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Everything posted by insane

  1. insane

    I'm on to you

    Nice to see you're so sure of yourself :roll: Runescape, DAoC, Asheron's Call Whoa, Blue Tear is a mod in the DAoC forums :P
  2. I hate making plans - they give you hopes, and hopes get let down. I prefer to let spontenaiety take its course. I think back on my life, and almost all of the best/most memorable things I've done have been in split-second decisions. I have no plans :)
  3. Actuly you are right, you made me think of something else, i shoul of asked if there is good, and evil You keep saying good and evil are subjective and agreeing with people and saying they're right when they say that, but you have yet to give a reason to believe evil and good are subjective values.
  4. Hrm? Christ was all about the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"... that hardly speaks eye-for-an-eye IMO. I am for capital punishment, but not in all cases.
  5. D'oh, queen and prince, so obvious that I couldn't get it!
  6. And I can make it so you won't post on another thread again. Get lost.
  7. Better than the original? I enjoyed the original, but if it isn't much of a difference I won't bother with it. Eh yea... agreed.
  8. Glad to hear you're doing well :)
  9. Sorry...I would find one and then post it, then hit backspace and keep looking. I didn't look at anyone elses. Oh I'm not angry or looking for an apology, I just want to avoid the inevitable 17 pages of "I see smashing pumpkins!". :P
  10. Could you clarify this please? (about being offered and yet having to be accepted first) And seeing as I'm an Ontarian too, the name of hte school would be nice :)
  11. How about we only post ones that others have not thought of :)
  12. I want to say the mailman would represent the postal service? Or maybe the village people :S too many options... And this one is a stretch - the picture on the left of Mary and Jesus (I think it's them); Our Lady Peace? I think underneath the shop sign, by the yellow man is a bigger fish..
  13. Gross: 98WPM Net: 91WPM Errors: 7 words Accuary: 92%
  14. What do you make of 1 Samuel 17:12 then? I believe Micah has already changed topics by v6. Bible prophecy (imo) often changes pace - for instance one sentence will be fulfilled, and then the next sentence will be fulfilled hundreds of years later. This is even a paragraph apart. Your reasoning is circular. You're assuming you've already proven the Micah passage to not refer to a place (read the Samuel verse) - if Matthew honestly thought (and your judging his intentions is irrational and pointless) that it referred to a place, the paraphrase doesn't seem so guilty anymore, does it?
  15. insane

    Xmas Songs!

    I hear the Bandaid song like 1000 times every December (or November :P). I almost prefer Christmas songs from the hymnal... they just seem to carry so much more weight and meaning to them.
  16. I think we determined in philosophy class that a completely evil being could not exist - since existence in itself is a good thing. But as for evil deeds? Yes, I believe so (as I believe in moral absolutism).
  17. Of course - almost everything we do is based on past experience. If someone lies to you, you won't trust them next time - if someone doesn't give you something back that you lent to them, you'll be a little more wary of lending to them again. Going even further, if you burn a cake - you cook it for less time next try. Of course people deserve a chance at redeeming themselves - and they should definately get a chance, since there is no past experience of them trying to redeem themselves. As soon as they "redeem" themselves, and betray trust again, then there is a past experience of them trying to redeem themselves... basically I believe in the 2 strikes and you're out rule ;) (I just made the rule up now...)
  18. I've read the verse you provided and also the original prophecy for this prophet in Deuteronomy. It looks to me (from a Christian perspective) that Christ and the Prophet are one and the same. That the prophet foretold in Deuteronomy is Christ. The same name is not always ascribed to him in the old testament prophecies (at least in English) - (look at Isaiah 53, Micah 5:2, etc). But of course there's no point in discussing this right now, as this discussion is on the validity of Islam, and not an Islam vs. Christian debate.
  19. In no way did he even mention anything he believed about the Bible, he was just pointing out things in the Quoran. There is no reason you should make this into a debate about the Bible and the Quoran when this is supposed to be asking questions about the Islam religion. Im sorry if this is off topic, but I just dont want a well writted post like this to be turned into a stupid debate where no one wins. Yea... agreed - any more irrelevant religious flaming will be removed, and teh author warned. When I have some time, I will respond to some of your objections to Christianity, as I see them illogical at first glance. Just to throw counter-argument in here; That's one example from the Bible. Exactly WHO is "the Prophet" this passage is referring to, if not Christ (pbuh) nor Elijah (pbuh)? I say Muhammad (pbuh). The passage is the Israelite's questions - who at this point have no idea what they're talking about - so judging Christianity on people's misguided opinions is a little backhanded.
  20. We had to watch one of them in fourth grade, and I still bear the scars from it years later. Oh yea, I remember this one part in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, it's when Aslan comes back to life - and he's like "cover your ears children [susan and lucy], I'm about to roar!"... and then it's like rawr... and the girls act like their ears are burnt off... it's the most brutal thing ever...
  21. insane

    Xbox 360

    Not really. They aren't releasing too many consoles - they could be selling alot more than they actually are, but they aren't compromising on the quality of the console. Not to mention you provided absolutely no basis for your opinion.
  22. insane

    Xbox 360

    I didn't buy it :\ I've got 12 games for my original xbox and I figure they'll tide me over for a few months (maybe even a year) when the price for the 360 drops. Plus right now there aren't that many games out for the 360 so I don't see the point in getting it when only 1 or 2 games interest me.
  23. Thats the worst reason to become religious i ever heard. Its laughable. Imagine betting all your money (life) on a horse (christianity). What if it loses? Its your entire fortune (life) wasted away for nothing. That's a bad analogy, because I've experience so much fullness and satisfaction in my life as a result of my relationship with Christ, be it a figment of my imagination or not. And the end of my life, if this turns out to be false (which I am sure won't happen), I don't think I'd have any regrets tbh.
  24. I really think you took number two a little too literally. Any student at your level should know that more is expected of you than a 'yes', or 'no'. Why didn't you ask her to clarify what she meant by the question?
  25. Yes but when Behe's books replaced the words creationism with intelligent design and creationist with intelligent design proponent shows his intentions. The fact the word creationism appeared in any form of his writing shows something fishy going on and the words are interchangeable in Behe's mind. Here is an article http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8061 you can find more info and the transcript by googling. That article doesn't mention Behe or Darwin's black box. Can intentions really fallacize logic? I fail to see how Behe using creationism and ID interchangably (which isn't even said in the article) would void the logic he uses to prove irreducible complexity?
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