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Everything posted by aquariusman

  1. For some reason i feel much more comfortable having a serious conversation with a girl than I can with any guy. Most likely because I'm not hesitant to seem more emotional in front of a girl, and I tend to trust girls more for some reason. I think that's because I'm close with my sister, but don't really talk to my brother that much.
  2. If you saw the other person kissing/holding hands someone else and it hurts you, and vice verse, it's a relationship, and both of you have to know this. There's commitment, emotion attachment, and sexual feelings. I don't think anyone can say they would be hurt if they saw their friend kissing someone other than themselves. Now, I have a dilemma. I have a friend. He has a girlfriend. Today, me and a bunch of our friends (All guys) were hanging out at one of our houses. His girlfriend wasn't there. After a while, a girl he knew came over. Pretty much the way he brought up this girl coming over was saying "I'm really finding it hard not to cheat on [Girlfriend]" and pretty much said how this girl was coming and wanted to do stuff, and how he wanted to do stuff as well (I'm almost certain that he just meant in general, not specifically with her). Well, she came over, and they ended up making out. To be honest, this isn't exactly behavior I wouldn't expect from him. I'm actually kind of surprised this was his first time cheating on his girlfriend (I think they've been together for almost 6 months now). I think everyone of our usual group (The guys at least) does/will think "God dammit". Maybe one or two of our friends will react a bit more. I certainly don't like the idea of it. When he first told us, I gave him a bit of [cabbage] for it. Now I wish I gave him more. In fact, he got to the point where he sent a text to the girl saying they should just hang out some time later, but she just ignored it, even though she hadn't left yet. Now I'm not sure what to do. I definitely don't think I'm going to tell his girlfriend, as much as I feel the need to do that, he's still my good friend. That said he can deal with the [cabbage] he gets from out friend (girl) who is pretty close to his girlfriend, when she finds out. I'm probably going to tell our two friends that will react a bit more, if it comes up. They won't tell his girlfriend, but will give him [cabbage]. At one point they printed a picture of him and his girlfriend and showed it to him every time he flirted with another girl (This was at the beginning of their relationship, and he is a flirt). So my basicly problem is my friend did something wrong, and I feel a need to do something about it, but I also don't want to lose him as a friend, and I probably will if I tell the wrong people. That's pretty much the point of this post, to get it off my chest.
  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35100847/ns/us_news-education/ No further need to get worked up about it, the dictionary is allowed again.
  4. Who was the one saying "I love you". It seems like it would be worth it to drop her out of your life.
  5. I'll skip my legs routine since its boring: 1- 20 minutes intense cardio legs 2- 3 sets of horizontal bench 3- triceps on a machine 4- biceps on a machine 5- chest on a machine 6- shoulder press 7- pushups & chinups It takes about an hour and a half to do all that, legs and cardio included. Thanks for the comments :mrgreen: So what is your legs routine, as well as # of reps and sets for each exercise?
  6. Happy New Years. The celebrations downtown were ridiculous and great to be a part of. Reminded me that Toronto and Canada are great places to live in. I don't quite have a resolution, maybe just to keep on being happy and enjoying life? Or probably to start training for rugby. Either way, I plan on making this year great.
  7. Rpg, I can see what you're talking about, but to be honest, I quite simply am not going to actively pursue a girl I do not already have interest in. And by interest, I mean more than just "Oh hey, she's kinda cute". I mean that I've met the girl, talked to her, and pretty much would consider her my friend. To me, the relationship just feels right. Nothing needs to be forced, I don't make any sacrifices because it will get me towards a goal, I'll make sacrifices because I want to do this for this person. Gaming might be right for some people, but I'm not going to take part in it, or at least for now. And since it's recently come up with me and my friends, what age difference would you say is acceptable? For instance, an 18 year old going out with a 16 year old? Would you say that how the people act and present themselves makes a difference?
  8. Whatever works for someone else, but I'm not really going to do something just for the sole purpose of getting a girl.
  9. Playing ice hockey, I hit some kid hard enough that his skate came up and caught the side of my forearm. Just barely cut through the entire layer of my skin, and managed to avoid everything else. Final damage was a cut 1/2 inch deep, 1 1/2 inch long, and it opened up to about 3/4 inch. Only needed 3 stitches. It was also right next to one of the major veins running through my forearm, so I had a couple seconds of panic when I realized I had a cut on my wrist. Thankfully there was barely any blood. That's really the only lasting injury I've had from a sport, except for maybe a few of my fingers losing quite a bit of flexibility from getting jammed in rugby.
  10. [hide] So many things wrong here. First of all, whenever you're keen on a girl and trying to attract her, you're gaming her whether you're a socially inept nice guy or a pua. We're all 'gaming,' the only difference between me and the next guy is that I have a clue, and I have a wider choice. The goal of gaming isn't to get laid, it's whatever you want it to be. Gaming also isn't restricted to clubs and pubs only. Girls use 'methods' to attract guys, do you think they wear high heals and miniskirts because they are comfortable? Our 'methods' are different because guys and girls are attracted to different things. Girls aren't objectified, it just sounds like that in pick up material because it's an efficient way to get a point across. It's a HB8, rather than a-really-attractive-female-who-is-equal-to-men-and-has-feelings-too-and-isn't-a-sex-object. Oneitis is basically when a guy is obsessed with a girl he has next to no chance with, no other girl will do, and he can't see that his efforts are futile. The more he likes her and the longer he is around her the more he screws it up for himself. It's not an actual relationship. [/hide]Even if the point isn't just getting laid, it definitely still gives the impression that this is the point. And I really did think oneitis just meant you were focusing on one girl, and just ignoring the rest (Ignoring in terms fo attraction, not socially). Now I definitely have to agree that oneitis is a bad thing. So pretty much I gotta admit that you've cleared it up, I definitely don't see gaming as something so shallow any more.
  11. Well there are 10 different boards on Tipit, throw in the main page and maybe a twelfth property and you got that covered. Then it's just a matter of changing everything else to a Tipit theme. Railroads = ISP's? Chance = Internet, etc. Holy crap this could work out so well. I'd make a topic for the planning of this, but I wouldn't maintain it well enough. You'd need to vote for what boards give replace what properties on the monopoly board, what each thing is named, etc.Then just collaborate to come up with community chest and chance cards (Obviously need to be themed). Then someone will probably end up making it.
  12. So why does airport security tighten worldwide because of an isolated incident? Not to mention the security would be next to none. You could probably just dress like a teacher and would fit in.
  13. I just dislike the whole concept of gaming because it focuses more on the physical rather than emotional, and basically gets you one night stands and hook-ups rather than a real relationship. And yes, I mean a relationship where you're looking for more than just sex from the other person, and are invested in their emotions and well-being. I've decided after this summer that I would much prefer a long-term relationship to casual hook-ups and one night stands. I just enjoy it way more. Plus the party/club scene is filled with way too many douchebags and guidos (Which are often the same thing). So yeah, reading about girls being referred to as an object that actually pisses me off. You just "do this" and get a relationship. You might get the girl, but you won't keep her. The only way to get a real relationship is to put yourself out there, meet new people, and let them see who you are. Hell, I met my last girlfriend through a ski trip, and my current "girlfriend" through a leadership camp. Quotes are there because it's in that transition phase between friends and girlfriend. Basically, relationships are about feelings, not gaming girls. If you don't want a relationship, game away. But if you are looking for one, just put yourself out in the world. If you don't get a relationship, you're going to enjoy yourself anyways. I'm not saying that gaming won't get you someone to have a relationship with, but that's not the main point of gaming, and gaming doesn't exactly support monogamy. You're still meeting new people. I just think that it's on much less of a personal level. But something I've always wondered, what exactly does oneitis pertain to? It seems as if it's just calling a relationship with someone a bad thing.
  14. I wonder how that happened? :wink: Weekend before last I injured my knee in a hockey game, bashed it off the boards. Haven't been able to do any kind of serious exercise since. So I've spent nearly two loooong weeks of sitting around with so much energy, and now that I'm finally getting close to "full" recovery, I'm getting very anxious. Glad I have a hockey tournament starting the 28th. Coincidentally I injured my knee in my last tournament... Anyways, so far I've missed: a run everyday, 2 hockey games, 2 practices, 2 trips to a ski hill. And my goal over the Winter was to not become lazy. This is definitely a great start, and now that it's more likely to snow everyday, the chances of me being able to run dwindle everyday, as I don't really have anything I'd be comfortable running in the snow in.
  15. Reminds me of this: How do you embed Youtube videos in these forums nowadays?
  16. I've actually never played Kings, just looked it up. It wouldn't work too well with my group since almost half don't drink (drivers) but still usually play the games and the other half pretty much everyone drinks something different (rum, whiskey, vodka, crap beer, good beer). Interesting how each of the other two games you just mentioned (beer pong and flip cup) have a rule that is the exact opposite of what I play (swatting the toss instead of bounce, flipping upside down to right side up instead of right side up to upside down). I think it's just that me, my friends, and the people my friends know like it when the game is harder. Plus I doubt we follow the rules all that strictly.
  17. Also, he clearly visits /b/ enough to have it favourited, do you really need to question the Nazism? (Yes I know, /b/ =/= Nazi, but it's still /b/)
  18. Kings is a different game, the circle of cards is the only similarity. In kings you pick up a card, if it is red you drink (or drink twice) and if it black you pass. If it is a king you pour some in the middle cup, the person to draw the fourth king drinks the cup (and usually the game ends). Circle of Death is a lot more complicated, each card does a different thing (for example one of the face cards would start a waterfall, one of the other face cards is for categories, another is for rhymes and another one is for socials) I like your version of Kings more than mine.
  19. Kings for me is you deal out the entire deck, first three people to get a King put a drink of their choice into the cup, fourth drinks. Beer Pong for me has these rules: 6 cups each side (Triangle) A bounce and a throw each = 1 cup (The one that was thrown into) Bounces CANNOT be swatted (Swatted bounce = drink) Throws CAN be swatted. Pull the ball and remove cup from play. If all your cups are gone, you lose. Best played with half full/full cups, multiple rounds, with partners. And the blow/finger rules brought up just make me wonder when the hell they come into play. I'm guessing losers do winners? Also for a very simple game, Flip Cup: 2 teams of at least 3-4. Every team member has 1 cup (Red plastic), filled with beer. Teams sit/stand on A) either side of a table facing each other or B) same side facing same way. Starting at one end of each line (Team), each person chugs their drink, places cup open side-down near edge of table so that some of the cup overhangs, and hits the over hang up attempting to get the cup to land right side-up. Once this is done, next person can start drinking. First team to finish wins. Play several rounds (Of course you aren't going to be drunk until at least the 4th drink). FULL CUPS.
  20. That definitely isn't French, although I do believe it is Spanish. Spanish-English Translation of Start menu word "Iniciar"
  21. Thanks for the advice, I'm sure it'll help :thumbup:
  22. I definitely wasn't expecting it to be in the Bible, but I do still remember hearing it more than a few times during my life.
  23. I have a few SKIING questions: 1. Would it be easier for me to learn rails or spins first? 2. If I'm learning rails, how would I go about doing that? 3. If I can't get out to a hill, would practicing a spin on flat ground help?
  24. Best advice posted so far. Just eat less, but more often. As in, if you can't handle having a giant meal, split that meal up into 2-3 smaller meals. Eat every 2-3 hours, rather than every 5-6. And ever considered that if you aren't putting on much muscle mass, that you aren't working out the right way? You really need to push yourself if you hope to build muscle mass, otherwise you're simply going to tone your muscles. Higher weights, lower reps are what you need to put on weight. When you are lifting, how many reps + sets can you do of the weight you lift?
  25. Whatever happened to that phrase "God helps those who help themselves"? And every on of those people involved are idiots for not even TRYING to find food. The lack of care for their lives, I wouldn't mind if they did starve (Well, those of them over 12). I mean really, they should have been able to realize "Hey, I'm hungry, and no one else is doing anything to help me, I guess that means I have to." Also, shouldn't the 18 year old also have been charged with some form of child endangerment? I mean, she didn't do anything to help her siblings, and she was the second best person to do so.
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