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Everything posted by Guthorm

  1. Pfft, the point of playing the game is to have fun. If you find standing around GE and talking to people fun, go for it. If you think efficient is fun, then you would already be doing it. Play however you want it to be. :wink:
  2. Aww, when I clicked on the topic I was actually hoping for somebody to do a comparison between cbow and sighted longbows on tanks. I am interested to know if the sighted longbow is viable in wars and sniping and such. Ah well.
  3. I am too lazy to copy and past the questions as I only have one feedback. I think there should be a poll asking for a possible P2P section, you never see them these days.
  4. WBM tbh, you will always be a nubble GUY in my book.

  5. Is ok =p, I was just going to post my awesome analysis on your abortion topic. Then I closed the tab before I posted it, so we are even.

  6. Well, in life, you might find that generalisations are generally wrong. Of course, but if done right the stereotypes can be entertaining. Do you not agree?
  7. I just do penguins every week, takes like 20 minutes for 15k worth of exp. Then just spend about 10 minutes and plant 5 curry trees, the seed cost like 3k each. You get about 25kish worth of exp for 30 minutes of work. :mrgreen:
  8. Wrong information on the internetz!? No such thing can happen.. ever.. :-o Of course there is nothing wrong with posting incorrect information. I am just a bit irritated because of the rash assumption. No offense of course. We are getting off topic though. :smile: Well by getting back to the topic, I am a bit surprised that barrow armor is not included in any of them.
  9. I am just going to catch it on youtube, I was disappointed when the person I am betting on lost in the semi. :mellow:
  10. I am fine if there is just one huge thread with the types of players, with the correct information of course. I mean it is thoughtful for the OP to post a thread, but unfortunately most of the information are incorrect.
  11. Since when is defender inferior to DFS? I would like to hear your thought on this. The pro slayers definitely do not slay in bandos unless they want to lose a ton of money from ppots because of SS and turmoil. Most of the top slayers I see use pro top and verac skirt.
  12. Gratz for that awesome name which made me chuckle.
  13. Happy Birthday :)

  14. Meh, perhaps it is the hype, but I did not think the quest is that great. I am just happy they finally finished an ancient storyline.
  15. I will update the first post a bit later, just saw it a moment ago. Right now I am a bit worried, can they do this? They are certainly large goals.
  16. Why am I not surprised smelly is the one who posted this? :mellow:
  17. Normally after a week off Jagex update on Mondays right?
  18. Alright alright..so Runescape beat FIFA, Kingfom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, God of War, Bioshock, L4D, Chrono Trigger, STARCRAFT,DIABLO, I mean the warcraft franchise is not even on there. WoW=/=Warcraft RTS Neither is Guild Wars! I am gonna stab the gamers naw.
  19. First number is the number of people playing in the dungeon, in this case 5. The second number is the number of people this dungeon is designed for, and 5 is the number in this case. This only occur at the reward screen, if you are soloing you should only see 1:1, meaning there is 1 person and the dungeon is designed for one person.
  20. I heard this aswell. ^ I mean since when does ever TT choose to fight at BH stairs? It just does not make any sense. Edit: Lulz
  21. Not trying to promote video game no-lifing, but that is a very nice emote.
  22. What does HoT mean though, i couldn't urban dictionary it for obvious reasons :unsure: Healing over time, similar to EE's special effect. You would gain a small amount of hp over time, for example right now a player gives away 75% of hp in one chunk right? I think it would be better if they split the chunk into smaller ones, for example 5% every 1 second etc until all 75% has been healed. The hp lost can be a DoT(Damage over time) as well.
  23. I would rather they make the healing spell a HoT instead. You are giving away 75% of your hp to another player, this pretty much means you are only going to use it when the other player is about to get koed. But the thing is, who is going to let their HP go that low? Any player would start cramming food down once they are below 50%. By making it a HoT, and perhaps make it have a casting time, I imagine it would be more helpful.
  24. I agree with infamous, there are more dragon bones out there than you think. I predict once it reaches a certain price, some hoarders will dump the bones and others will follow suit. It will eventually snowball to a panic.
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