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Everything posted by sligo

  1. Ok, instead of just listing your gripes, how would you make it better? (Oh, and as for the price, the price is determined by supply and demand, with the base line of high-alch price or purchase price. Yeah, 125k to purchase the amulet is pretty low for its power and rarity, but the market will determine what it's real value is) - Sligo
  2. You mentioned that I never comment on your threads. Maybe because I don't have a comment? Well, I think the only proper thing to do is put a notation on the listing that shows if the member has developed member-only skills. This doesn't say if they are a current member or a past member. Reason why I make this distinction is I'm not exactly sure if Jagex should indicate the people who are current members or not. By using the "skill exp > 0", the query is done with the data that's already there, as opposed to having to run a query to pull in their membership status. If the query isn't a problem, then you're idea is just fine as it is. - Sligo
  3. Yeah, not a new idea, but a good one. Simply enough, you have a right-click option on the friends list for "Notes" which opens a small notes field (255 characters is the standard size for most character fields). I suppose you can put this option on your ignore list as well. - Sligo
  4. Hmm. Good question. Can you replace it? Is it tradeable? Tough questions to say the least. What do you think? - Sligo
  5. I like this idea. In my usual way, let's see what I can do to enhance it. My first thought is this - I don't think we should duplicate existing teleport locations. So here's what I came up with: The Legends Amulet - a wizard-stone gem crafted into an amulet base, strung with magic root. The quest is getting the gem and getting it enchanted properly. You start at the legends guild - the guy there (whatever his name is) gives you this strange chromatic faceted gem and says that it was found down in the cave below. He'd like for you to check it out. You take it to the wizard's guild and they tell you what it is and how to enchant it. You go and make it (takes pretty high crafting, around 85 or 90) and bring it back. He puts the first enchantment on it. Now you have to go to every guild in RS - Champions, Heros, Warriors, Crafting, Cooking, Monestary, and Rogues Den. At each guild, you are asked to peform some special task. Once performed, the guild master adds his special enchantment to the amulet. Once complete, you return to the Legends guild and show it to the guildmaster there. He places his mark on it as well. He thanks you for your work and as a reward, you get to keep it. So, the teleports are to the gates of every guild in RS. Each teleport location has 3 charges. When used up, you talk to the guild master and he will reset the charges to that location for 2.5k (or comparable donation to the guild). What do you think? - Sligo
  6. I don't know how this would be the case. There are, unfortunately, people here on tipit who don't have a clue just like in RS. I don't know how many times I've reported posts to the moderators that broke the rules - everything from posting in the wrong forum to posting links to cheats or whatever. Here's what I'd like - a clan-specific world. In order to sign in to your clan world, you have to enter the secret code. Since the clan I'm in is non-pk, I'd be able to hunt down my wilderness clue scrolls without risk to my blood pressure. I can dream, but it ain't gonna happen. *sigh* - Sligo
  7. As I said, Tipit would have to pay for it. For that to happen, tipit would have to become a pay service. As much as I like tipit, I'd find it hard to justify paying to use tipit so I can use tipit's private server, in addition to paying for my rs membership. - Sligo
  8. This idea has merit, but it could easily be abused. I think the friends list would need some more features added for this to work properly. - Sligo
  9. Dude! Chill! I've just taken your idea and enhanced it into something that could potentially make a difference. You're right that beggars do mix it up and legitamate merchanters don't and shouldn't be penalized for being repetitive. The difference is this - my idea would stop the behavior. Cow's idea won't stop beggars (maybe 1 in a 1000 like I said earlier) and this idea: will encourage people to "beg" so they can get the screen shots and be silly running around as chickens. So, based on this discussion, my conclusion is this: 1. The thread idea is useless because it won't make any difference 2. My counter idea wouldn't do any good either because it would penalize people for being repetitive, not for begging. Since there's really no way the game code can identify a beggar without an extensive "AI", there's no way the game can, through programming, effectively stop this activity. - Sligo
  10. Interesting idea, but I'd rather just drink a super energy pot. It's got to be faster. - Sligo
  11. Some people use auto-typers to repeat a phrase over and over, flooding the chat window of everyone in the bank. Not only is this annoying to everyone else, but it is illegal. This event would put a quick stop to that practice. Also, what's wrong with saying something different every time? Instead of: "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" "Bank Sale!" ... Why not: "Bank sale, selling 10 items" "Bank sale, I have great stuff" "I'm having a bank sale!" "Bank sale, take a look and see" "Bank sale, including a rune medium" "Come and take a look at my bank sale" "Bank sale, trying to clean out junk" "Bank sale, lots of great stuff" "Selling great stuff! Check it out!" ... Think about it - which is annoying and which isn't? Which tells everyone else what you are selling and which isn't? It's not that I'm against merchanting. I'm against people being blatently annoying. And you know what? When I stand in a bank trying to sell stuff, I never repeat the same phrase over and over. I always mix it up with different words and phrases. It really isn't that hard to do. - Sligo
  12. Here are some goodbyes, L8r or Later ttfn (means ta ta for now) see ya (same as cya) take care be good As for hellos, I'm going to have to think up something original. But here's one I get on friends chat a lot: "How much is (rare item name)?" - Sligo
  13. To me, someone yelling "Bank Sale" repeatedly is just as annoying as someone yelling "Free Stuff Please" repeatedly. Here's the rub - to avoid this "event", you have to change up your chant. Like I said, imagine finding yourself in level 50 wilderness with an NPC yelling "Bank Sale!" following you around. - Sligo
  14. He gives you the sapphire when you promise to never do it again (the first time). That's the only time he EVER gives you something. Now, just imagine, getting transported to level 50 wilderness with an NPC following you yelling "Bank Sale!" over and over.... Muwahahahaha! - Sligo
  15. I think this is a classic example of supply and demand. This type of rare has a high enough level of demand that pushes those prices much higher than their high-alch value. However, since barrows equipment and other options (obby shield, etc) have been added to the game, demand for dragon equipment has dropped a bit, causing the lower prices. Why legs are the same? Hard to say - probably because there are more male players wanting legs than there are female players wanting skirts, but the chance of getting either is the same. Remember one thing, though. Any published price you see on a forum or price list is an estimate or average based on the data those researchers were able to obtain. If I have a d-chain, and I offer to sell it to you for 10 coins, then the price of it is 10 coins. That's the beauty of a free market - there are no arbitrary price controls stating that a buyer and seller have to agree on a published price. Whatever price you agree on is the price of that item, for that sale. Though RS's economy is based on the free-market principle, there is the arbitrary baseline of an item's high-alch value. This affects prices of things like yew longs and mage shorts, but since people don't typically high-alch dragon stuff, that baseline doesn't apply. - Sligo
  16. Here's an idea - create a new "random" event that occurs if you repeat the same phrase 4 or more times. This random event will be as follows: A ragged human will appear and will say your name, then the phrase you have been repeating over and over. If you ignore him, you will be teleported to Lumbridge and this guy will follow you, repeating the same thing over and over for 10 minutes. Even if you log out or teleport, he'll still follow you for 10 minutes of game time. If you talk to him, he'll give you message about how being repetitive is annoying to other players. He'll ask you if you promise to never do it again, he'll give you a sapphire. If you don't promise, he'll do the following around thing to you. Now, once you've promised to not do it again, and if you do it again, he'll reappear and tell you that you've broken a promise. He will steal the most valuable item (based on high-alch value) from you and proceed to annoy you for 10 minutes. His words will show up in your chat window as if they were from a friend (i.e. transmitting to the friends chat). This way he doesn't clutter up people's chat windows. Also, his words will appear in a lighter yellow on the screen (a color unavailable via chat effects) so other players know to ignore him. How's that? - Sligo Edit: You know, I'm thinking the teleport locations should be different. The first offense, the teleport location is Lumbridge The second offense, the teleport location is the south tip of Remmington The third offense, the teleport location is the Zammy temple north of Falador The fourth offense (and all there after) is a random location in the wilderness higher than level 30.
  17. Nice idea, prolly not going to happen unless Tipit pays for it. But if they do it for Tipit, then they'd have to do it for everyone else that requests it (my clan? woot! woot! - no pkers!), and I doubt Jagex would be willing to go that route. Besides, why do you think there'd be no beggars? Free stuff please!!!! (just kidding) - Sligo
  18. I live in texas and the cowboy thing is just overrated and nobody is like that. We don't wear cowboy hats, ride horses, and crary guns. (sorry but I just hear it al the time and it bothers me) To be truthful, the only "Cowboy" I've ever known that had a huge "trash-can lid" belt buckle was from Indiana. He just wanted everyone to think he was from Texas. It's been over 20 years since I've seen him, but I remember his belt buckle was about 6-8 inches across and 4-6 inches tall. This just goes to show - there's more than corn in Indiana. - Sligo
  19. I'm familiar with the bank page suggestion. It's well thought out and if this is what you are suggesting, then I'm all for it. However, you'd be making a duplicate post which the mods don't particulary care for, which is why I thought you were simply asking for more bank space from the get go. Hundreds of F2Pers want agilty, farming, construction, theiving, slayer... What's the difference? I said that this has to do with the supposed war between f2p'ers and p2p'ers. I don't deny that people in F2P want what people in P2P have. I don't blame you for that. Yes, it does erase the bad words. Every time some clever noob comes up with a new way to spell a bad word, Jagex has to block it, too. Which makes the censor rules more and more complicated, and more aggrevating for the rest of us. Do they need to work on it? Yes. Do they already know about it? Yes. Cook a lobster and carry it around with you for 3 days and then eat it. Tell me if it makes you sick or if it heals the bruise on your knee. Who said RS had to be realistic? I could care less if people can sit on the benches in RS or not. I would never do it becaue I have no need to do it. Like I said, you don't gain any skills from it, so why should I waste my time? Besides, if I sit still for 60 seconds, the games going to log me out anyway.
  20. As "cute" as this idea is, I really don't think it will make any difference in the game at all. You think the people who stand around and beg paid any attention to what they saw on Tutorial Island? But hey, if it keeps one person in a thousand from begging, then sure, why the heck not? - Sligo
  21. Ok, fine. Then tell me: 1. How is it defined? 2. How is it enforced? 3. What is the penalty? Is in-game harrassment as serious a crime as auto-ing? Or password scamming? These will get your account banned. Is it as serious as using foul language? This will get you muted for 3 days and put a black mark on your account. Ok, so maybe you can mute the offender. Doesn't keep them from following you. Simply speaking, the rules, as written, are sufficient. This is a freaking game, people! Get over it! There are people who think its fun to annoy other people and make them mad. By getting mad at them, you are doing exactly what they want and they are getting their way. When you get this through your head you'll realize that this rule is not needed at all because you realize that when you respond to the taunts, you are the one being the noob. Think about it. They follow you and beg from you. You decide to get mad at them and curse them. They report you. You end up with the black mark, not them. They have done nothing wrong. A review of the log has your name next to the curse words, not theirs. - Sligo
  22. Not getting into the whole F2P vs P2P argument, let's break this down: 1. New bank page. Ok, yeah, it would be nice for f2p'ers to have more bank space, but since no new items have been added to f2p, I don't see the purpose. Generally, the only time P2P gets any new bank space is when a new skill is added. 2. F2P fletching. Hmm. Can't really discuss this one because it is the F2P/P2P argument. 3. New word censor. What, you want to censor new words? This doesn't make sense. Oh. You want to change the way it works. Sorry, Jagex has control of that and the only way they will change it is when those who insist on trying to find bypasses for it quit doing it. (i.e. it almost always gets more restrictive, rarely less) 4. Ability to sit down. Why? You gain no experience in any skill while sitting. It doesn't serve any purpose. Frankly, I'm surprised they allow it in Construction, but it goes along with the whole "sit down for a cuppa tea" thing. 5. Official F2P forums. Same as #2. As F2P, you are still able to read the official forums. If you take the time to read the stickied rules topics in the Suggestions forum, you'll see that all these things are on the list of "do not post suggestions about..." I wonder why.
  23. You guys just don't seem to understand economics! Why is coal maintained price but yews and big fish decreased? Let's look at supply and demand: 1. Coal: Supply remains constant because there are no new sources of coal. The increased amount of players increasing the supply is compenstated by the increased amount of players needing coal. Thus, the price remains stable. 2. Yews: With the advent of cross bows which require different types of wood (specifically, teak & mahogany), and the advent of construction, demand for yews has decreased, but the supply has remained about the same. Thus a decrease in price. 3. Lobbies, swordies and sharks: The advent of new types of food: Tuna-potatoes and monkfish, specifically, have given alternatives to the more traditional food sources. Yet the supply of the traditional food sources has remained the same. Thus, a decrease in the price. Here are some predictions: 1. Law: Laws will inevitably decrease in price because there are more and more alternative teleportation and transportation routes (fairy rings, canoes, ships, etc). However, since these points are relatively fixed, and do not necessarily coincide with the teleport locations, the decrease in law prices will not be significant. I don't see them going below 500 except in large quantities. 2. Addy & Mith: I think these prices will increase a bit because of cross bows. Mid-level players will be willing to pay for bolts rather than make them, thus spurring a greater demain for the mid-level metals. 3. Gems: Everything from pearls and opals thru dragonstone will increase in price. Again, cross bows. One note about the cross bows. I think this will be short-lived. Cross bows are the "new and cool thing" right now, but a lot of people will likely switch back to their traditional ranging weaponry for a variety of reasons - mainly, bows are faster and the arrows cost less to make. These are just my observations. I could be wrong you know! - Sligo
  24. Last week I gave away a Sara skirt. I don't look good in them, so it wasn't a big loss for me. However, that person is committed to bringing me some stuff, but nothing close to the retail value of the skirt. - Sligo P.S. I did try on the skirt just to see what it looked like. Man, my legs are ugly!
  25. You realize that if you never initiate a trade with these people, their scam will never work. Best way I know of to prevent scamming. - Sligo
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