine, where you don't eat for 40 hours and people sponsor you to raise money for a charity - to make people understand what it's like being hungry all the time, so yeah, if you're of a healthy weight, there's no problem with it really.
  9. I'd prefer moving spam. If you're going to the trouble of locking it, it's just as easy to move it instead.
  10. http://www.maxmind.com/app/locate_ip gets that down to Perth, WA, Australia - which is what you give us in your TIF location anyway. Also, you use Telstra. The site gives a latitude & longitude, but I'd be very sceptical of that. Here - http://maps.google.com/?q=-31.9333%20115.8333 - that could be where the exchange you use is located, or it could just be "Perth" It tends to be more accurate (geographically) for areas with larger internet use/population eg. in the USA.
  11. I use A Small Orange and they're absolutely great. I'm only on a tiny plan but support has been prompt and I've yet to see ANY downtime in the ~8 months I've been with them. Yes they do have a referral system, but if they didn't, I'd still recommend them. If you do decide to go with them, pm me and I'll send you my referral link.
  12. Flash can contain sound, use massive amounts of CPU, is less easy to moderate (ie. dimensions are not detectable by the server I don't think,) and can do a whole lot of other evil stuff that's just not cool. Thumbs down for me.
  13. Colin Thiele too = 3, but he's not so famous internationally.
  14. http://forum.tip.it/search.php?search_id=egosearch to find a post by you. Then just keep refreshing the page as you keep changing it. Another option is to copy and paste it into a PM to yourself, and click preview :)
  15. I've never really watched anything much of him on TV, but I've got a lot of respect for all the work he's done for conservation and the environment. I don't think any of the "he had it coming" stuff is warranted at all, it's like saying a taxi driver who had a crash "had it coming" - it's just a part of the job. I reckon he should've been wearing sunscreen (stops the harmful rays.)
  16. /me throws up. Effectivebrand is the bane of addons.mozilla.org I don't see why a Firefox toolbar needs cookie, history, cache or other privacy management features, or a popup blocker, or a google search box, since they are all built in to Firefox. Weather conditions and forecast belongs in Forecastfox (another extension.) So basically.. it's just a glorified bookmarks toolbar.
  17. with a ring of charos (u/a) you can.That was a selective quote to give context to my spelling correction. If you read the entire sentence in the guide, you'll see it already says that ;)
  18. Yeah I thought this was Firefox only... as for the fix - how does that work? If it was simple enough, it ought to be implemented into phpbb...
  19. What about trading? I think it's a poor idea... unless we had subforums (ala phpbb3 IIRC)
  20. Vape

    Home remedies

    But that only helps like, directly after the burning.I find for slightly more painful burns (still 1st degree) that remain painful for some hours, holding it under running water (or submersing it in cold water) continues to relieve pain, even if it doesn't help the burn itself.
  21. You want to get yourself a new OS there mate - Windows 98 is no longer being maintained by Microsoft, and as such, you're no longer getting patches for exploits/vulnerabilities that people discover = VERY BAD. If your PC can't run Windows XP, you could look at 2k, or linux, but most likely the best option is a new PC.
  22. Vape

    Home remedies

    Hold it under a running tap of cold water. Do not use ice.
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