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Everything posted by Lionheart_0

  1. I very much enjoyed the movie. I never grew up with "Transformers" So much as "Beast Wars" (An animal version of Transformers in the same graphics as reboot), but these two movies were pretty much all that I think there could be expected. Robots fighting, with a whole plot based on the past. Although the whole fallen thing was a bit "iffy" in terms of plot, it still worked, and especially when it came to the matrix and the primes. The only single disappointment I have with the movies so far is with Optimus Prime. He himself isn't represented as the whole hearted and thoughtful leader that I grew up to know.
  2. Just moved this to MMT.
  3. I have decided this thread does not need cleaning, but it needs a final warning. This thread is for Call of Duty: WORLD AT WAR. Please understand that means you speak about WaW here, not Modern Warfare. If you wish to speak about Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, use this thread. Now comparison of two games, is fine. The bashing of another, is not.
  4. Fires a Beaver at your face. Shush you. After going to Montreal a month ago, I have a new found respect for French Canadians, and they are awesome and very nice people, much like the rest of us Canadians. I dunno, what I will be doing today, but perhaps I will go enjoy the great outdoors. Oh and if other Canadians don't already know, all the Mandarin restaurants are giving out a free meal to people who can prove their Canadian citizenship. That and the comedy network (if you get it) is playing Corner Gas all day long.
  5. Happy Canada Day! To all all my fellow Canadians, have a great day! And be proud to be part of one of the best nations ever. Necessary video: Post what your are gonna be doing on this fine day :D !
  6. The Sims: Bustin out came out for all three of those systems (GC, PS2, Xbox). I got it for Xbox, and it seemed to be very awesome to me. I found it very enjoyable. Dunno if its still up, but I think the ps2 version had an online to it.
  7. Are there mushrooms and a snake?
  8. I swear this is the fastest growing thread I have ever seen in my life. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/threa ... 9410&sid=1
  9. I tried the 10 day trial, and played for about 3 days. Wasn't boring, I just needed to play WoW to do some raids/ farm gold. I have to say that it really is a good game, and that the combat is fairly good (although slightly clunky feeling), but the story telling seems to be the best thing.
  10. Actually those walking trees are pretty awesome, as half the community hates them cause they almost unkillable. That said, if you want to be feral end game, you will probably be a tank. Very very rarely do I see kitty dps druids at end game. BTW, I was on the PTR, and the new Battle ground is amazing. Getting the hanger then riding the air ship to the base, then seeing about 10-20 parachuting bears (all the premades have amani war bears) go to the ground is amazing. Oh and shamans on the ptr have a bug that if you put the elemental totems in your hotbar (the earth and fire one into the new hotbar) and then use the one shot button to summon all the totems, it ignores the cool down on the elemental totems and you can have them both up all the time. The hot bar sure does help for pvp.
  11. Despite the profession reviews I have read that say it's crap, it's actually a really good movie. The start and end are really fast, but it is made up for in the middle.
  12. The game technically is free, so you are torrenting the whole version of the game. The demo is just the account type.
  13. Ya you can't put creatures in vehicles, as the game thinks that all of them already manned. Thus the AI for them is almost like AI for creatures. I am fairly certain you can't make yourself even be on top of one while it moves. They are more just units. Your creatures can't be inside buildings either, but there are ways to simulate this. You can create a normal building, but then make a separate building which is a door. You make a teleporter that looks like a door, and place that teleporter where the door of the building should be. Then somewhere else on the map, you create what could be the inside of that building out of other buildings, and place the teleporter there to simulate the door out. I spent a great deal of time playing some of the pre-built adventures yesterday, then going into the editor and figuring out how they did certain things. The greatest challenge that anyone will have with building adventures is figuring out the AI and the goals.
  14. Anyone else get the game today? It's amazing so far. I'm making a whole series based on insect creatures. It is very time consuming, but it is worth it.
  15. It only is in PvP really. PvE is just about knowing where to place them. Blizzard will fix that next patch with a button that drops them all, so it's easier to move around and just plop them down.
  16. No pick something else, there are enough paladins and death knights.
  17. After some talk with other mods and admins, I have to lock this thread. The discussion of news and other such things are acceptable, but please do not admit to or discuss the details of actually downloading something illegal on the forums. I suggest using a site like http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest to test if you can run (and how well you can run) a game. Locked.
  18. 12°C is not cold. Thats just right. Cold is -10°C or bellow.
  19. :wall: JRPGs aren't about difficulty, they are about story.
  20. If you are trying to go tank, don't worry about dps. I'm a tank and I am lucky if I break 1.5k DPS. Tanks worry about survivability, not offensive ability. That said you still need some hit rating and expertise to tank. If you are looking to do some DPS work on a warrior though, I think arms I the way to go right now. Nadril kicked [wagon] on his arms warrior.
  21. 1. Wrong forum 2. We don't like people telling others how to or linking to illegal things. Take roms for example. We allow discussion to some extent, but we don't allow people to link to them. Sorry, locked.
  22. Got T7.5 Shoulders last night. Hopefully I can get out of my titan stuff from WG soon, but I checked and it will be very hard for me to find an improvment. Edit: Get your battle-bot !!! http://www.mountaindewgamefuel.com/
  23. So I dunno if this has been said, but Penumbra is a pretty scary series. I just bought the whole pack on steam of $5 yesterday. Scariest thing I have ever seen. Penumbra: Overture (First Episode) [hide=][yt]YaXDvR2sw-4[/yt][/hide] Penumbra: Black Plauge (Second Episode - Way scarrier!) [hide=][yt]FWcmA_S8Ymg[/yt][/hide] (Just to add, the sale is now over.)
  24. I am closing this for two reason. 1. The topic is hypocritical. You don't want people to post about loosing the game (Which, might I add, how often is this posted about? I don't see it), yet you created a topic where every time a person bumps it and posts, it will make other loose the game. This is spam in itself. 2. To go along with the last sentence of #1, I am sure there is a topic still kicking around (although it must be old) abou this, so most of the community knows about it and there is no reason to make a post about the game to inform others. If you have any feedback about the forums themselves, please post here: viewforum.php?f=90 Yes I know that I bumped the topic by posting this, but it had to be done. Locked
  25. I think it's something to do witht he free hugs campaign. Started a lot of people in schools to start up unnofficial free hug days here. Probably spread from that.. That said, I really need a hug :(
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