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Everything posted by Kinslayer777

  1. Hmm...I bring to light... Hmm... Banned for repeating a ban!!!! [i banned Blaizek]
  2. You're really lacking information. For one, there are many ways to get to relleka. A good guide should list them, and explain them. (1) Lyres from Fremmenik trials (2) Walk from seers [Good job mentioning this + map, map should be there] (3) Set house to relleka, tele house This is advice, not a guide. The only way to pass off mere advice, is if you're making a -Compiled Methods- guide. In that case, you might have lesser detail, but you'd link to explanations. why isn't there a making guides-guide?
  3. *gets nothings nothing- the machine will not accept it* *insters quarter* []ErrorJam-[] /Presscoinreturntocontinue/ "oooh...a noted phats- for me?" Thanks! *Inserts 10,000 gp*
  4. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=528496 http://www.bloodveld.com/fakes.htm Best guides. [i've found] I'm not allowed to bump the tip.it one though :'(
  5. Kinslayer777


    Procrastonators of the world unite! ...tomorrow I was going to type that myself. But i waited until someone did it for me. O:)
  6. How did you win with fire towers? They're only 144 damage... Some of the last guys that I was on were 5k hits, with dozens of them. I had 10 towers, 10 fire towers, 2 completely upgraded rockets- and died.
  7. No luck, Try putting it in the other way, Inserts A shiny quat'a
  8. Granted, You're now officially a member of the sock club I wish I had a pause-world remote.
  9. I used to love doing that to strangers [renaming them], but then I grew up when I realized it could be mean :( Edit grr: this was supposed to be part of last post I dont know whether your trying to have a go at me, but either way, if it offended him im sure he would say something, and i would explain it wasnt done in an ill nature. Maybe people got upset at you because you dont have a personality that goes along with messing with random people. People really dont seem to mind when i do it, they joke along with me usually. Probably because your in america, and americans are all stupid and cant take jokes :roll: Well thankyou for your discrimination. I said it **COULD** be mean. It's my consideration for others, most people didn't mind, or, at best liked it :).
  10. Yes^. Kudos on the blending, doesn't look horribly pasted. He, however, looks very stiff. What, is it a 20 second exposing picture for a post-card? + put something in the chatbox, humerous, real, or fake, but don't fill it with selling crap, it's not near any bank.
  11. The biggest issue (for me), it seems with death, is what to make of it. For him, perhaps, nothing is lost. Being dead, he no longer has ambition, anything. His existence ceases. It's a bleak way of looking at life, yes. But as one has said before, you can't mourn those who die without mourning those unborn. I'm not sure, but the only thing you can mourn, is that that has been wrenched from you. The misfortune caused by a death, and the effects upon the living of the death. In the end, if you have any obligation to a death, visit the friends, attend the funeral, to whatever extend you feel responsible- respect those living and console them. That's what funerals are for, the living- not the dead.
  12. 8/10 I like your sig more now :P Doesn't this thread sort of degrade when it's just 4 of us ish grading each other with the occasional guesT?
  13. If runescape were real... FREE CAKE YAY!!!!
  14. Yes, he is our little cultural monkey. Yay for culture! As for the 2, i thought they stopped that in 95?
  15. Banned for being hypocritical. "Banned for making little grammatical sense." Banned for having grammatical error? You cannot make grammar, you can not have grammar, I suppose you can "exhibit" grammar, but that doesn't sound right. Demonstrating maybe.
  16. Sorry but that was unnecessary. It's extremely easy to just block the guys- I accidentally didn't give him anything, he wasn't even hit once (Not my atk is only 71 + 65 lower then yours)
  17. And besides that fact, you know, believe it or not (z0mg) the Internet is NOT full of evil molesters. Just a few. Unlike fox news would have poor innocent ignorant souls believe (Why do i still watch it? Oh, right, after House :))
  18. I must agree, it takes 30 secs to walk around the bank and find out that info I err, disagree. For one, I had no idea there even was a guide. For two, it helps me before I go sell. For three, many people laggitude is so great, even walking around for 30 seconds, is no fun. And for four....It would take longer the 30 seconds unless you're familiar.
  19. 12? That's not even early!! :) Sweet deal.
  20. Sorry, I don't know, but I was wondering- Is unbuntu or windows (all settings turned down) more resource heavy? I'm thinking of an old computer of mine (95 non-SE) but it could apply to any version
  21. I've tried google searching for these, to no avail :/ Only found a few Polish clan sites. Anyone know a good fansite that someone polish with little English (some, but not too much) could deal with? Thanks! -Kin [This is for a cool friend i met earlier :)]
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