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There was a spider in my bathroom last night. I was taking a pee and it ran over my foot. I was lucky i didnt miss the bowl i jumped back so far lol. I managed to crush it under a tissue and flush it away




I hate it when something interrupts me and I miss the bowl. A few days ago it was a cockroach, I freaking hate those things.

I had a little fly/midge flying around my toilet bowl whiles i was peeing. Made for good target practice. :P
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It's a centipede. Good idea running out of your room. Most are very poisionous, and can kill people. Especially ones that big. If I saw that in my room I would be like "Holy {Freakin} {Poo}!!!"




5 inches. Does anyone realise how big that is?? That like... Your mouse is only 3- inches or so... So imagine 2 or 3 times the length of your mouse.

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woah :uhh: :ohnoes: i would get my [wagon] outta there lol


|Myssy <3 | Retired | 19/9/07

"My legs say no, but my body says f... you"
I laughed so hard I pooped my thong. :lol:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dang, those things are really creepy. But my family has a time tested way to kill them. When anybody finds a centipede in the house someone (usually dad) grabs it with some tongs and then roasts it in the stove. It wriggles when it burns. :twisted:




I know it sounds kind of funny but this way the centipede can't bite you and you get to experience a little arthropod pyrotechnics. ::'




I remember recently that a centipede came into my room, too.


It stayed on the wall above the doorway all day, so I had to do a little dash nearly every time I came in and out, or else it might fall on me. :ohnoes: Thankfully, it didn't drop.




Later, I tried shooting rubber bands at it to make it move away but I couldn't make it budge with my bad aim. During the night, it crawled into tong-grabbing range, so I tried to get it, but the centipede escaped. My Dad, however, came to the rescue and caught, roasted, and served up the centipede for dinner.




J/K, we just threw it away after roasting.

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Only type of spider that really scares me at the moment is a brown recluse and thats only because it can do this to you with one bite:




Warning: Very graphic photo, not for the squeamish.







~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Only type of spider that really scares me at the moment is a brown recluse and thats only because it can do this to you with one bite:




Warning: Very graphic photo, not for the squeamish.






Something tells me he let that fester for a looong time before finally going into the hospital. I've seen several brown recluse bites, and most of them are nowhere near that..

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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Only type of spider that really scares me at the moment is a brown recluse and thats only because it can do this to you with one bite:




Warning: Very graphic photo, not for the squeamish.






Something tells me he let that fester for a looong time before finally going into the hospital. I've seen several brown recluse bites, and most of them are nowhere near that..




According to the site thats after only 10 days.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Imagine if you would have gone to sleep without noticing it, and had it crawling on you. What a wake-up :) .




:uhh: :-X




I get sqimish with large bugs (warf spiders mak eme violent, I cant rest till i've killed them so I know I won't find it again). I proboly would have goten something to whack it with (maby the 3-volt electric fly swater)




If I woke up and one of those was on me I would:


a) Have a heart attack while yelling a defening 'holy [cabbage]' or 'what the [bleep]' or maby just 'ahhh'




c)die of shock silently


d) yell one of the selections from 'a' while jumping out of bed, running around in circles for 10 seconds, than finding the largest hardcover book I could, and a roll of paper towel. Then use the book to fling it onto the floor, through some paper towel on it, and squish it with the book.




Now if I encountered one out doors, I would be faced with never wanting to see it again. I'd proboly run inside, grab my air rifle, load it, run back out dorrs and blow that centipede away. Choce 2 would be to whack it with a baseball bat.

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^^Lmao Randox... :thumbsup:




If I saw something on my bed.. I'd go bloody crazy... :-w Screaming out every swear or foul language I have in my vocabulary... Run into the kitchen get some water in a small cup, splash my face, and use the same cup to catch the thinger \'




If it was big.. I'd get out of my room, grab the heaviest thing I can possibly lift, and throw it at them... :-s




In other words, I do this:




Jump out of bed, using all possible foul-language, throwing all possible items at the thing 'til it died....... ON MY BED!? :uhh:

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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^^unlike you, I dont want any dead things becoming a part of my bed, thats why id get it on te floor (our whole house is hardwood, no carpets) before I made a mess. And I forgot to mention what I would be saying as I hunted/killed it (though the censo will block most of it) because killing something like that justifyes me talking out loud.




As I swing the book: "Get the [bleep] of my bed"




*puts paper towel on big bug*


As I swing the book: "Die you mother [bleep]er, Die!"


*looks at sqished bug*


"Damn that made a mess"

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Centipedes are segmented, venomous arthropods. That one looks like a Red-Tailed Centipede (may be called Red-Flag or something). I think it's African :| Most centipedes live in tropical climates, but some also exist in temperate climates. And no, centipedes don't have hundreds of legs. They have one set of legs per body segment (theoretically they could have 100+ legs, I suppose.)




A bite wouldn't do too much damage. Worst case scenario is it feels like a terrible bee-sting, the area of insertion swells and blackens, and you're left with two black holes ~1cm apart. I don't think that little guy could do that sort of damage, though--as big as he may seem.






Probably. When I was visiting my mother's parents and brothers in Africa with my family, there were almost constantly millipedes/centipedes all around our camp at the national park, and at our dining area there was almost always a scorpion or something, and we were told pretty much to ignore them. I don't think it would do much damage at all. Still, that's pretty freaky.






Off-topic: The two freakiest bug-moments I've ever had were




1. Waking up with a flipping spider on my face.


2. While on said trip to Africa, I was sitting around a campfire with many relatives. My aunt said she saw something moving under my (Sandaled only) foot. I picked it up, and right underneath it was a like 8 inch long black scorpion. My dad kicked it into the fire, though. Still freaked me out, I was barely able to fall asleep that night.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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^^Pic looks fake.. :-#




Compared to everything else I looked up, its about right.




Heres a site with a ton of em, check it out and look through all the case studies at the top of the page: http://www.highway60.com/mark/brs/default.htm




Again, not for the squeamish



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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I have like a mini hand-held hoover to get rid of spiders in my house. I recommend everyone invests in one of those.




Hahahah you do what I do, I suck them up with the vacuum cleaner.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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So..did it hitch a ride with an African tourist?




Here's the kicker...There is actually a Cheetah in your basement.




...And a tribe of Ethiopians in your bathroom.




Robin Williams should be there any minute.








I laughed for like 30 seconds at this. :)




Anyway, centi comes from ancient Greece or some other old place, meaning 100, in the


case of a centipede meaning 100 legs, although few of them probably get that many. That's also


where we get centimeter*. Mili comes from the same place, but for 1,000, although again I don't


think any milipede could get 1,000 legs. That's also where we get milimeter**.




*1/100th of a meter


**1/1,000th of a meter




Because knowledge is power!!

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Imagine if you would have gone to sleep without noticing it, and had it crawling on you. What a wake-up :) .




:uhh: :-X




I get sqimish with large bugs (warf spiders mak eme violent, I cant rest till i've killed them so I know I won't find it again). I proboly would have goten something to whack it with (maby the 3-volt electric fly swater)




If I woke up and one of those was on me I would:


a) Have a heart attack while yelling a defening 'holy [cabbage]' or 'what the [bleep]' or maby just 'ahhh'




c)die of shock silently


d) yell one of the selections from 'a' while jumping out of bed, running around in circles for 10 seconds, than finding the largest hardcover book I could, and a roll of paper towel. Then use the book to fling it onto the floor, through some paper towel on it, and squish it with the book.




Now if I encountered one out doors, I would be faced with never wanting to see it again. I'd proboly run inside, grab my air rifle, load it, run back out dorrs and blow that centipede away. Choce 2 would be to whack it with a baseball bat.




*replaces fly swatter with 5 iron golf club and anything i can get my hands on* "that should do it"




and for outside i would replace the air gun with my trusty 4/10 shotgun


Not true. I lost my virginity to the log out button #-o
You should have knocked him out and thrown him out the window (I actually did that at school).


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I have like a mini hand-held hoover to get rid of spiders in my house. I recommend everyone invests in one of those.




Hahahah you do what I do, I suck them up with the vacuum cleaner.




Really? I'm always scared that they crawl out again and take their revenge on me. :P


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I have like a mini hand-held hoover to get rid of spiders in my house. I recommend everyone invests in one of those.




Hahahah you do what I do, I suck them up with the vacuum cleaner.




Really? I'm always scared that they crawl out again and take their revenge on me. :P




I always ask someone else to empty it and kill the spider for me if it's not dead. I'm not satisfied just to have them thrown outside. I heard that they have a homing insinct. I don't know whether it's true or not, but I don't want to take any chances.


The Poison Fairy

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