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Everything posted by dwarfie76

  1. Shield left half for me :) And yes, this is the best way to gather tar... they drop it 100% between 1 and 5 pieces.
  2. Yes, when you're attacking with your salamander on strength attack. Yes. The salamander attacks with the style you select, a magic based attack will bypass melee and ranged prayer, a strength based attack will bypass ranged and mage, and a ranged based attack will bypass the melee and mage prayers. The damage dealt is dictated by the level you have, so yes - if your magic level is higher than your strength you will do better with the magic attack than the strength attack, depending of course on your opponent's defences in those areas. I use my black salamander as my sole barrows weapon. They are an extraordinarily underrated weapon. Happy flamethrowing
  3. There is absolutely no reason why you can't make vials, collect herbs and secondaries and have herblore as a 100% profit skill.
  4. Buy the crystal seeds and take them to be recharged. The recharging price comes down each time you have it done.
  5. Try: Between a Rock... Clock Tower Darkness of Hallowvale Contact! Eyes of Glouphrie Mourning's Ends - Part 2 Murder Mystery Recruitment Drive Enlightened Journey Icthlarin's Little Helper Slug Menace Eagles' Peak Without a guide, then get back to us.
  6. There are quests where you have to traipse around the globe collecting mundane items from NPCs. There are quests where you have to solve puzzles. There are quests where you have to put your combat skills to the test. There are quests where you have to do a little from A, a little from B and a little from C. In short, there are quests for every taste - as it should be. Not every quest should be tailored just to your liking.
  7. Depends on how often you need to charge glories... if you have enough charged glories to last for the hour you can make about 1000.
  8. A worked example to show you how you can make money from it: Assuming we start with 1.275Mil in the coffers and an approval rating of 100%, set your workers to gather coal (10 workers) and flax (5 workers). Day 1: 75K @ 100% = 75000 effective gp Day 2: 75K @ 99% = 74250 effective gp Day 3: 75K @ 98% = 73500 effective gp Day 4: 75K @ 97% = 72750 effective gp Day 5: 75K @ 96% = 72000 effective gp Day 6: 75K @ 95% = 71250 effective gp Day 7: 75K @ 94% = 70500 effective gp ----------------------------------------------- Total Effective GP: 509250gp Of Which 2/3 (339500) is set to buy coal and 1/3 (169750) is set to buy flax. At 91.6 per coal and 40 per flax that will buy you: 3706 coal 4243 flax Selling those resources at 200 per coal and 100 per flax will get you: 3706 * 200 = 741200gp 4243 * 100 = 424300gp --------------------------- Total Gross Profit: 1,165,500gp Of course we've now got to top up the coffers with 7 days worth of 75k so we need to subtract 525000 from that figure: 1165500 - 525000 = 640,500 Total Net Profit. As you can see, there are faster ways to make money in the runescape world... Crafting nats will turn you over 600k in a few mere hours. However, once you get your approval rating up (which takes only a few minutes to get back to 100% from ~90%) you can pretty-much set and forget, so it's an extra 600k that you don't have to work for each week.
  9. Quite simply.... any store that isn't a general store.
  10. All my excess harralanders to anyone who can decode that. At any rate, my bet for the fastest smithing xp would be to powermine and superheat gold in keldagrim wearing goldsmithing gauntlets.
  11. Yes, you really want to keep your coffers up over the 750k mark to be getting the most out of it. There is a table somewhere in the guide that tells you how many of each resource you would collect, the easy money-spinners would be flax, coal or maples. Although I put herbs on full blast and farming for the rest, between the herbs and herb seeds collected I can make a half-mil profit per week... not as much as you could make with flax or coal but I'm on a herblore / farming binge at the moment.
  12. You need to unlock it by guiding light around the temple using mirrors and crystals you get from the collector.
  13. Coincidentally, I was nicking a few cakes when a guard tried to kill me, took him out with one swing of my anchor and got a clue scroll from him. I like the anchor for training strength against low calorie opposition, but it's useless PVP or against anything that hits hard and fast. I got absolutely slaughtered in castlewars with it.
  14. Does not work. Don't pass off what you "think" as what you "know" unless you've verified it. You can buy pineapples in the grand tree, from the trader crewmembers at various docks, pick them from the plants on karamja or ape atoll, or grow them using the farming skill. If all of these fail, give me a yell in game and I'll give you one.
  15. I'm 71 thieving, I'll race. But I'm not going to simply thieve solid for the next three weeks. So if you mean, "see who gets there first with otherwise reasonably normal gameplay" I'm up for it. A wager even to make things interesting?
  16. Barrows... get your own sharks and make your own prayer pots... no sweat.
  17. Prices of items in the player to player economy tend to have a hard lower bound driven by their high-alch value. There is no point a player selling bulk loads of items for less than they can alch them for. Unless of course the alch value is less than the cost of buying nature runes or the money to be made by selling nature runes.
  18. Super easy to craft your own with lunar magic on, just run down there & tele back to the bank.
  19. Jagex loves to use other ideas. It's called an ALLUSION No, an allusion is where you 'allude' to something... funny that eh? For instance if they had called Camelot "Cramalot" instead, that would be an allusion. Homage is a far more accurate description of the practise of using elements from stories, mythology, TV, movies or real life and using them in your game.
  20. Burthorpe is the name of a number of little villages (usually suburbs of larger centres) throughout the UK. Oh Noes there is a character called "Pete" in the game! Jagex has STOLEN the name "Pete"!
  21. dwarfie76


    If you have 67 agility (or 64 and agility pots) keep going around and up to Salarin's lair. Kill salarin using fire strikes whenever he respawns and eventually you will get sinister keys. Each sinister key allows you to open the chest at the start of the dungeon which gives you 9 high level (harra and above anyway) unid herbs... and a nice dose of poison gas so don't forget your antidote. There are plenty of regular chaos druids up there too to kill while you wait for Salarin to respawn.
  22. Can you imagine how ridiculous it would be for them to make a game where every single item was completely original - and therefore unfamiliar to anyone who played it? Is it going to make for a better gaming experience if you need to work out to take a bucket and milk a cow... or if you somehow need to figure out that you need to take a gronk and squark a flooglebat? Games need to retain some connection with the player or they simply won't be played. Yes the idea of goblins and ghosts and dragons that you can run around killing is hardly original... does it make Jagex "copycats"? No. And It's not like the Thriller film clip was entirely "original" either, being itself an homage to the classic zombie flicks of the 50s and 60s.
  23. Yes, because those non-members deserve to be rewarded for all the money they give to Jagex. :boohoo:
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