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Everything posted by Kinslayer777

  1. As previously mentioned, this question revolves around sinuses. The differentiating pressure within your body (Two air cavitys I am aware of are the lungs, and Sinuses) causes pain where the sinuses bulge (_) or buckle )_( Most people say holding the nose and blowing out is the best. Keep in mind not to use TOO much force, as only steady strong, but not painful, pressure is needed. Too much hurts. Another way, albeit for me difficult, way, is to hold a yawn for extended periods. In my experience, I gent a "noise" in my ear when I yawn Which is necessary to hold the yawning for a long time in order to "pop" my ears- Don't just keep your mouth open alone. It's important to be relaxed, and not get angry if it won't work. Struggling, makes any attempts worse. Relax, try again later. My saddest Scuba dive (Water pressure causes similar issues) I missed a newly discovered cove as I got excited by the prospect, and was struggling beforehand with a flipper problem/ Mask leakage [Anger]. Edit: MY rambling makes me totally super late
  2. Please try and limit this to one item, and avoid political or religious themes as the thread is not intended for such discussions. Ex. Kin: I miss Team Cheerios! (Cereal mix of honeynut, frosted, + reg [i make my own now]) Sorry If I missed a similar thread, I searched forums for topics such as "Miss" Edit: I would like to clarify. If possible, please keep this to things that aren't around anymore. Not things you don't do anymore. (Unless it applies, I.E I don't eat Team Cheerios anymore) Try and make sure it's really gone not lost first too if it's not tooooo much work :) The Miss List: Team Cheerios Full Metal Alchemist Power Rangers (That ended?) Pepsi Twist (Yeep When'd that end?)
  3. I never knew I was the editor, but apparently i am :-k Whilst some might say it was a rather shallow article, it shed light on...my own?....Rs habits.
  4. Well, who would want to pay for vista later, after getting Xp. Does that buy xp get vista certificate still apply?
  5. So...What's up with hating gays? [Especially considering hate is a strong world. Like squash-ant strong. Thinking logically, in your [as i figure it] (twisted) sense of it, gays are great. As long as gay shrimp (pron, hehe, get it?), isn't pushed in your face, you get benefits. (a) Say there's 4 females, 6 males. Crap. Competition. But wait- a male is gay, hey! Now it's 4:4 (B) You say you like female gay, since you like boobies, and four boobies is nicer (i assume, you like them) then two. Now, the sacrifice is- they won't like you. Gay man counter gay women © what the hell is bad about homosexuality?
  6. You don't get the reference(although I botched the quote) Of course i got it, hence :-s , but it hadn't been my first thought. Hence, silly me, thought he meant emotionally.
  7. Howzi, I presume it's a long two weeks, and speed vastly improves?
  8. 3, out of curiousity, has anyone ever met a heterophobic homosexual being? Seems odd, that I've never heard/met one. Too many homophobic though >.< (Point emphasized by heterophobic not being in dictionary) Edit: Devils, and I thought he meant emotionally :-s I do many things, that would make the casual observer think I'm gay, though. (by that I mean saying what I think, doing what I want, not worrying being perceived gay- why should i care?)
  9. That's a well known text book example of changes in populations (some say survival of fittest), but it's not in the slightest evolution. The white moths, having survived best, were most evident, but the black moths still existed. Air got black, and white moths became cabbaged. Black moths thrived. There is no evolution there, merely a mathematical lightly hood that the better camouflaged die less/noticed less. Over time, though, had the black moths turned lighter in response to, say, the bird's eyes becoming more attune to the color black- that might be evolution. As far as I know there is no microevolution - I'm awaiting correction. On another note, I believe I heard somewhere the last global evolved trait was tolerance to other animal's (cow like animals) milk, around 10,000 years ago before large beiring straight migration. Maybe people dislike evolution. As organisms evolve, the noticeable differences take many many years to notice. Maybe it's religion that caused this, but people this the Egyptians, romans, that that's long ago. That was yesterday (more like seconds ago). I want to repeat that although I act like I know alot/arrogant, I'm not in anyway an expert. I believe people are unaware that natural selection, breeding, is not evolution. It's a peice of the puzzle, but they're not interchangeable. It is quite possible over a long or even short time (Ex. russian led domesticating fox's experiment) a trait that was in the organism already can emerge, but it's not a new trait. It was there already.
  10. It would take 17 hours to make 1mil using this method. Granted, profitable, and nicely put together- but not a good idea. Edit: It should work as a f2p, but it's terrible for members. Air running, i suspect, is still much faster.
  11. Once again, Lg, complete spam. It's great if he can prove me wrong. That's the point. But your saying, your threatening as if it could be considered a threat, is spam. It is, you might want to know, the point- one of us being proven either side, or ultimately either of us learning something. I'll be glad to hear what bluelancer says.
  12. Perhaps I'm mistaken, as I'm not an expert. But first off, you do not evolve from child to an adult. You grow. You change. That is not evolution, in the darwinism-driven evolution theory (Which, by theory, does not mean it is not a fact or is a scientific debate- that is a misconception). You may ask, how giraffes get their long necks. Their necks don't stretch over age, they might grow as they would regardless- but they are not evolving from a need to reach tall trees. For the most part, short term natural evolution does not exist. Some things, such as the events in London during the industrial revolution, with moths during from white to black- are a proof of survival (the better camouflaged ones thrived in the darker air). The only "short term evolution" that i know of is a debated issue whether bacteria evolve in cultures to become resistant. The thing noticed is that from a bacteria culture (bacteria have one parent- so they all have the same genes), is that some bacteria can become resistant to a drug designed to kill them- and then after time the culture will survive and become resistant. With respect to my lack of expertise, I personally suspect such a large advantageous mutation would not happen so quickly and suspect some sort of hidden variance that'd be advantageous for bacteria evolved in the past- but is unknown. My point is, what is this "short term evolution" you speak of, and are you sure you understand evolution correctly? Furthermore, I suspect only a significantly flawed teaching could persuade you that evolution does not debunk the classical religious theme that earth is 6,000 ish years old. Furthermore, I would be horrified if you were taught biology that way in an attempt to make you think you understand biolog, when really you've been mistaught. __________ I challenge you to give me one piece of evidence that supports creationism That is, incase you didn't notice, the point of this thread. Spam mkay? Even if, the first post was spam.
  13. Isn't that fun eh [Granted I only have two weeks a year anyplace I can do that :(]? And...Wow! Your picture is deceptive if those are 21"inch. And...My camera isn't working but the effort finding it warrants me deserving to post, perhaps. And, Nice job Cruiser :P
  14. If you put it up on fleabay please mention. I'd be interested in trying to buy it then replacing fan. I wonder how hard is it really? After asking the overpriced people, consider just trying (knowing full well you've ahigh chance of messing up) replacing it yourself.
  15. That would be incredible. Requiring, what? Somehow getting things you can kill on frememnik isles? Incredible! :P
  16. Although I love Lp's, it's crippled by the size. I shall have to vote for the rad remoteman's signature. Edit; Oops, my voting too late? edit2: I get it now...Oops. Well, supposing i had voted in time, i'd have gone- Remoteman, LP, Runemetsa.
  17. Oh, no, not offended at all. In anycase I was merely pointing out that if you so support Nod32, it's useless in forums without some slight credit (unless it's ...er...what's that word-? Meaning: A common fact considered taken for granted) You have a point though, Nod32 is good...But it's useless for people to have different people supporting different AV without some sourcing. I, personally, can search abouts- but that's not the point of this thread.
  18. You're not making any bloody sense, and those question marks in your siggay confuse me more :? What is your question? Are you asking what a dot-dot-dot (...) means? It's called an elipses. As a previous poster said, it's what you do to take out irrelevent parts of a quote. For example. Now, if someone wanted to quote and show the person that Kin met Paul McCartney, he'd take out the irrelevent parts. It cannot, however, be used to twist a quote's meaning. For example, i say, I do not love you! and you quote "I...Love you" that's a different meaning- not allowed. Otherwise, I've not got a bloody clue- what's the question and why'd I waste time not knowing what it was?
  19. Alas ds, no drowning mascots for you! :( I'm running Windows XP Proffesional, I'm going to try ubuntu later. At least windows only costs 95 dollars OEM :) Yay for Oem :), one more reason to build your own computer.
  20. Excuse me that's 14.28%, i feel ripped. I have a little critic- what's up with the brown, ground?/ship? in the middle of such lush mountainry. On another note, i love your penguins :)
  21. Construction but in truth i love them both so that's a nasty question... Nasty Outspoken Perverts Those who keep quite and just think (Yes, also, stupid question- because who's to say you have to hate either)
  22. You simmer and disappear into the air as a heat beam dismorgifies you. alternatively, you are spirited *around* the door into candyland. *Inserts His Green Card*
  23. I like Camtusia. I've only tried it a few times. Shame on the monopoly. What does a movie maker have to do with OS for as it to be pre-installed? Edit: Sorry misread your thread- Thought you wanted to cut peices off.
  24. Is it "mraahhh" or "maahh" or "Ug"? Oh, and I thought it was Dirty Habits not Daily Habits :shock: :lol: In anycase, I'm sure it can apply- But, anyway-I suppose one of my habits is playing runescape, another drinking tea- white or green. I'm not sure if you're looking for routines.
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