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Everything posted by tripsis

  1. Quite possibly. This exact same model 'saved' LOTRO. It seems to work. I like SWTOR a lot, but my problem was that I was just bored of this kind of MMO. I think I spent too much time playing LOTRO, which is the exact same kind of quest, level up, quest, crafting, level up, quest, quest, quest type of game. It was fun for a while but it gets boring.
  2. Ohh Dexter. :P I was going to read those but never finished XD I read the first one and kind of stopped there. I liked them, but I think the fact that it was exactly the same as the TV show (so there were no surprises) turned me off.
  3. I guess I'm honestly just not a huge fan of Tolkien's writing style. It kind of bores me. D: I enjoyed The Hobbit, which has a very different writing style, but not LotR. And I found LotR to be really lacking in emotion. Like Arwen and Aragorn's relationship practically doesn't exist in the books (it's described outside of the trilogy). But I loved that addition in the movies. And in general, the stories are extremely action packed and I felt like the films do a better job of doing that justice. Anyway. I'm currently reading False Memory by Dan Krokos. I'm loving it so far! Really cool story about genetically altered teenage government experiments/fighters :D
  4. In general I like the Lord of the Rings movies so much better than the book. :/
  5. Time for a new release of the: >>>Tip.It Times!<<< WRITE FOR THE TIMES - SUBMIT A GUEST ARTICLE: Remember, YOU can write an article for the Tip.It Times! You can apply to write full time, or just submit a "one-off" guest article any time you want! Our editors will work with you to ensure that your article is ready for publication. All guest articles can be submitted to @tripsis or any other Editorial Panel member. For more information, including details on how to apply full time, read this forum thread: http://forum.tip.it/topic/209138-how-to-write-for-the-tipit-times/ I'd like to remind people of the rules pertaining to Times threads: [hide=Read these rules before posting in this thread] [/hide] When replying please make sure to clarify the article you are replying to! Thanks! If you spot any typos or mistakes in an article then please PM them to @tripsis. :) Enjoy the articles!
  6. Yeah as MageUK said, this wasn't a feature that we created or removed. This was purely on IPB's end and for some reason they chose to remove it. If there's enough demand, maybe it will reappear in a later version.
  7. I haven't played LOTRO much, only the starting area, so I can't comment on how it got saved by microtransactions. Do you mean it received an influx of players, increasing game population, then a few of them decided to pay for microtransactions? I'm not sure if that will work on RS, as we already have a poorly masked microtransactions model based on chance. Besides, an increase of experience, while worthwhile for some players, will make many more people feel cheated. We tend to base our opinions on other players on how much experience they have, and suddenly offering experience straight up to the people willing to pay for it will change the culture of the game even more than the EOC, making more members leave as "the game just isn't for them". LOTRO recieved a huge influx of players, with the result of tripling their revenue (according to wikipedia), even though a smaller percentage of their players were spending as much. I agree that a lot of members would leave, but a larger player base and a lower barrier to entry for purchases might lead to more revenue for Jagex as well. Now, it's certainly not a panacaea, and I agree with everyone's comments that their PR is abominable; that may well kill the effort. If they are having as much financial trouble as the article indicates, though, I think they'd be fools not to try. Well LOTRO's microtransaction model is completely different from RuneScape's. Current RuneScape: you're F2P and get a "demo" version of the game, or you're P2P and get the entire game. Thusfar the microtransactions are extras, and as decebal said, they're mostly based on chance. In LOTRO you can pay a pricey subscription fee to get the entire game, or you can literally buy bits and pieces of the game (buy certain quests, buy certain regions, etc.). Sure there's a cosmetic store and other kinds of boosts available for money (microtransactions), but I think what really saved the game and resulted in more players/revenue is the F2P "buy as you go" business model.
  8. Yay I have heard lots of great things about it! :)
  9. I'm currently in the process of sending out PMs. :) If you don't make the team - don't worry! EVERYONE is welcome to attend our public events, and if we see you around at a lot of events and get to know you, we may send you an invitation to join the team! So don't feel like this is your only chance!
  10. Fixed so that should no longer happen.
  11. So... here's my latest stack of books in my "to be read" pile. I'm slowly making my way through them: And this isn't even counting ebooks! Just for fun, because my cat is adorable
  12. Microsoft Security Essentials is pretty good for a free anti-virus.
  13. Thanks to everyone who applied. :) Applications are now closed and we'll be contacting applicants over the next few days!
  14. Time for a new release of the: >>>Tip.It Times!<<< WRITE FOR THE TIMES - SUBMIT A GUEST ARTICLE: Remember, YOU can write an article for the Tip.It Times! You can apply to write full time, or just submit a "one-off" guest article any time you want! Our editors will work with you to ensure that your article is ready for publication. All guest articles can be submitted to @tripsis or any other Editorial Panel member. For more information, including details on how to apply full time, read this forum thread: http://forum.tip.it/topic/209138-how-to-write-for-the-tipit-times/ I'd like to remind people of the rules pertaining to Times threads: [hide=Read these rules before posting in this thread] [/hide] When replying please make sure to clarify the article you are replying to! Thanks! If you spot any typos or mistakes in an article then please PM them to @tripsis. :) Enjoy the articles!
  15. I'm totally excited about her upcoming book Carnival of Souls!!
  16. I'll ask our super awesome techie about this. :) He manually added it in the previous version and I think he just forgot to add it again.
  17. I saw it and absolutely loved it! I might have even liked it better than The Dark Knight but I can't know for certain until I see the movie again. :P Sometimes I just have that "first time having seen the movie" glow and after watching it again I realize that I didn't like it better. Either way, I just thought it was totally awesome!
  18. Currently reading Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff. Supposedly a "Japanese Steampunk novel with mythic creatures, civil unrest, and a strong female protagonist." Sounds like it should be awesome and I hope it is :P (I'm only 32 pages in).
  19. Guy wants to kill a bunch of people, a theatre premiering a really popular movie would probably be the best place to do it. Well yeah, but I wonder why he wanted to kill a bunch of people in the first plage. ==== This is so sad.. I read about it this morning. And to think some of my family lives in Denver :/ Luckily they didn't go to that movie..
  20. I don't think I've been noticing this myself but I'll pass it along. EDIT: Apparently there's a bugfix in version 3.3.4 (which I think we'll be upgrading to soon) to do with topic marking. That might solve it. :)
  21. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v194/cazzyae/2012-06-01143821.jpg That was the day I got it! :D
  22. Unfortunately we can't add this right now because it is a personal site and isn't a 'reputable' or 'trusted' image host. I'm sure you're not out there grabbing IPs, but we do have to draw the line somewhere and we chose to draw it at personal sites. If you were to expand this and develop it into a more well known and trusted signature hosting site, we might be able to consider it. But right now it's very much a personal site used by a close group of friends so it doesn't meet our criteria. Sorry. What is well known for you? Because TFS, as the largest F2p clan in runescape, includes over 150 people in our spreadsheet, that's a bit more than "a close group of friends" :P We just had to find a way to keep our hiscores even if Jagex doesn't allow us. -Med- Well known for us would be something that is commonly known throughout the entire RuneScape community. Like take RSBandB -- they have a really well set up, very well known, and very popular site. They probably have thousands of people using their signatures and they are a Jagex recognized site. While that's not required, it does help "establish" a website. Another thing we consider is how fleshed out a website is. Like if you compare yours to RSBandB, yours has no design and isn't that fleshed out. In terms of functionality it's fine, but try to look at it from the standpoint of an outsider. If someone looks at a website with no design, and then compares it to one that does have a design and a very fleshed out website, they'll probably "trust" the latter one much more. I'm sorry to put you on the spot like this, but I'm just trying to help you understand where we're coming from. Until you made this request, no one on the admin team had heard of your site. We're much more inclined to accept websites that are very well known around the entire RuneScape community, are recognized by Jagex, have thousands of visitors, and/or have a well established community. The whole point of this feature is to disallow any personal sites or "not very well known" sites because we have to protect our users from people who are farming IPs. That usually comes from "not very well known" sites and clan sites, so that's where we're drawing the line. I'm sorry it came down to this, but I hope you can see it from our point of view. We're just trying to be as fair as possible and it's not fair if we allow in some personal/smaller/less known sites, but not others. Feel free to send me a PM If you have any further questions.
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