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Is Jagex showing a lack of attention to autoing?


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I think they spend to much time on new updates/random events Etc, When the macroers are the real problem, They dont use enough time on a system to stop the Bot Users. :shame:

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I have a very simple and quick question for anybody who goes with the Jagex conspiracies:




Why do we have a report abuse system?






surely Jagex needs OUR help to deal with rule-breakers. I think they care but so many people play Runescape that they can't do everything single-handed. I refuse to believe in any A.J.S (Anti-Jagex Syndrome) that I hear. Yes, players on F2p are ignorant at times but is Jagex responsible for their stupidity?








They can look up info about RS. What about the macros, how come the shark prices are staying up at 850gp-1k ea. Jagex DID something to them and that's kicking their little pixel-shaped [wagon]. Yes, they multiply but as long as we report them, its gonna be all right.




Another thing, it gets irritating hearing all these Jagex lies all day and I'm surprised my head didn't explode due to these Jagex-myths.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

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Jagex is slow, thats their problem. When a program stops working, another better one takes its place. The programmers have all their time.

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  • 4 months later...

I reckon the autoing problem is coming under control. Sharks are 1k each again and cooked lobs are 230each and raws are 250each.




This is obviously gonna drop again one day, like it always does. With every boom in the economy comes a recession, that is simple economics.

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i know that hagex is doing their best. BUT






What if they took a few reputable long time players(50 hours pluss?), and made a secret police? these players could talk to anyone nomatter their


chat status, and they couldnt be ignored. if by chance they start spamming people, then they will imediately lose their status after investigation.




their powers would be




ability to temprarily ban people, and report groups. they would be the ultimate macro stoppers they the macroers would be givven an opportunity to respond to a message, which would freeze their screen, and flash in bright colors, so noone could miss it. after 10 seconds, they would be banned until unvestigated





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Totally. They have to start IP banning. They should start going into worlds, going into popular macro spots and make them drop like flies. Ban every single level 3 who has a completely random name, starting clothes and hairstyle, and doesn't talk. They may get a few legitimate players but they do that a lot already. A lot of pures have their mains banned. Even if they don't drop trade or macro or whatever. There has recently been a Bots/Real-World Trading fiasco...I've only seen an increase in autoers since then. But before this gets better, it's going to get worse. Much worse.




a problem with your theory.




my brother has a clan of level three skillers named Dynasty Of Skillers. some of them have completly random names, and they are all legit players.




also, the account he runs it on is named 'mr bot guy'(rofl)




anyway, some of the other accounts you see ther are people in foriegn countries that sell gold for a living. they arent macroers, they are skillers that act as macros in that they JUST practice 1 skill and don't talk. notice that some of them respond to randoms? they are people. which means that they can plee a ban










p.s. if you think that those programmers dont have they're hands full, you obviously havent done any graphic desigh/programing/3d modeling.




it takes upwards of one hour to model and texture a simple tree.(and their trees aren't simple) :ohnoes: :wall:

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they will always find a way




Jagex and Andrew are lying about banning lots of marcos they just want to give false hope




Well it's just your word against theirs now isn't it? Try providing more than just baseless speculation. Like try proving your outrageous claims.

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personally I think that Jagex has done an excellant job with the autoer problem


-first I see far fewer member autoers


-I have noticed on f2p worlds that somedays there are hundreds and on others there are 1 or 2


its obvious that it is working becuase sharks have risen back to their preautoer infestation prices.

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Ok, the prices for Sharks have dropped 23% 200 gp why? Autoers in the fishing guild. You can see them all around plus thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s no way to report them. How do you report someone who is saying nothing? How do you know if he just doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to speak? Players canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t tell if there autoers or not, you have to do that.




Jagex says to go ahead and report them, and they will investigate it. You're asking how do you report them? Um, there's a little item called 'Macroing'? You don't need them to speak.




Ok, now they respond ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åthings like this take timeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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"The Mystery of Life"

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And I love how all the dates you listed happened MONTHS!!! ago.




"Teh z0mg!1!! Seven months ago in April, there were teh sooooo many of teh botties!1!!1 Prices for sharks were 450gpea!!11 z0mg!!!"




Guess what? It's October, and shark prices are back to 1kea. What does that mean, you ask? Less bots in the game, says I.




So stop complaining.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Lets say that there are 3 X more f2p players than p2p players. this would mean that approximately 3/4 of the entire population of rs is f2p. around 3 million.




3000000/5000 -} 3000/5 -} 600.




only 600 is banned every week, out of 3 million. Sure, the amount of autoers is not 3 million. but how much of the population is being banned?







First off, where they hell did you get those numbers?




3mil for amount of players.


5000 what and from where?


5 what and from where?




I might as well say:




Hey! There's 3 million people in RS!




3mil/5000 = 3000


3000/5 = 600




Teh z0mg! Only 600 bots banned?






Where the hell do you get those damn numbers?!




Why don't you just say:




3mil/1mil = 3




3/3 = 1




Teh z0mg! Only 1 bot banned a week!

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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And by the way, Archer11, you might want to update your first post. It's been 8 months since you posted that. Change it so it's actually up to date with the current bot-busting situation maybe?

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Rate of making the so called bots is way faster than the banning process. So naturally it can't be helped.




Also the so called marcoers manage to evade detection since they are actually "players". Predicting the time for a tree to drop and respawn, changes in fishing spots are impossible, auto bank are impossible.

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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Rate of making the so called bots is way faster than the banning process. So naturally it can't be helped.




Also the so called marcoers manage to evade detection since they are actually "players". Predicting the time for a tree to drop and respawn, changes in fishing spots are impossible, auto bank are impossible.

You have no idea what you are talking about, the bots run off game code, and yes they can bank, they can do randoms, they can do almost anything a human can do.
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I personally think that Jagex is working hard on the macro'er/auto'er problem that plagues Runescape. Daily they ban numerous players but sadly these players just re-create new accounts so to us it may not appear to be having much of an effect.




It's hard to say what they may come up with in the future to combat this problem, but they have to be vary careful what they do as it may affect the rest of us as well.




One way for us to help them is by reporting auto'ers. Players are more than welcome to send a query to Jagex if there are just too many to report via the Report Abuse button. Then you can list numerous players at once.




They will work on it 24/7 to figure out what else they can do:)

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Rate of making the so called bots is way faster than the banning process. So naturally it can't be helped.




Also the so called marcoers manage to evade detection since they are actually "players". Predicting the time for a tree to drop and respawn, changes in fishing spots are impossible, auto bank are impossible.

You have no idea what you are talking about, the bots run off game code, and yes they can bank, they can do randoms, they can do almost anything a human can do.


If someone is so skilled at making a perfect macroing program involving game codes then why not just get a job. Besides there are quite a lot of variables involved in that which I didn't mention. (They can distribute them :wall: :wall: )




Edit: If that is true then there's nothing to stop it really...Unless Jagex release like a unit of special mods who can d/c those who're suspected as bots and ban their IP...which is so far-fetched...

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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I prefer to put my separate ideas into separate posts, instead of creating one gigantic mass of letters.





If someone is so skilled at making a perfect macroing program involving game codes then why not just get a job. Besides there are quite a lot of variables involved in that which I didn't mention. (They can distribute them :wall: :wall: )




Edit: If that is true then there's nothing to stop it really...Unless Jagex release like a unit of special mods who can d/c those who're suspected as bots and ban their IP...which is so far-fetched...




1. People do use macroers for a job. They're called gold farmers.


2. Obviously they've overcome those unmentioned variables.


3. Are you stupid to think that Jagex hasn't thought of IP banning and someone such as yourself has? Every hear of a proxy? Jagex can't do anything about it.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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I prefer to put my separate ideas into separate posts, instead of creating one gigantic mass of letters.





If someone is so skilled at making a perfect macroing program involving game codes then why not just get a job. Besides there are quite a lot of variables involved in that which I didn't mention. (They can distribute them :wall: :wall: )




Edit: If that is true then there's nothing to stop it really...Unless Jagex release like a unit of special mods who can d/c those who're suspected as bots and ban their IP...which is so far-fetched...




1. People do use macroers for a job. They're called gold farmers.


2. Obviously they've overcome those unmentioned variables.


3. Are you stupid to think that Jagex hasn't thought of IP banning and someone such as yourself has? Every hear of a proxy? Jagex can't do anything about it.




1. Pogrammers aren't necessarily macroers themselves;


2. I haven't seen a macroing program in rl in the first hand SO I'm still in denial mode...If there is one, everything still remains unchanged unfortunately.


3. They can still d/c those who are suspicious, anything to deter their activities. As you said, it can't be helped if IPs are hosted by thousnads of proxies.

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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I prefer to put my separate ideas into separate posts, instead of creating one gigantic mass of letters.





If someone is so skilled at making a perfect macroing program involving game codes then why not just get a job. Besides there are quite a lot of variables involved in that which I didn't mention. (They can distribute them :wall: :wall: )




Edit: If that is true then there's nothing to stop it really...Unless Jagex release like a unit of special mods who can d/c those who're suspected as bots and ban their IP...which is so far-fetched...




1. People do use macroers for a job. They're called gold farmers.


2. Obviously they've overcome those unmentioned variables.


3. Are you stupid to think that Jagex hasn't thought of IP banning and someone such as yourself has? Every hear of a proxy? Jagex can't do anything about it.




1. Pogrammers aren't necessarily macroers themselves;


2. I haven't seen a macroing program in rl in the first hand SO I'm still in denial mode...If there is one, everything still remains unchanged unfortunately.


3. They can still d/c those who are suspicious, anything to deter their activities. As you said, it can't be helped if IPs are hosted by thousnads of proxies.

Theres an autoing program out right now with very flexible options that can run up to 30 bots at once, thats why runescape is being over run.
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Theres an autoing program out right now with very flexible options that can run up to 30 bots at once, thats why runescape is being over run.


Oh well gf stealing the yew and willow spawns. But hey there's still room for real players like us with different domains...unless bots move into combat/ slayer business then rs is done for.

Total Level 2247- 11x 99s All Combat Skills, Slayer, Summoning, Woodcutting, Herblore

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