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Everything posted by ortiz9471

  1. Honestly, there should be no need for a bank pin and recovery questions at all. I don't care if 99% of the RS community was hackers, if you don't use 3rd party software and don't tell anybody your password, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY TO GET HACKED. It's not like somebody can say hi and magically keylog your computer. It just doesn't work. Basically, to be hacked you have to do something against the rules. If you're breaking the rules, then you can go get hacked everyday for all I care.
  2. Way to kill Guthans. For the leecher, at least. For the leech? Just no. Not well thought out at all.
  3. TBH, I think 52 prayer kills people. My friend has 70 prayer (good for his level) and he ko'es a lot of people while they are taking prayer pots more frequently then him.
  4. what if their fate was to be killed by this book? What if that's what god had in mind for them?
  5. I would say the Korean, but that's just judging from 1 picture and no background info... EDIT: I looked at the second link, and now I like the Japanese better :
  6. 3. I talk a lot, just don't add a lot of people. It's because generally the people I meet are idiots. Anybody on here can add me, as you guys generally have an IQ over 70 unlike the rest of RS. As a matter of fact, please add me lol. RSN is "oh rly now"
  7. I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but random events are random.
  8. +1. It'll take alot of effort to come up with a spec crappier than Karils, but I don't doubt they can do it. Lol, watch the dark spec be take 75% of run energy :-w I'd pretty much wet my pants from lauging.
  9. I would say that not every space has been stepped on. A related question - I wonder what character has stepped on the most spaces? :-s
  10. All the more power to you, you have a much better weapon! Don't see how they can whine about you training attack more, paying more, and using a better weapon :-s
  11. The healers for the Jad :D Guthans isn't working out for you? When you get down to half health they heal you!
  12. Tyra Banks was at the table next to mine at a resteraunt last week. I had a little conversation with the waitress: Waitress:WOW!!!! That's Tyra Banks! Me:And..? Waitress:She's famous, obviously! Me:I should care because? She's just a person trying to eat. Waitress:Fine.. what would you like to drink? I was lauging :lol: Didn't think it was a big deal, I see hundreds of people every day, why does it matter if I see 1 extra? If I had wanted to see her, I would of turned on the television.
  13. I think it looks nice, nothing outstanding, but nice. I don't really like the placement of the text. It also looks better from a distance :
  14. Grahpic Type: Sig Deminsions: Whatever the usual is for these forums, don't know the exact number? Style: grunge Colors: Different shades of black Render(s): Font: http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=caribbean&page=1&nb_ppp_old=10&text=&nb_ppp=10&psize=m&classt=alpha Font color: White Text: Oh Rly Now Sub-Text: If you're not living on the edge... You're taking up too much space. Border: Whatever you think looks best. Other info: Thanks so much in advance, pandas own
  15. To not sign on to RS. I did it last summer, so it IS possible. And I've only played about an hour in the past 2 weeks, so I don't think I will have trouble.
  16. I'm a lvl 3 skiller with few scores in the highscores and don't talk to people because they generally aren't worth my breath.. or rather the movement of my fingers #-o I also don't wear much so I can run longer. It's a major stereotype to go report all lvl 3s.
  17. Colour Scheme: Black with white font Name/Text: "Oh Rly Now" Possible renders: I just want this picture in it
  18. Hahahaha, works every time : Unless, of course, their father owns it. Then you're in for it..
  19. That's one hot cape 8-) Go for it, how much do you plan on spending?
  20. Nice lie. You get around 3.000 exp each barrows trip and that's if you barely get an KC. which means you should have well over 24M Combat exp, you have around 24M (def, str, att, magic and abit of ranged) So either you started doing barrows at lvl 3, or you are infact a LIAR \ O:) \ Err, no, you're just an idiot. There's multiple ways of doing barrows, some of which don't involve maging. Also I started barrows at around level 70. I had around 1m combat xp at the time. Unless he did it with vegeance and recoils, yes my math is correct. Nice try though. Yeah.. what effective way of barrowing is there besides using melee ranged or mage..? And you can't just start from lvl 3, and I guarentee he alched for a lot of his mage exp as most have.
  21. I like V2, V1 is too much and V3 not enough. Just warning you, I have no clue what I'm talking about, I'm just saying what I see.
  22. You would rather ask your dad who just glances at it, not really caring, then ask us, a group of random people online that most likely have no medical experience, BEFORE asking a doctor? :-s
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