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Everything posted by sk8_tolivv

  1. +1 Yea it's good but it just gets really annoying to look at. Maybe if you put a longer pause on the last frame..
  2. Woodcutting cape and I don't bother spending my money on rares. Skills > Rares IMO
  3. Nah, I don't see that many Rc pkers in world 99 but it sure is a hotspot. Even if there are rc pkers, I'm not scared of them because they usually have no idea how to pk and I just have to tele as soon as I see them, run back out with my pking gear and I can usually kill them in 20 seconds unless they run.
  4. I can't believe you guys already didn't know about this...so old. You can also click a emote that you havent unlocked yet and it will stall your prayer. But as soon as you go to attck something or move, it goes back to normal and you prayer will go down.
  5. Ummm, it's not recommanded you use Veracs at barrows untill you have 90 90 90 stats. At your level it will not be fast at all, try using a different method.
  6. And how do you know that actually made the video after the update?
  7. Creative but pretty simple, 3/10.
  8. Ummm...when you go to the zammy mage to get telied to the abyss your usually at lvl 5 wild...that's not 5 squares away from the entrance. And if the pker is actually good they will usually tb + entangle then spec you to death.
  9. I don't like them at all, I killed 2 of them today in about 5 minutes when I was making nats -.- There such sad and weak people. All you have to do is bring a Dds and D skim/Whip with some food and pots (and a tele because you deserve it =p) and they will either run or you will get a fast and easy kill.
  10. 11k Yews by many, many hours.
  11. Prayer still seems to be lagging :shame: Not trying again until I'm possitive that I will be fine.
  12. Also might wanna add that switching prayer does not interupt combat so you wont need to attack him again after each switch. Nice video :P
  13. I'm starting to think it may almost not be possible to get one at this time, even after they apparently "fixed" the prayer bug. I don't think that it's me that keeps screwing up on prayer, but it takes to long to show up. I have seen many rants of people who have beaten Jad many times but now they can't =\ I might go for another try tonight, dunno if it's worth it really. If I don't get to the healers atleast then I will probably never try again untill I know it's ok.
  14. Borat - One of the funniest/dumbest movies I have ever seen :lol:
  15. I was f2p for while and thought it was good but you don't know what your missing out on untill you have been a member. Once you a member you never want to go f2p again because it seems like there is nothing to do.
  16. I like to save up my items. Sometimes ill get so into a skill that I totaly foget how many lobsters or say yews I have cut for example, then ill go look and I will have over 5k :mrgreen: I really like to hold on to everything to see how many I can get and when it comes time to sell them/it, I will make millions.
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