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Everything posted by Darkluniux

  1. The wilderness with computer-controlled pkers is pointless, it's a waste and should be removed to a room with teleports to bounty hunter, clan wars, mage-arena, the magic-axe habitations, et cetera... JaGex should remember than a MMORPG is meant to be played in the less possible individual form, because if I wnat to play myself with myself, I would preffer to save the 5$ at month and buy a console to play the Legend of Zelda 24/7. A MMORPG is like a virtual world, a recreational hang-out that trasports us from the rutine of the real life to the awesome fantasy worlds of knights and proud people for having a pixelated armour that costed them arround three years of their life.
  2. Jagex has brought the wrath of its mighty moljnir... its graphics team! OT: Bandos items are gonna crash 12/31-1/2. They already have started - I sold my set 2 days ago and its fallen 3M since. I sold my set today after I noticed i've lost 3m on it. I've bought a bunch of other items that i've noticed slight rises, im hoping they'll raise the 3M I lost and then im just going to sit on my money for a little while. I'm still nervious having a disk of returning in the grand exchange, if it sells it today I will get a 675k proffit (I've sold before), if not, then I will keep one of the rarest items in game.
  3. Gertrude's quest is one of the most viable quests, because no-one will care about f2p getting kittens when p2p gets dogs and human-eating octopuses in a fishbowl thanks to summoning.
  4. It's an illuminati-Masonic-Templar conspiration involving the Knights Templars, JaGex, the Vatican and some rock bands. I can tell you because Aleister Crowley told me in a dream among with Horus! Also, it's WORLD, not WOLRD, please fix the title :
  5. Hope you're proud of being a spammer... Anyways, curse spell is very cheap and also very slow, don't do it for high levels... (I tried once to get 99 magic throught cursing and it was very tedious, I left those body runes in a very lonely plac ein my bank with a lot of dust).
  6. Not only they bother my Player to Player merchanting with only a 3k proffit, but they add a 15 minutes limit :D. Nice JaGex! Now To make four good trades with a proffit of 12k I must wait a whole hour! I really want to see what's the f2p's limit with just max 32 qp (Thanks goodness I have 202 qp).
  7. A theory is not a fact. Keep that principle in mind and you will realise this thread is pure speculation.
  8. Mozart at max volume, if it owns aliens, it should own zombies...
  9. To make a transportation system using this theory is very hard, firstly, you should kept in mind the risk of using the necessary Electrical energy to make "fly" a movil with the force to carry a person, also, it would need some bad conduction materials like rubber with the purpose to not kill or harmn the "beta-testers". Also, with the energy required, it would be cheaper and easy to create a turbine-powered vehicle. Perhaps, with a Nuclear energy battery and a energy conversor "from nuclear to electric" ther eis a bosibility to create a useful model.
  10. I didn't get nothing useless at all... ...Because I didn't get nothing at all. I am starting to hate Christmas, firstly to lose my time into decorating the home, then by being bothered by the others' music while I'm listening a good classical piece or a band's CD, also add the food and to end it, nothing in exchange...
  11. You're getting way too far from the main subject... ...However, get a screenshoot when you kill Elvarg or no proof!
  12. ...However they got revived somehow by Dr. House...
  13. Most of the hits are based on luck, our skills and their skills only modify the posibilities, the algorithm is the same, I don't thnik they changed it at all.
  14. After watching Death Note, people tend to become emo/gothic or addict to the candy... I know JaGex did it for good, actually it's good, but I still dislike many aspects of Bounty Hunter, like the almost impossible solo-pk and that it can be played only in certain worlds. Also I hate those wandering spirits in wilderness, they don't let me to buy the clan capes. However, JaGex did a lot of good with this update.
  15. wow Care to elaborate? Or do you just like to spam your post count up? world of warcraft perhaps? me - [0.02% of total / 0.62 posts per day] you - [0.12% of total / 6.28 posts per day] lol irony much? He didn't say you post more than him, he said you spam :roll: And he was saying it was ironic as the other guy posts almost 6 times more a day. Please stop the flaming war, it has pathetic statements defending it so it will crumble right now. Quality > Quantity. The number of posts of someone doesn't reflect their IQ or mental attitude, it's just a reference about the activity of an individual in a forum, for example I will take myself, I'm a lurker, I do not post very frequently but I read many posts in this forum everyday! And because I do not post everyday, that doesn't means that I'm a mentally delayed human, so you can't judge someone's mental capacities by checking his post count, perhaps by searching and reading all its posts (a very tedious task). Now, let's get on topic: I'm tend to be some months F2P and some other P2P, so I have experience in this god-damned war. There is a factor that none of you has taken already if the F2P doesn't get summoning: A f2p level 90 will be able to beat every day a p2p level 90* Why? Because I'm sure that is summoning is p2p, you can't use their advantages in f2p servers, because there would be players that subscribe only for a couple of months to get a high level of summoning and then unsubscribe, by this way they could use summoning not needing to be p2p so it's a big NO-NO. Also, remember that the p2p items doesn't work in f2p, if summoning is p2p, it will not have functions in f2p (you can't use cats in f2p even if you're member). Also, a level 90 f2p who made its level by training strenght, attack, defence and prayer will be more powerful than the p2p that is level 90 because he trained attack, defence, strenght, prayer AND summoning (a waste of skill in f2p). This will generate "fake" combat levels like the "fake" total levels when construction came out, remember the people saying "I have a total level of 935 without hunter"? For these reasons, I thik summoning will be definitively f2p, also, remember that when JaGex introduces a skill, gives more bankspace to the affected parts, this time they gave to the f2p bank space. *The both levels 90 in the example are not pures lol Considering that members already have advantages such as AGILITY and PEST CONTROL over free players, I think it better that summoning be made p2p and not usable in f2p. Of course, with a measure like that in place, Jagex will probably simply not include summoning in a person's combat level if they go to an f2p server. That would be a mess, I don't think JaGex will do that. Off-topic: I love these pyramids of quotes!
  16. wow Care to elaborate? Or do you just like to spam your post count up? world of warcraft perhaps? me - [0.02% of total / 0.62 posts per day] you - [0.12% of total / 6.28 posts per day] lol irony much? He didn't say you post more than him, he said you spam :roll: And he was saying it was ironic as the other guy posts almost 6 times more a day. Please stop the flaming war, it has pathetic statements defending it so it will crumble right now. Quality > Quantity. The number of posts of someone doesn't reflect their IQ or mental attitude, it's just a reference about the activity of an individual in a forum, for example I will take myself, I'm a lurker, I do not post very frequently but I read many posts in this forum everyday! And because I do not post everyday, that doesn't means that I'm a mentally delayed human, so you can't judge someone's mental capacities by checking his post count, perhaps by searching and reading all its posts (a very tedious task). Now, let's get on topic: I'm tend to be some months F2P and some other P2P, so I have experience in this god-damned war. There is a factor that none of you has taken already if the F2P doesn't get summoning: A f2p level 90 will be able to beat every day a p2p level 90* Why? Because I'm sure that is summoning is p2p, you can't use their advantages in f2p servers, because there would be players that subscribe only for a couple of months to get a high level of summoning and then unsubscribe, by this way they could use summoning not needing to be p2p so it's a big NO-NO. Also, remember that the p2p items doesn't work in f2p, if summoning is p2p, it will not have functions in f2p (you can't use cats in f2p even if you're member). Also, a level 90 f2p who made its level by training strenght, attack, defence and prayer will be more powerful than the p2p that is level 90 because he trained attack, defence, strenght, prayer AND summoning (a waste of skill in f2p). This will generate "fake" combat levels like the "fake" total levels when construction came out, remember the people saying "I have a total level of 935 without hunter"? For these reasons, I thik summoning will be definitively f2p, also, remember that when JaGex introduces a skill, gives more bankspace to the affected parts, this time they gave to the f2p bank space. *The both levels 90 in the example are not pures lol
  17. you beat me 2 it, i agree with above Or it could be... Taken from the first summoning wallpaper. Imagine the wings down at its side. Definatly not an island though. We wanted flying pigs and they will give us flying cows, gf JaGex.
  18. When Jagex starts to ban people with names like Krazyfaken or Pursesnatcher like the guy above posts, perhaps it is. Add on to that that some people even created those chars before the rule was even in place. Furthermore, it is just plain ridiculous that Jagex considered it normal for so long to ban people - who have played the game for years and spend thousands of hours on it - just because their name is offensive (in Jagex eyes). There is not ethical, fair or moral about that, and yet Jagex never considered the time people spent on those characters to be worthwhile to solve the issue, which is not difficult at all. That is certainly worrisome, for everyone who plays this game. i agree that pursesnatcher could hardly be considerd offensive by a reasonable person, however I am sure you have seen some names that are way over the limit.....I wont bother to type the ones I have seen, nor do they bother me enough to report them...I just don't think it is to hard to find a non offensive, non suggestive name What does that have to do with anything? Sure it's easy, but is banning an account the best course of action? You make it sound like these people DESERVE to be banned. I agree, they don't deserve to be banned. By the way, I have encountered some very explicit and funny at the same time.
  19. In the "Pico el Aguila", a peak located in Venezuela.
  20. And we know he was joking -- how, exactly? :roll: And stop comparing this to other stuff that is not the same thing. The arrest for making a counter strike map of the school, that was stupid. All of the contraversy over JFK Reloaded and Super Columbine RPG, also stupid. I hate it when the media blames games and more importantly when the media does stupid stuff as well. I hate it when the police force locks someone up because of extreme paranoia. However, if it sounded like a threat it sounded like a threat. Please remember that it was just two other gamers like you and me that made the phone call because they were worried it could be for real. Again, you just look at the medium the threat was made over and dismiss it entirely. You think, well, it was over a game so obviously its fake 'cuz games are fake -- or some kind of skewed logic. A threat can be real no matter what the medium. I have heard times where someone on the something awful forums posted about help to kill someone, and actually did go through with it. Yet, it was just something silly over the internet -- right? My point is people have to use good judgement. I was not there to listen to this guy on CoD 4, nor were you. You have no idea of his tone of voice or anything of the situation at all. Instead, you just assume that this is just another incident of those 'darn stupid policemen' with out knowing all of the story. I was glad that these two people who reported him, quite frankly, had the damn balls to do it. They cared enough in light of recent tragedies to possibly stop another one. And, yes, it probably was all in vain. Chances are the guy would not have shot up his school, chances are he probably was making a joke. But for all those who are joking, how many are actually serious? Also, almost missed this. Your freedom of speech -- oh my! I'm sorry but you do not have the damn freedom to issue DEATH THREATS no matter the medium. Again, as in an earlier post, it wasn't like he was saying he'd kill the guys he was playing against. If he got arrested for saying he'd kill some guy who is half way across the world that would be stupid, because he has no means of finding out where he lives and chances are no means of getting over there. But issuing a threat about something he is near is something taken seriously no matter what. Again, I ask: would you turn in someone who seemed suspicious and you heard talking about shooting up the school, if you were next to him in real life? Or would you just ignore it thinking it as merely a joke. I would call thread a guy that starts to speak about nazi thinking and then says "I will kill everybody in the college in this address". But you simply can't give 2 years of jail to a guy for saying "Omg noobz, i h8 ya soz much i ma goin' to kill all ppl in my school and cut their arms off". The freedom of speech is sacred, and internet is its temple!
  21. Me in all my evilness, darkness and perhaps "emoness"...
  22. I agree, JaGex should implement something like a vault to get items from an account to other wich requires some sensitive information that no one is willing to give to a RWT.
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