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Everything posted by Cruiser

  1. People that steal RS account in no shape or form deserve to be talked about as 'hackers'. They're script kiddies and most of them don't even deserve that label. Most of the keyloggers they go around using are simply downloaded, set to upload to an ftp account and distributed. Alot of them don't even bother trying to hide the fact it's a keylogger either. One of them that one of the IRC opers had the joy of ripping apart even left the spash screen on it that says "xxxx keylogger by xxxxx inc.". Was rather funny. Was even better when he found out the idiot had keylogged himself after getting in to the FTP account it was sending the info to. :lol: As long as you practice basic computer security by not downloading random files posted by people and by using a strong password you have very, very little to worry about. If someone has the skill to actually hack your machine in the true sense of the term (without you actually doing anything, like installing a keylogger), you have far more important things to worry about than your RS account.
  2. Lesser used != slower He was just pointing out that USB is far more wide spread than FireWire. :P
  3. You get the ban message if it was a server ban, not the annoying 'Software caused connection abort' error. Have you checked to see if your firewall/router allows connections via port 6667? Also, are you on some kind of school/uni/work network? If you are, they could be blocking the connection with a hardware firewall somewhere between you and the IRC server. Edit: You might also try connecting on any port between 6660 and 6669, port 6697 or 7000. 6697 is typically for SSL connections but the server isn't set up for SSL at the moment.
  4. Do you have a firewall blocking xchat or port 6667? Check to make sure xchat is allowed to connect to anywhere and that port 6667 is allowed to be used for connections.
  5. What software are you looking at using? Just saying 'server software' leaves us kinda blind because there's mountains upon mountains of it. Typical web server setup? Storage? Kinda need to narrow it down a bit. :? If you're looking for a newbie linux desktop to try out, most people will throw Ubuntu at you simply because it's fairly well polished and works with just about anything right out of the box. Being able to use it as a live cd without installing anything to just poke around is nice too (even tho several distros have a live cd). The support forums are also fairly helpful if you go about searching and asking useful questions.
  6. Kinda obvious the url has already been taken care of because its been censored. It should be forwarded to an admin so the user can be banned if needed.
  7. If he doesn't already know how to make one, throwing code at him to do it isn't going to help the matter along any. How is he going to use the PHP script you just gave him if he doesn't know anything about PHP in the first place? People asking for random chunks of code like this usually don't have a use for them or the means to actually do anything with it. :?
  8. *points out the fact this thread was dead for well over a month*
  9. They use to parse the same html page you view normally, removing the html and manipulating it untill they could extract the information they wanted. Jagex recently released a lite hiscores page for those project to use, making it much easier for the fan projects and much lighter on the bandwidth bill for both sides.
  10. That would mean your DNS cache still has the old address on hand. It will stop working for you as soon as the entry in your cache expires. They purposely changed it with the addition of the lite hiscores to try and force people scrapping the pages to move to the lite version.
  11. You tell me to provide evidence, then you go and say "I am 100% positive" without providing any proof yourself. A bit hypocritical there. Yes TV ads use large fonts and bright colors to get your attention. That's the tactic for trying to sell you a product, not provide factual information to sway someones opinion. If you were providing a report from some study to a group for review, you wouldn't go putting key statements in bright orange or underlined red just to try to make your point more believable. If anything, doing that makes you less believable because you have to rely on attention grabbers to make your point, just like advertisers have to do to get people to look at an ad. If people care about the subject, they'll read it on their own without the funky colors added to it. Last I checked these forums and RS still existed in the real world. The rules of life still apply. If you don't like seeing people get rejected because someone else did it better, you might want to just go lock yourself in a closet for the rest of your life. :? Where did I mention company projects? Yeah I mentioned money, but that could be personal cash spent on a school project, a home repair or who knows what else. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Just because you spent what you consider a lot of time working on something doesn't automatically mean you are going to get a good response or get the best possible grade on it. People reject free help all the time. The homeless communities in many cities are an example. There are countless programs out there to get people off the streets and help them get their lives on track so they can get a job and live a better life, yet we still have homeless people that refuse to take advantage of that and keep living the way they are. Keeping the clutter down is much more important than pleasing everyone that feels they need to provide the community with their version of a guide that's most likely already been posted. You may want to reread my post then. The only part of the post that has nothing to do with this thread (which you are taking overboard to counter the point) is the 'for less money' part. Take those 3 words out and everything I said in my reply is related to this thread. If you think my reply was flaming, you seriously need to get off your high horse and look around a bit. If I was flaming you I would have called this thread stupid, pointless, a waste of bandwidth and told you that your spelling sucks, which I did not. Instead, I replied (thinking you'd get it) with why you don't need to use funky colors and big text and gave short example explaining why complaining about 2 hours of lost time isn't all that important compared to bigger projects that could get trashed. I guess I wasted my time too. Gonna give me my 10 minutes back?
  12. Adding color and large text to your posts doesn't make them any more convincing. The moderators here have job to do, and that job is to keep the forum organized and clean. If there is a better written, more usefull guide, tough luck, out do the other poster next time. There is absolutely no reason to keep several different threads around that all say the exact same thing. If you think having 2 hours of your time wasted is bad, try spending weeks or months working on a project only to have it rejected because someone else did it better for less money and in a shorter amount of time. That's life. Get use to it.
  13. Bank of America is a pretty common base for phishing emails. Good thing you didn't click that link. :mrgreen: If you'd like to report it to them you can foward the email you got to [email protected] so they can work on cleaning it up. You can read this page if you want to confirm the email address to send to just in case.
  14. Did you bother checking if you actually had avatars turned on in the admin panel?
  15. It will revert back to whatever it came from the factor with. If you upgraded it to Vista from the version of XP it came with, it will revert to XP. If it came with Vista from the factory, that is what it will revert to. Have you tried running any kind of virus or spyware scans to see if it will clean up the virus? Tried starting up in safe mode to see if space is still eaten away? ----- Edit: Spelling
  16. If you post a screen shot of the Spacemonger window (after running it and getting all the colored boxes) we should be able to help you figure out what is taking up space.
  17. That's rather easy. Leave the information field blank. Is that so hard to do? Them not being in full control of their own security is their own problem, not ours. Removing a feature because some people are too stupid to spend 30 seconds thinking about their own security will never fix anything. It will just make them, once again, magic words, find another way to get it done. I said it above, let me say it again. You can leave the field blank. That is the same as saying 'no' to the feature while the rest of us can still freely use it. Do I need to repeat it a third time? Are we finally clear that the feature is already voluntary and secure if the user so chooses (as you personally stated you chose to do)? I know there are millions of naive (the correct spelling) users on the internet. I know they do stupid things. I'd much rather have them do stupid things and remove themselves from the network than have to deal with them constantly dragging down the rest of us. I also know there will be untold numbers of predators (again, correct spelling) on the internet. Removing MSN buttons on a game fan site doesn't fix it. If you remove those buttons, guess what, they'll initiate the exact same MSN conversation via your PM one-on-one suggestion. Joining a volunteer organization to hunt down those predators and rehabilitate them in the real world does fix your target problem. Your intentions are well meaning, but misplaced if you intend to fix the online predator problem. Proof of these kidnappings? News articles? Something I can read that doesn't come from just your fingers? People can get kidnapped and/or sexually assaulted because they go walking at night too. I don't see walking at night getting banned. Repeat after me. Educate the user. Do not remove their freedom. Once again, removing features here doesn't fix that problem. You need to go educate people about keeping their information safe. There are more than likely several hundred users around here that could do the exact same thing you say you could do. That doesn't make it any more dangerous. Playing wack-a-mole with every possible avenue of information disclosure will lead to a dead forum that nobody wants to use. Your predator argument also has much more involved and wide spread ways of fighting it that you seem to be ignoring just to push your point. Yes, and 'technically' it is the parents job to monitor their children until that age. Not ours. If they do something stupid because the parent wasn't watching their every move, guess what, it's the parents fault. So go educate the community. Post a guide about protecting your personal information and how to avoid scams, predators and the boogy man if you feel like it. If people have interest, they will read it and follow the advise and protect themselves. If not, oh well, that was their decision.
  18. Using SpaceMonger to look into what is eating your hard drive space would be useful. Then you can look into the files that are growing and take care of them more directly. Contacting the company you got the laptop from would probably be the best place to start looking for a replacement CD for Office. If it came as part of the system you should be able to get a replacement installation cd for free or just the cost of shipping. Trying what Brandon suggested with the trial software may also work.
  19. DVI is a white square connector. VGA is blue and shaped like a trapezoid with round corners. As long as you have the ports on the monitors to hook to the computer (and cables) it should work fine.
  20. Evidence, proof, it doesn't matter. You're making claims you are not backing up. Unless you can provide FACTS and not just claims that you know this information, those arguments are worthless. Just because you haven't noticed it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. You can most likely bet money on the fact that there has been some kind of major attempt on your account that you don't know about. Jagex chose to try to baby the players in game by banning any type of personal info. That was their choice and doesn't mean it should get filtered out to the fan sites. People use the fan sites specifically because the Jagex chat and forums are so limited and overly protective. The importance of those rules is just personal opinion. If people were educated about who and where to give personal information, the rules would have 0 use but instead they out right ban it. There needs to be a shift in how people treat their personal information online, not just cherry picking of features for removal because they could be a danger to the idiots of the world. Instead of spending your time trying to take away MSN here, how about you go to somewhere like Myspace and tell people that actively publish their address how to not get kidnapped. I'd say that's much more important than trying to stop a bunch of teenagers from losing their pixels.
  21. Being gone all weekend, I didn't have a chance to reply to some early things, this quote fits nicely though. You stated earlier "I have evidence that i cant share for confidentiality reasons that the button does pose a real danger.". This is like me saying I work at a data center that hosts Jagex servers. Working there gives me physical access to the server and nothing would stop me from touching the box. I could go around saying I have physical access to Jagex source code and you have absolutely zero way of confirming that. Your stating you have confidential info and the percentages of tip.it users that would fall for this is nothing more than empty 'facts' trying to sway opinions. If you have said information, cough it up and prove your point with hard information thats provable, not "I have this but can't show you" information. And where does this stop? You add these warnings, users see them for a second before clicking past it and inputing the information they wanted to put there in the first place. You see them ignoring the warning, so you add more, and the snowball keeps rolling and gets more and more annoying. If they aren't already reading the page they are putting info into and seeing the warning, no amount of nannying is going to help them. On top of that, adding warning after warning will just annoy the rest of the population that doesn't need to be nannied. If Tip.it goes far enough, they will leave for a more open community. I know I sure as hell would. As stated earlier, you cut off that method, they'll move to another without thinking twice. It's akin to the RIAA/MPAA fight against piracy. Chop off the head of one pirate site, 5 more pop up to replace it on top of the wide spread news that it happened, only increasing the population and making the problem worse. One of the largest torrent trackers is a prime example. It was taken down during a raid on their data center (which resulted in several hundred unrelated, legitimate business servers being seized, much like our legitimately used MSN buttons). They were down all of 3 days and when they came back up they had multiple redundant backups set up in multiple countries, effectively rendering the raid useless and making it that much harder to take it back down again. I said it earlier in the thread and I'll say it again, trying to baby players won't help anything. Better they learn how to take care of themselves by losing pixels than by losing their financial information or identity. Additionally, since I was gone all weekend: If you are a Pmod or Fmod and have been anywhere where your status is public, yes you have. If you believe you haven't, you don't have any serious grasp on how the evil RS underground works. Even if you are a normal player, you most likely have had attempts by random people that see you in game thinking they can score on a weak password.
  22. Just because there is enough trust put in someone to mod a forum that is already locked down beyond belief doesn't automatically give that person more weight in the discussion on a totally unrelated system. Just because I help admin the Tip.It IRC server doesn't automatically give me a say in how Efnet or any other IRC network runs their systems. (With that said, I guess I better spit out the required "this entire post is my personal opinion and not that of Tip.It" line...) On top of that, before forum mods from RSO go advocating changes here, they need to be advocating changes on Jagex's own systems. There has been a flaw in their login system for years that allows complete control of someones session if the wrong link is pasted between users. It works for the forums, message center, polls, everything. A security flaw like that is far more dangerous to Jagex's own users than some social engineering done via MSN simply because people assume Jagex knows what they're doing and have secured their system in every way possible. We've had to filter out the effected links on IRC just to keep people from accidentally compromising themselves because of it. I've reported it multiple times only to get ignored by the Web crew who instead wastes their time on a worthless, slow loading, java login applet that does nothing more than add a shiny animation (that's easily spoofed at that) to the login page. Removal of the MSN links (I'm assuming you'd want AIM, Yahoo and ICQ removed too, if not this whole discussion is worthless) doesn't really help much when people are still free to communicate at will via PM and other means. All removing the buttons does is shift the target medium to another protocol and method. Instead of grabbing an MSN email, you get PM'ed via the board and escalated into the scam that way. If that is removed, public posts can popup that people will STILL fall for. Even RS itself is deficient in stopping scam attempts and website advertising in game. Just a few attempts at circumventing the ingame chat filter will show you how insanely easy it is. The only way you are ever going to stop attempts at scamming is to cut off all means of communication that relies on input from a user. Short of doing that, the scammers will find other ways of luring people into the scam. Even if you did do that, the scammer would just move outside the authoritative little world that person controls and continue on luring people in where you can't do anything about it. All the scam sites found via google are a prime example. Jagex can shut them down with copyright notices and lawyers, but it's a worthless effort when another will just pop up under another name at a different provider to carry on the process. There will always be ways to scam someone out of their information. Better it be a harmless RuneScape account than their SSN or other much more personal information that could destroy their lives for years to come. You can warn people till you're blue in the face and there will always be people that will still have to learn the hard way because they didn't listen to the warnings. Babying people by protecting them from the RS boogy man doesn't help them learn to deal with bigger problems that could come up in life that could have far greater consequences.
  23. Will be quite the beast once you get it built. The only thing I would suggest is getting an OEM copy of XP pro instead of retail. Will save you $150.
  24. Here's a list of bugs (most of which are patched) since that's what you asked for. The hardware requirements themselves should be considered a bug too, but that's just my take on it. I had major issues with networking working correctly after 4 hours of digging threw the system on a brand new laptop. UAC isn't really a bug but is annoying as hell when you're trying to get things done quickly on the admin side. Can't really say much more personally since it got replaced with XP a few hours after the networking headaches. Sadly, getting XP up and running 100% on unsupported hardware with the software I needed went faster than the 4 hours of network troubleshooting. :?
  25. That extra 5kb actually adds another second to the load time on a 56k connection, not .1 seconds. 56kbps = 7kb/s = 4.2 seconds to load 30kb signature under perfect conditions. Add 5kb (35kb sig), you get 6 seconds of load time for one signature. This doesn't factor in overhead either, decreasing that 7kb/s. We went over this many, many times in the last huge thread about signature sizes. If you want to advertise something, use the advertising sticky or use a link to the page/image. It doesn't belong in a signature. The posts are what matters, not some funky little image people think should be 50kb. Additionally, I point you to this reply by Albosky on the matter.
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