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Everything posted by aquariusman

  1. [hide=]I guess they're just crazy. There really is nothing I can tell that shows he's dead. Besides, it's been known for a while that ME2 would be out, and that your ME1 saves would come into play. Shepard walks away from the Udina and Anderson (Also the Council if you chose to save them), after saying how the Reapers are coming and he's going to stop them, and then the ending cut scene is over after a little bit of talk from Anderson. It could be the ME2 Trailer, where his 'status' is listed as KIA. EDIT: After watching the teaser and then the trailer, Shepard goes MIA, and is assumed KIA. I'm guessing that The Normandy is destroyed and most of the main characters are able to escape. Then he decides not to resurface, for whatever reasons, or he simply faked his death because it was beneficial (This is unlikely).[/hide]
  2. You should already have it, all you need to do is reach Lieutenant rank or higher...
  3. I just let them die and use Unity every so often. I never notice them making a difference, but that could be because I'm currently playing on Hardcore... Also, there's an option to change what your teammates do with their abilities. You can set it to User-activated only, Defensive only, and then there's just automatic do-whatever-you-want. I have mine set to User-Activated, since I use their abilities a lot (I'm a soldier).
  4. A 360 is $200-$400, depending on which version you get. A Live subscription is $50-60 per year, or $10 per month. Never drop the $100 for the wireless adapter, just buy a long ethernet cable.
  5. >OoT I'd say. Could just be that I've played Majora's Mask so much more, and have probably played through it at least 20 times (And fully 100% around 5-6 times).
  6. I never actually realized it was M until last year, which is when I first played it. Up until then, I just thought it was a war game, but kid-ified by replacing humans with squirrels, taking out blood, etc.
  7. You could always play QL with a controller. I think part of the feel is being able to sit on a couch and just relax, rather than having to sit upright in a computer chair. I probably could just play with a controller, but I would miss out on some of the hot keys. More like you'd get rocked because using a controller in a game like quake is impossible. That too.
  8. I've always found Banjo Kazooie and Tooie to be underrated. Most people I know that have played it loved it, but you don't hear it mentioned often in game discussions. Same goes for Conker's Bad Fur Day. Incredibly funny game. Also, I spent a good 4-5 hours on the Banjo Kazzoie: N&B demo. It was incredibly fun to just [bleep] around and make new vehicles. I gotta get that game...
  9. [hide=Maxwell Murder - Rancid][yt]1bimNMiz250[/yt][/hide] Oh lord, the bass [hide=This Respirator - The Flatliners][yt]lKZsGhi6bx4[/yt][/hide] [hide=Heretics and Killers - Protest the Hero][yt]AEn8HmgJxd4[/yt][/hide] [hide=The Crowd - Operation Ivy][yt]USgXfkkxnLE[/yt][/hide]
  10. Maybe it's just me then. I think I've listened to it twice and I really didn't enjoy it either time.. Might give it another go though. And I'm not sure. I like Aesop Rock but I don't remember recommending him to anyone. I really need to get into some more Hip-Hop. I want to listen to some good gangster stuff. Any recommendations? I think it was more that I saw you saying how you liked a certain song by him, and I had heard of him before, so I checked it out.
  11. You could always play QL with a controller. I think part of the feel is being able to sit on a couch and just relax, rather than having to sit upright in a computer chair. I probably could just play with a controller, but I would miss out on some of the hot keys.
  12. I just dislike playing FPS games on a computer. I much prefer a controller to a keyboard + mouse. Yes, I know, mouse is more accurate, and superior in every way blah blah blah. A controller gives a much better 'feel' in my opinion.
  13. Atmosphere is fantastic. I loved If Life Gives You Lemons, but the Lucy Ford collection is terrible. Sage Francis is pretty good as well, but I only like some of his stuff. And I haven't heard of Danger Doom actually. I love Lucy Ford :| No problem warri0r, I do think it was someone on the forum (Intruiging or Venomai?) that first made me realize how good Aesop is.
  14. I had heard of A Tribe Called Quest before, and already knew they were amazing. Never thought that other people could do something similar, and still do it well. Now I know, and I thank you Venomai. I was expecting to see a mention of Aesop Rock here, simply because it's what I'd call 'Alternative' Hip-Hop. Either way, for anyone willing to check Aesop out, it's worth it. The lyrics may not rhyme, but it just gives Aesop's music part of its feel, not to mention just how amazingly deep the lyrics are. I don't even care that it seems like a list in disguise, at least it talks about something that hasn't been gone over a hundred times before.
  15. My classes: Silenced MP5, UAV Jammer, Trip Special/Bandolier, Dead Silence/Steady Aim Noobtube AK-47, Stopping Power, Steady Aim M40A3, Stopping Power, Claymore, Iron Lungs Pump-Action Shotty, UAV Jammer, Trip Special, Steady Aim/Extreme conditioning RDS G36C, Stopping Power, Trip Special/Claymore, Steady Aim ACOG M21/M40A3, Stopping Power, Claymore, Iron Lungs I cycle between those 7 general classes (Switching in similar weapons for Challenges).
  16. Or you can have two sets of weapons, one for Hardcore, one for Core. I can think of many situations where I do not want to take the time to change all my classes just to change a gametype.
  17. [yt]jqo8sxQ5puA[/yt] We Will Come Silhouettes by The Shins. Original song by The Postal Service. Great song, but the style of the Postal Service just doesn't do it justice. The Shins make it wonderful though.
  18. I watched all of season 5 on the TMN On Demand thing, and holy hell, Entourage is amazing. Will definitely be watching the season premiere tonight.
  19. The same thing happens to me, and I just go with it. Read for 10 minutes, close your eyes and rest for 10 minutes. Feels wonderful, especially since it lets what I just read sink in even more.
  20. In a complete turn of events, me and Kate are now dating, or at least trying to date :lol: Something we both realized is that if we stay away from each other, we are actually able to start forgetting about each other. The only problem is that once we talk, the feelings come up again. Which is a problem since we both either want to date or still remain good friends. So, we just decided "[bleep] that" to the whole not dating thing, and now we're going to try again. And we couldn't have chosen a worse time to try. She leaves for Hungary Thursday, is gone for two weeks, goes up north to her friend's cottage (Which luckily is ~20 minutes from mine), then goes down to Vermont to another friend's cottage. Not to mention that she's busy until Thursday, mainly because of practice. Not to mention that almost all of her guy friends (Which pretty much is all her friends, she finds girls too [bleep]) like her, so this just screws things over on that side of the fence. I really can only laugh at how screwed things are whenever we try to date. [/hide] *facepalm* Well, against my better judgement, I wish you luck with this endeavor. Like you said this was horrible timing. And timing in life is everything. I was expecting that response from someone (Pretty much everyone actually). Thanks for the wish though :thumbup:
  21. During childbirth, for either party.
  22. [hide=My Answer]Forum Username: Aquariusman Age: 16 Nation:Canada Educational level: Grade 10 completed 1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes, as a child, I think until I was about 10, then my family just stopped going. I believe we went to a Christian Protestant church. It was not my choice, but it wasn't something that bothered me much either. 2. Do you consider yourself religious? No, I do not consider myself religious, I don't think it is possible that any religion will ever be able to describe what the 'universe' properly. I consider science a religion in this respect. 3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? I do not know, however I find the notion of a supreme deity creating the universe much more logical than that of which science has to offer. I'd say that science is quite good at describing our surroundings in their present state, however the past brings up many problems. 4. Is there an afterlife? I'll be sure to tell you when I find out. 5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Some being of some sort (For ease of describing, I'll refer to this being as God), decided upon a bunch of rules that every should follow. Most of them were arbitrary where they did not need to fit together. It might have taken God a long time, it might have taken God an instant, I can't say. God then decided to just create an explosion of matter from something that started the universe. God might be able to effect the world in small ways, mostly manifesting itself in chance. I haven't made my mind up on that one yet though. 18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. People are the same regardless of what they believe. It is only those that blindly accept religion or non-religion that are less intelligent. Intelligence not only being one's ability to contribute to any action, but also one's willingness. 19-22. What effect do religion and non-religion have the on world (I condensed the four into one for my convenience)? I think that both religion and non-religion have an overall neutral effect on the world. For all the unity that religion may bring, that same unity also creates separate groups with opposing views, leading to open conflicts. However, I think that these conflicts would happen on their own whether or not religion is involved, and that often religion is simply used as a scapegoat for the problems that exist within humans themselves by those that are non-religious. Those that are religious also use the lack of religion as a scapegoat. Those that create the scapegoat do so because they refuse to believe that humans are the same regardless of what they think, and that everyone overall has the same faults and virtues. Essentially, religion and non-religion over time will not have any major effect on the world. 23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. From Grade 6 to the present (4/5 years) I have been taught about sex, puberty and all the other things associated with sexual education. I have been consistently taught that abstinence is the only method of contraception that is guaranteed to work, but that should I choose to have sex, it is very important that I use some form of contraceptive. I have been taught about condoms (Both male and female), spermicide, IUD (Inter-Uterine Device), cervical caps, 'The Pill', Norplant implants (Female hormone implants, similar to the Pill) and others, along with the ways in which they work. I have been taught basic anatomy of male and female sex organs, along with permanent contraceptive methods (Vasectomies, etc.). All this has come through school. I have learned little facts just through social life (Mostly sex tips :lol: ), and the most that has ever been done on my parents part was a lecture or two about porn. My parents were in no way insufficient in their guidance, they picked up where the school stopped or possibly overlooked. 24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. No. 25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" I'll let you know when I figure it out. 26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? I am currently in a relationship, and sex is not involved, and probably won't be for at least a few months, and I am perfectly happy with it that way. 27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? I am in a committed relationship. 28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? Sex is simply something that happens when humans want it to. Humans want sex to happen because it is who we are. Every organism needs to reproduce, and every organism wants to reproduce, as a basic instinct. Humans are different in that we can overcome these instincts, however we do still often succumb to them. 29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No. 30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? I smoke marijuana on occasion, maybe once or twice every couple of months, and it is always socially. I have never lost control in a way that I cannot easily regain control. 31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? I drink only socially, and will accept a beer whenever it's offered. I have been slightly drunk, enough that walking was a challenge, and couldn't focus on anything further than 5 feet in front of my. Just like with marijuana, I have not lost control to the point where I cannot regain it. 32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No. 33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No, I do not regret using illicit substances (Including alcohol and marijuana). I avoid something if I think there is a great enough risk of me largely regretting it. 35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? I have spent several nights just thinking about why everything exists, and why it exists the way it does. The only answer I have ever been able to get is "Because it does".[/hide] I quite enjoyed doing that. It made me think quite a bit about myself. Thank you, Barihawk.
  23. Go to start a new game, the first option you have is between three things, just play as John Sheppard, change your name/gender (I think?) and the third is to use an existing profile. Use an existing profile.
  24. In a complete turn of events, me and Kate are now dating, or at least trying to date :lol: Something we both realized is that if we stay away from each other, we are actually able to start forgetting about each other. The only problem is that once we talk, the feelings come up again. Which is a problem since we both either want to date or still remain good friends. So, we just decided "[bleep] that" to the whole not dating thing, and now we're going to try again. And we couldn't have chosen a worse time to try. She leaves for Hungary Thursday, is gone for two weeks, goes up north to her friend's cottage (Which luckily is ~20 minutes from mine), then goes down to Vermont to another friend's cottage. Not to mention that she's busy until Thursday, mainly because of practice. Not to mention that almost all of her guy friends (Which pretty much is all her friends, she finds girls too [bleep]y) like her, so this just screws things over on that side of the fence. I really can only laugh at how screwed things are whenever we try to date.
  25. For the man in the cabin... [hide=]He died in a plane crash OR hypothermia (Not coat on the coat rack, he is wearing any coat that would belong there to try and stay warm).[/hide]
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