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Everything posted by Kevin_

  1. Nice, took me ages to get my first Spirit Seed, was happy when i got it :).
  2. Kevin_

    A Football

    Wow people acutally do that lol? I thought that only happened on tv. Anyway, i'd ask it politely and say sorry and if he still refuses call the police. I'd just go into his house myself and grab the ball lol.
  3. This is really weird, i had alot of pain tonight, in my ears and in my troath, couldn't sleep. At 4 am i said to myself, ugh in 5 minutes i'll take a painkiller. Then i fell asleep and i woke up just now. The pain is almost gone, i'm even able to talk now. Thanks all for the replies btw.
  4. Yeah, sadly enough this is true. Thanks for the tip, they did tell me that and i've mainly been eating ice cream and jelly. Yeah, i've been using the laptop and typing into notepad if i want something, i don't talk often but it's kinda hard when you have visitors over. Thanks for the answers
  5. Nothing in life is thrown into your lap, you have to work for it.
  6. Tbh you could just invite someone from 5000 years into the future, chances are they'll know the history of the human race. I don't know who i would invite really, i think just people from my family, not the recently deceased ones, but the family members that died in 1800 or so.
  7. Hello, i just got my tonsils removed last thursday, the doctor barely gave me info and i'm really struggling with the pain and several questions. I'm nearly 18 years old btw. I'm taking painkillers, medicines to make sure it doesn't get infected and a substitute for toothpaste. When will the pain stop, eg when will i'll be able to eat normal, talk etc. Is it normal that my teeth and my ears hurt? And that it hurts the most when i wake up. Before anyone says go visit a doctor, i don't see the use, posting it here might give me some answers because i'm obviously not the only one in the world that got his tonsils removed. Thanks
  8. When you're out of the newb fase, having alot of money is the only way to enjoy rs at the fullest, you can try out all the armours, buy the most expensive skills, basicly do everything.
  9. Congrats mate, i'm sure you'll do your job well.
  10. Runescape was better in Classic/04-05-06, now it's just wrecked lol, they can do things all they want, but it'll never be the same ;).
  11. When i used to be in a pk clan i always wore white boots <3. When p2p pking my choice went to the style i was in. (Climb boots for melee, ...)
  12. They are when they are worth 4X the xp XD I think chins 2x the xp are better :P, + if someone tries to steal my spot i'll just kill them, mmkay.
  13. Post on a forum and get laughed at/flamed.
  14. I'm filled with jealousy, wish i had an enormous paycheck like that.
  15. I got the Hunter ones :). Shame Black Salamanders aren't that good lol.
  16. Decent guide, took me 2 tries to get it though, died twice to the same rev lol.
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