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Is giving free stuff to scammed victims only making them...


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Is giving free stuff to scammed victims only makes them just as un-aware as before?








Anyway, November was harsh for me because I got scammed of 1.9m for a whip due to the item-remove trick. I never asked for help, I worked for it, and now I know that you MUST ALWAYS WATCH SECOND TRADE. I learned something from that scam and the reason why Jagex doesn't return scammed items is because they want you to learn a lesson and hopefully enjoy what you worked hard for.








You see and hear it from your friends and strangers:








"dude i got scammed can i have money"








"i got scammed can I have free stuff"








"omg! I got scammed" (yeah, as if the first scam in RS happened)








"can i have some stuff cuze i got hacked"












Anyway, you probably realize that you are guessing they are doing it for making money and a quick K. Even if they are truly scammed, giving them the amount they lost only makes them think, "Hey, my friend is gonna cover me up forever!" (like insurance in their minds :S)



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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Yes. They don't learn anything. They'll just get scammed again. Also, never give stuff to scammed victims, because 99% of the time, they weren't scammed, or hacked. They're just begging noobs looking for a quick buck. :wink:

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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Yes. They don't learn anything. They'll just get scammed again. Also, never give stuff to scammed victims, because 99% of the time, they weren't scammed, or hacked. They're just begging noobs looking for a quick buck. :wink:








I seriously doubt it is 99%, but honestly, taking advantage over a lie :-k



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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I don't usually do that. HOWEVER! If this person who got scammed is a close friend of mine, or somebody I know well, I will lend some money to them.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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dont give nthem free stuff. THey will only learn if they make and protect their own stuff. If they think its not worth protecting bcos they can just beg for more they haven not learn.t THey must ahve their own stuff so that they car efor it bcos they have put the time and effort into getting it.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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Definately not another pointless, look-at-how-mature-I-am and boring topic. I'll just post for the sake of it. When people get scammed it's their own fault, if you give them stufff afterwards it most likely means they will become a victim of their stupidity even faster again.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Is giving free stuff to scammed victims only makes them just as un-aware as before?








Anyway, November was harsh for me because I got scammed of 1.9m for a whip due to the item-remove trick. I never asked for help, I worked for it, and now I know that you MUST ALWAYS WATCH SECOND TRADE. I learned something from that scam and the reason why Jagex doesn't return scammed items is because they want you to learn a lesson and hopefully enjoy what you worked hard for.








You see and hear it from your friends and strangers:








"dude i got scammed can i have money"








"i got scammed can I have free stuff"








"omg! I got scammed" (yeah, as if the first scam in RS happened)








"can i have some stuff cuze i got hacked"












Anyway, you probably realize that you are guessing they are doing it for making money and a quick K. Even if they are truly scammed, giving them the amount they lost only makes them think, "Hey, my friend is gonna cover me up forever!" (like insurance in their minds :S)












lol i never pay attention i got scammed ouuta like 20m from various things but i dont complain either






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i don't even feel bad for those guys but i give them ... bronze axe or pickaxe. and tell them to go to work. Or i just give stuff that i was about to drop after cleaning bank.

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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A guy got scammed of a D med the other day (lvl 92) I had an extra 400k from alching so I picked him up noe Cause im sick of the Pixel-hugging scums that dont make this game fun... dont get me wrong I like this game but evernetually it will be a sam-fest at this rate














If you quote me please be sure to note that I'm extremely mad.

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90% of the people who claim they've been "scammed" or "hacked" are low levels who think it's funny to beg for items. For the 10 percent that did though I think we should not give any money to them(no offence to you), they should accept that they have been scammed and should learn. Personally I would like to say I am very proud of you, for I have not seen one person in the past three months accept that they have been scammed and they have learned. Most of these people whine and complaint and beg, while they could be earning money back up to replace the scam. I am sorry you got scammed too. :(


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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I don't give anything to people. Know why?








I was in canfis the other day, ran into some guy who was losing members. Long story short, I got about 6-7m in stuff for 3m.








Entire time this awesome trade is taking place, a level 40 is watching and picking up on the fact I'm getting a lot of money. So he begs.








I was feeling pretty good, so I give him 1k airs. Is he happy? No. He stands there for a while, then trades again. "More".








Dumb as I was, I gave him 25k cash and said "No more."








He trades again. :wall:








Giving to a begger only causes more trouble in the future. Don't do it. I never begged, and I made it. So can they.

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whenever someone asks for free stuff, i usually hand them a steel axe from my collectiona nd tell them to chop wood for money. Im sure most of them try to sell it though. I try to at least help them understand they cant be spoonfed. i know i wouldnt be where i am today if i was spoonfed the entire time. I mean, jsut recently i lost a whip because of my mistake. I go to barrows to get money and 10 runs later, spear. I know i benefit more from not having help, so i try to benefit others as well.

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i dont give ppl stuff after they get scammed...in fact, i got scammed out of a sara cloak last month, but i didn't mind, I could live with being poor before i got those 5k fires and sara cloak ( only later did i realize the fires), whats different now?

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Definately not another pointless, look-at-how-mature-I-am and boring topic. I'll just post for the sake of it. When people get scammed it's their own fault, if you give them stufff afterwards it most likely means they will become a victim of their stupidity even faster again.








am I boasting? No, I just think it is an interesting topic considering how we get annoyed by these guys.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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depends on the persons personallity, otherwise ignore them. pesky noobs. =;








Agreed. If someone walks up to me and says "Cn i h4v3 phree st0ff, I got haxkecd", I usually take what they say with a grain of salt.








With my friends, I offer them advice instead of items. Or I tell them to pay me back the money they owe me in real life first.




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Well i got scammed twice (twice the same way actually) like 2 years ago.








Someone was offering me to trim my black armor which was worth like 15k (was alot of money for me then lol). So i traded him my armor and he ran off.




So i made some cash back and i re-bought the black armor and once again someone offered me to trim my armor and me thinking this time he would do it ... got scammed again.








From that day on i have been more causcious about stuff and never got scammed again.








(except from a friend who i used to trade phats with and such which stole my blue mask (wth lol), but then again i dont think it was him on his account)








So yea ... i never got help from anyone after i got scammed but i learned lessons from it :oops:




Giving stuff to people who got scammed can cheer them up for the first few days though ... but that isn't what's important on a long term

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