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As of few months, Ebay has stopped all sales of electronic currency except the currency of "Second Life". This is due to large amounts of people being scammed out of more than just RS money, but actually having their credit card numbers stolen by simply trying to purchase the item. Also, the banning of sales of electronic goods was stopped, because many of the games forbid the sale of their currency. Due to this fact, it is really not necessary to put "NFS" signs all over your Bank/Stats picture when you post it. Also, If you still do not feel safe about posting pictures with your Bank/Stats then you can simply not edit the picture, or erase all traces of your account's name for safety.




This is just an announcement for people who still post the NFS on pictures.




I also like to inform people about stuff. ::'

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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uhhh i think jagex messaged ebay in a "friendly" way(a.k.a. making zezima a mod, ebay would collapse :?: ) so they banned sale of rs currency and accounts (my friend sold his f2p with 2 mil and full guthix for $300 2 years ago on ebay) so that they dont get sued. good job Jagex :thumbsup: =D> :mrgreen: \'



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thats a bit old


but there are still millions of sites




I wouldn't go as far as millions but I'd say hundreds or barely over 1,000. And besides, I'd rather just mark my name out then spend 20 minutes writing nfs all over it and ruining that "awesome-ness". :thumbsup:




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ahh well, at least its a little hardr to sell rs stuff on the web


click my sig for my blog!!!

Thanks everyone for the sigs they pwn!

No. Why should i give presents for someone in rs?

Most selfish thing I've ever heard

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its not really for eBay, but for ppl posting on the forums. i saw a thread of some1 asking howe you organise your bank, ppl posted pics, and put NFS over it so any one seeing wouldent PM them about buying stuff they dont want to sell. say you have a santa, its x-mas, u dont want every1 asking to buy it.


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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ahh well, at least its a little hardr to sell rs stuff on the web


Aren't there like 241 illegal RuneScape Money/Items/Accounts trading/selling sites in the world? Just because EBay doesn't allow it anymore, doesn't mean the problem is fixed. :|




And you know this figure because...? :?




I think Ebay stopped it a long time ago, and if it was recent, I would be surprised that Jagex hadn't done it sooner.

~ W ~



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I'm sure this is old, and most rs gold is sold by other sites..




Just pointing out though, Jagex are going to do more about this now, as they said in the last update.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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ahh well, at least its a little hardr to sell rs stuff on the web


doesn't mean the problem is fixed. :|


Where did he say it was fixed? o_O




Anyway, I highly doubt it had anything to do with Jagex not wanting them to do it anymore. Would have been moreso because Ebay were just sick of the complaints of people not getting what they paid for, and having to deal with it.


Sig And Avatar by Tripsis - 99 Slayer Blog - My Pyramid Plunder Guide

Owner of Fire Cape since 28-09-2005 - 426th to 99 Strength

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i never put that on my stat pics anyway.. Who'd wanna steal my nooby stat pics to scam someone?

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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i never put that on my stat pics anyway.. Who'd wanna steal my nooby stat pics to scam someone?




Ever tought of...... a scammer ?!




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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i never put that on my stat pics anyway.. Who'd wanna steal my nooby stat pics to scam someone?




Ever tought of...... a scammer ?!

thank you captain obvious.. but i was simply stating my stats aren't worth stealing to attempt to scam someone..

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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if you haven't noticed some of the ads for this forum are to runescape gold sites <.<




We are aware of this, and we are constantly attempting to remove them. If you see any ads that advertise such sales, please report them to this topic.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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