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CHoose an item


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Let's suppose you log in to runescape and you get a message saying "you've been a good player, so you can choose one of these items:"




-Becoming a member for 2 years free.


-The ability of becoming the lvl 703 monster whenever you want and to be able to turn back to a human.


-A party hat set


-2 billion gp in your bank


-The ability of killing macros whenever you want.


-A lightsaber (+400 in all attack stats)


-Becoming a J mod


What would you choose?


This is a great question with some great answers. So assuming I was the only one in the entire realm of RuneScape who was given these options, I have made a system to coming up with a decision to put some reason into my choice.




1. Cool, but eventually I would end up being bored with the game and having like, an extra year of membership go to waste. Then again, I could always just seize the day and do everything you can on a members account and enjoy it while it's there. After all it's not like I paid for it.




2. Again cool, but soon I would be able to kill anyone and anything, anywhere and the challenge of leveling my player would be nonexistant. Then again, I could always just roam around as myslelf being normal and when someone bothers me I could say: "Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Then boom transform and tear them to shreds. Plus I'd be famous and known as the only guy who can transform into the monster. Can you say "Zezima who?" They would all fear and respect me. I could get used to that.




3. Another good one, but people would see me and they'd be like: "Can I have hat?", "What hat is that?", "Give me hat noob! Or I hack joo!" I wouldn't be able to wear the hat in public without being hounded. I'm a guy who likes his space and I couldn't have a moment in peace if I wanted to wear it. Then again, despite the crowds of beggars, would probably get respect from real high society people with money and levels. I'd fit right in. Not to mention the money I could make by selling them.




4. Still a good option, but eventually I'd run out. Spending like crazy on things I don't need. Think about it. The things you can get in free to play that cost alot aren't that much. I would need a memership to make whatever I buy worth it. After buying the couple things I want. Trimmed armour, food and weapons. In the end. Why am I buying those things? So that I can kill people, sell their stuff and make money, which I'd already have. Then again, I could buy stuff to make mad skills. Imagine how easy it would be to up my magic level.




5. Wow. The ability to kill macroers whenever I want? That's cool. But when word got out that I had the ability to do that, people from far and wide would either be telling me to give them the ability or kill macroers for them. Then again, I'd be a hero! People would love me for being the one person able to rid the world of these hated bots. And, think of all the money I could make from killing macroers on will and selling their yews and stuff. I wouldn't even need the free 2 billion gp. I could earn it by ridding the land of the scourge of macroers.




6. A light saber. Now that's awesome! The most powerful weapon in the game and all I have to do is flick a switch. But, there's a certain problem which is similar to that of the party hat option. The amount of people willing to cough up their lifes fortune to get such an amazing item would get annoying and I would probably be called a hacker and people would often get mad at me. Then again, why should I have a guilty conscience for something that isn't true. If Jagex is giving me this weapon, I've obviously done somthing great to deserve it and I've earned it. I'd be killing people left, right and center with an anti-chronologically placed item in my hand, showing people who's boss.




7. Well it all comes down to another good option. The choice of being a Jagex Moderator. Pretty great. But from what I know about the job, it demands responsibility and presents the same problem as Macro Terminator. People would always be disrespecting me and telling me to make them Mods. Then again, from what else I hear. I could make myself anything, give myself anything and ultimately make the reporting system quicker. I wouldn't even have to kill macroers, after all they would just return from lumbridge and continue their jobs. Being a mod would certainly come in handy.






I have to go with the lightsaber.[/hide]

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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-Becoming a member for 2 years free


pretty sweet but i'm makin 4grand this summer :D




-The ability of becoming the lvl 703 monster whenever you want and to be able to turn back to a human.


this would get boring fast




-A party hat set


fairly good but not quite as good as 2b gp




-2 billion gp in your bank


I would choose this, I could buy phat set and have money left over for practical stuff for training and i could get like 3 buyable 99's




-The ability of killing macros whenever you want.


also fun but would get boring fast




-A lightsaber (+400 in all attack stats)


also fn but would get boring fast




-Becoming a J mod


would stink lol




What would you choose?


so overall i would choose the 2b gp in bank



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-The ability of becoming the lvl 703 monster whenever you want and to be able to turn back to a human.






o ya! pkers beware theres a new enemy in the wildy! could single handledly take on the KQ, the Chaos elementail, and the Kbd.




but if it were a real thing to revieve... id want to be a J mod!


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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Wow, what's up with this people? :P Light-saber, then all my cash (around 15m) then 30m-60m and so on!I'ld get 2.1b in no time plus around all the phat sets i want! :D




Btw: Light saber gives +400 to all attack stats, so you could magic-range-or what ever and never miss, and of course by all attack stats it means left column, so that includes str :P

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-Becoming a member for 2 years free




dont need




-The ability of becoming the lvl 703 monster whenever you want and to be able to turn back to a human.




pretty good choice.


pk, stake, world 2 and turn into this monster and have everyone unprepared while you are tokjad, if someone happens to be prepared you can turn human again and have a previous set up to kill them since all they will have is prayer pots and some brews.




-A party hat set




bad choice




-2 billion gp in your bank



bad choice




-The ability of killing macros whenever you want.




doesnt hurt me much, being a monster would kill them anyway




-A lightsaber (+400 in all attack stats)




pretty good choice, you can stake for ANY amount of money in duel arena and win as long as its weapon only, money isnt a problem here.


also you can be known as the greatest pker ever.


all considering you are the only person with this sword.


i dont like the name of it though




-Becoming a J mod




its not all fun and games, you will have to put work into the game




best choice seems to be the lvl 703 monster


4000000657th to 99 cookin

555555406th to 99 flethcin

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    [*:2zxllqt8]First of all, you can become a member for two years for only approximately 120 dollars. So that one I would scratch.
    [*:2zxllqt8]Being a monster that's level 703 would be awesome but make you look fat and ugly in appearance. Scratch that one.
    [*:2zxllqt8]A set of party hats for free would be great, but earning them on your own would give you a greater sense of achievement.
    [*:2zxllqt8]Killing macroes whenever you feel like it would be a great help to Jagex, but there are millions of them and only one of you. How would you tell which is which, anyways? I know there are the usual signs, but how can you be sure? Scratch that one.
    [*:2zxllqt8]A lightsaber would look awesomely spectacular with shade robes, but you'd have to drag around that generator (As big as a house) to power it (Lol).




So in the end my choice (Finally, huh?) would be to become a Jagex moderator (Which would give you the power to get all these things anyways). :thumbsup:




Just thought I'd add a sense of humor to my perspective,



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Definitely either a 2 years mem free, 2 billion, or, at the top of the list, Tz-Tok-Jad!






I would OWN the wildy!

The internet: A place where the men are men, the women are men, and 13 year old girls are FBI agents.
looks like WoW's interface.

Were you too lazy to read 3 posts above or too stupid to comprehend it?

Brothers and sisters, I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who is that man?

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I'd probably choose 2 billion gp...


Believe it or not, I'd spent 1/4 of it to help out other players!




But if Jagex actually did that kind of thing to players, especially the free membership, I'd be too busy watching the pigs fly.




Lmfao you own.



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Being a J mod would be cool, seeing as you can do the above rest, but you can't kill anybody..so that would suck.




Probably the light saber to own at dueling to make billions.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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Easily the lightsaber. I don't want members with this account, I don't wish to become a monster more powerful than myself (power corrupts, you know), party hats look pretty dumb, money is the root of all evil, killing macros would be much less experience than the Moss Giants I already kill and being a J Mod would be giving power which corrupts.




:D Doesn't the lightsaber also represent power? :o


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