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Everything posted by misterxman

  1. Removed some flames, work out in-game issues you may have with others by Private Messages. This is the only warning I'll post.
  2. Topic isn't going anywhere, and didn't even have a proper start. If you want to post a theory, that's fine, but explain it thoroughly so others can understand it and debate it. And yes, expect debate and arguments about your theory, that's the point of opening a thread.
  3. Awsome paintings. I also like the top one the best, very creative with the feathers.
  4. You talking about the ancestral ghost up near the Urlishaku Camp in the Cave? Whoops :lol: Yep.. apparently it's a very common mistake, but the ghost looks like every other ghost in other caves, and the room didn't even look like a tomb :? I read online I can still finish the main quest by skipping some steps, but I'll be doing side/guild quests for now to level up and get good gear. Awesome loot from that cave though.
  5. Someone tried to trade me raw lobsters instead of cooked lobsters :/
  6. I think it would be best if you just PMed the people who would be concerned about your departure from Off Topic.
  7. Depends where you live. In Texas, you're allowed to shoot the person that's in your property. If you want to be really sure, ask the appropriate authorities or search a law site of your location, you really don't want to base your action on something you read on a forum only :P
  8. It's a nice special ceremony but too many people do it too early, and hence the high divorce rate makes it seem like it's a bad idea. I don't think a couple should base their decision to get married on statistics.
  9. Nice. So basically, it's Photoshop brushes simplified into MSpaint buttons. Looking forward to trying this.
  10. Most of the readable blog information is linked to other sites and there is a lot of site advertising including a 3rd party client which are not allowed on Tipit. If you want to edit your blog with a post that abides by Tipit rules, PM me so this can be opened again.
  11. If you think a thread needs the title edited due to spoilers, then please PM a mod. Mods will make such changes in order to prevent spoilers, no new rule is needed, so always ask a mod first.
  12. Evidence shows the first one is ripped. The second one is of different style and most likely ripped as well. Do not rip, make your own art.
  13. While we do allow pictures revealing information that Jagex is hiding (such as hidden skill icons), gaining information from private servers is against rules so we cannot make any exceptions. We have to be strict or else people will ask how to get those private servers, someone might post fake pictures, or even post a keylogging fake private server.
  14. They were pretty useful actually, +2 magic :
  15. I agree. And it did seem at times I,Robot, the way the seekers stared and moved like ants up on stuff. :( The first half was great, the way no music and just sounds when he drives around in the empty city. Overall I liked the first half the most, and the second half wasn't as scary as I espected it to be. Disappointed the movie wasn't closer to the book's original story. CGI sort of killed the scary factor :/ Loved the beginning though: "We cured all of them" *3 years later: empty city*
  16. Thanks everyone for taking the time to write out those ideas. I know how much work was put into those, I really appreciate yall putting the time to come up with something creative \ I'll post the final sig in Gallery, that's where yall will find out which I picked. I might make more than one, whatever I feel like doing really. :thumbsup:
  17. I was playing Morrowind on Xbox until I accidentally killed a ghost without taking its bow. Can't move on with the main quest so just gonna kill everyone on the island now.
  18. Cleaned up the last page. Try not to just "+1" to a comment like it's not a big deal. Give some more respect to people posting their pictures.
  19. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=711631
  20. The countdown was added to prevent people from gaining an unfair advantage from 3rd party clients.
  21. Even paying with money was a pain. Putting 1m gp on the screen could take a few minutes of clicking "+10" or whatever the max was. I remember the "add x" option being a hugely popular advantage to the idea of RS2.
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