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Everything posted by wurmskin

  1. I achieve a lot more if I set myself a time limit, but I think it defeats the purpose of playing a game for fun if it becomes nothing but just complete grind as a result of imposing multiple said limits on yourself.
  2. So long as you're not tanking, both are around the same in terms of difficulty. In my opinion however, K'ril is just slightly harder than Graardor because of his unblockable prayer-draining attack. If you're looking to make money, I'd urge you to do Bandos more often than Zamorak purely for the fact that the drops over at the Bandos side are collectively worth more than what you would get fighting the Zamorak boss.
  3. The first week of RuneScape I spent exclusively mining tin and copper at the SE Varrock Mines, smelting them back at Lumbridge, smithing them into weapons and then selling my products to the general store for cash :D . It was so much fun, and the feeling I got when I got my first 1k was amazing :lol: .
  4. Thanks, I'll edit the main post and all the sigs with your input soon :) .
  5. I made these three tonight, and its the first time I've actually posted here with some material so please don't eat me :lol: . [hide=Original][/hide] [hide=Current][/hide] [hide=Original][/hide] [hide=Current][/hide] [hide=Original][/hide] [hide=Current][/hide] I only started three weeks ago, and I will really appreciate any type of constructive criticism as I definitely want to improve : .
  6. I've heard magic spells splash a lot when it comes to GWD bosses, even with a high mage bonus. If it were more accurate, then I'm sure you'd see guides recommending snares but as it stands, it appears that the only viable method to restrict her movement is through the Zammy GS spec.
  7. I'd rather have 3 (like normal people... :? ). While we're talking about excess body parts... would you rather be born with a cow udder or be born with a chicken waddle?
  8. I'd rather admit it. Would you rather admit you have a 4th nipple or hide it knowing full well some people are going to find out about it one way or another :lol:
  9. This is true - bent precisely enough, two number 1's can indeed form a number 5. :shock: Feelings are for the weak.
  10. Yes, I'd say the PC points are worth it. More damage + more accuracy = win : . If you ever decide to go for 99 range, it also help you greatly in terms of how much experience you gain per hour.
  11. :cry: Falling off a ten story building into an enormous trampoline.
  12. The experience you get from searching the Gold Chests in the middle of the room is fairly minimal anyway (or at least until around the 5th level), so I don't think you're missing out on much there. From what I've read, yes, you're doing the technique right by checking for snakes on the second to last room and searching the urns on your last room. Its also true that you gain more experience by checking the urn and searching for snakes after that, but many people claim that it is faster just searching the urns without checking.
  13. The farming store is north of the bank and nearby the farming patches. Just look for the NPC which you can right click for the "Trade" option.
  14. A good skill for me is a skill which has mechanics and content that is well thought out and works well with the many other features available in RuneScape. I don't think it matters whether or not it makes money or uses money up because Jagex have already proven to us that a good skill can be either of the two. Runecrafting and Construction are two skills which are completely opposite in the sense that a player tends to make large amounts of money when RCing while if you decide to level construction, you're guaranteed to lose quite a bit of cash. However, despite their differences, both of them are much loved parts of the game because they offer so much to players that its insane to neglect leveling them. With RCing, there's not only the satisfaction of leveling such a respected skill to have a high level on, but it also does wonders to fatten your cash pile. With Construction, the benefits of a POH is well worth the money you spend to get to a level because of the ridiculous amounts of content that the houses brought along with them. So pretty much, the things that I personally think make a skill "good" are: the rewards, the mechanics and content offered and how well it fits in with already existing content in the game.
  15. An HP signature without HP? :o 7/10... it would've been 5 but you get a +2 for having no Harry :D. Please mention which tag you're rating.
  16. Throw it (at someone)! A one-story cake with enough icing on it to make diabetics die if they think about it.
  17. The cheapest way to level crafting would be to spin bowstring from flax, but that would take a fairly long time. Keep in mind however, that spinning bowstring gets you quite a bit of cash as well. The fastest way there would be through SC needles and green dragonhide bodies (you need 63 for this... just do chaps till you level) but this is also the most expensive way. For myself at the moment though, the most efficient method to level my crafting is through Sapphire Bracelets. At 60 experience per bracelet crafted, you can make about ~800 in an hour for 48K exp/h and profit slightly. However, if you want to be the most efficient you can be it may be different for you. If you can make about 600k+/h, then you'll be much better off spending your time making cash and then using it to buy green leather at the GE.
  18. I used a search engine. If I recall right, I typed in "Runescape tips" :lol: .
  19. I'd hide somewhere deep in the Underground Pass. Nobody ever goes there unless its for the quest : .
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