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I don't care if people smoke. Do what you want. If you're going to hit a smoker in the face with a brick every time you smell smoke, you better get your bricks loaded up, because there are a ton of smokers, and you're bound to cross paths with them (and their smoke).




I have a single problem with smoking: it is addictive. Without addiction, people wouldn't have ongoing health problems since it would be done in moderation at best. It's like eating a cheese burger. It's unhealthy, and if one was addicted to cheese burgers and ate them 5 times a day, I can guarantee they would get health problems from it. Eating a single cheese burger a couple of times a month won't significantly contribute to health problems (although it's still not good for you).

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Smoke all you want, but if I smell it, I am hitting you in the face with a brick.




I second the motion.




Be ugly all you want, but if I see it, I'm using your eye sockets as an ash tray.


Well, it's not like being ugly is lethal.


Though in your case... :-k .




Sorry, it was open :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Smoke all you want, but if I smell it, I am hitting you in the face with a brick.




I'd love to see you try and hit this guy in the face with a brick if you ever "smelt" his smoke... -.-








I have just as much training (if not more) in [wagon]-kickery than a Marine, so I'm really not going to tremble in the presence of a soldier. I guess he could shoot me, but yea...Still, brick to the face.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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NOTE: This topic is not about smoking drugs etc. Please leave that out out this topic.








Smoking has been around for decades. Mankind loves to smoke. Almost every corner I find people smoking. It's kind of disgusting. But before i go on. I'll explain some of the well known pros and cons:








- It helps relieve stress.


- May make you appear cool by being unafraid of such dangers caused by smoking.


- Gives you something to do.




(the last point is true, but not why people smoke.(usually))








- It can cause cancer.


- It can cause heart diseases.


- it damages your senses of smell and taste.


- You can get addicted easily.


- It damages the health of others around you.


- people *may* try to avoid you.




(the last point is what I would do, personally.) (more pros would be appreciated).




I dislike the idea of smoking and don't plan to ever smoke. I think of it as a disgusting and selfish habit. After finishing your cigarette (<- sp?) you breath out the gas for up to one hour later. So anyone you encounter in that hour would be breathing in the gas. So even if they don't smoke, the effects of smoking may happen to them.




Sure, if small amounts are breathed in this way. It would not really affect them. But coming in daily contact with smokers is a different story. As all the gas will build up in your lungs, some forming tar. Other gas particles would be breathed out again. But the effects can still happen to you. It all adds up in the end.




Many will argue that those who get addicted can't stop. They can. They should get nicotine patches and use them for a while. Keep reminding yourself what life would be like without smoking. And why it would be better for you. And, if those techniques don't work. Putting a cigarette in your mouth but not lighting it can help.




Personally, I'm overjoyed with the new public places smoking ban. This should help the recovery of many second hand smokers, who've had to put up with the smokers. This will make more of the population healthier. Cleaner probably as well.




But i would love to see a ban of smoking everywhere. Smoke doesn't go up straight away. It follows the wind for a period of time, then slowly lifts up. All who are in the path of the smoke will breath it in. So second hand smoking will never be erased until smoking is illegal. And after that many will smoke it after the ban.




That's what I think, what about you?






my cons:




- It increases stress


- It can cost you every cent you have


- Makes you appear weak willed.


- Stops you from doing things that involve physical activity

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I only smoke hookah, and only socially. People smoking doesn't really bother me, probably because I grew up around it with my parents both smoking. I think people that unfairly look down on smokers, threaten them, etc. should be shot, though.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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Smoke all you want, but if I smell it, I am hitting you in the face with a brick.




I'd love to see you try and hit this guy in the face with a brick if you ever "smelt" his smoke... -.-








Looks like he already got a brick to the face

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another PRO it helps you loose weight




another CON is it changes your brain cells.. if you stop smoking for a couple years you still have an increased risk of lung cancer because your brain cells are changed. it takes about 10 years for them to become normal again

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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I only smoke hookah, and only socially. People smoking doesn't really bother me, probably because I grew up around it with my parents both smoking. I think people that unfairly look down on smokers, threaten them, etc. should be shot, though.




The irony is thick with this one.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Honestly I can't see any reason why anyone would take up smoking; Most people at my job smoke at least a pack a day, which is what like 5 euros? Now if you got a good income that's not really a problem but if you're a highschool kid living on allowance, you won't be able to buy anything all but sigarettes :? .




Also how does everybody feel about girls who smoke? Would you ever date one? I wouldn't, I see so many cute girls pass by all the time and talk to them and stuff, but the moment they light up a sigarette I remember it's getting late and I have practice :P .

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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Smoke all you want, but if I smell it, I am hitting you in the face with a brick.




I second the motion.




Be ugly all you want, but if I see it, I'm using your eye sockets as an ash tray.


Well, it's not like being ugly is lethal.


Though in your case... :-k .




Sorry, it was open :-w .




Is this where I am supposed to say nice one? Because I will if it'll make you feel better.

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Though I am an avid anti-smoker, I think governments push it too far sometimes. Sure, you don't hear me complaining about smoking bans in bars, restaurants stc, but nobody ever talks about other dangerous habits, like drinking. Sure, governments launch anti-alcohol campaigns every now and then, but they won't go as far as with smoking.




Here, you can drink alcohol at the age of 16, and liquor at 18. Alcohol is as addicting as tobacco (or even worse) and, contrary to smoking, results in violence (at home, or after bars close) traffic deaths (drink& drive) and as much (or more) physical damage.




So yeah, smoking is bad, I don't want to be your air filter, keep the cigaretts away from me, but don't push it too far.




Yes, I am a social drinker as well. Every weekend, a fair share of brain and liver cells may die, but I hardly ever drink in excess.



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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Though I am an avid anti-smoker, I think governments push it too far sometimes. Sure, you don't hear me complaining about smoking bans in bars, restaurants stc, but nobody ever talks about other dangerous habits, like drinking. Sure, governments launch anti-alcohol campaigns every now and then, but they won't go as far as with smoking.




Here, you can drink alcohol at the age of 16, and liquor at 18. Alcohol is as addicting as tobacco (or even worse) and, contrary to smoking, results in violence (at home, or after bars close) traffic deaths (drink& drive) and as much (or more) physical damage.




So yeah, smoking is bad, I don't want to be your air filter, keep the cigaretts away from me, but don't push it too far.




Yes, I am a social drinker as well. Every weekend, a fair share of brain and liver cells may die, but I hardly ever drink in excess.




Alcohol more addictive than cigarettes? I'd dispute that. From my gut feeling, the numer of tabacco addicts relative to non-addicts compared to alcohol addicts relative to non-addicts is high i.e. more people get hooked on tabacco than alcohol.

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Alcohol more addictive than cigarettes? I'd dispute that. From my gut feeling, the numer of tabacco addicts relative to non-addicts compared to alcohol addicts relative to non-addicts is high i.e. more people get hooked on tabacco than alcohol.




It's true though that alcohol related deaths are the biggest killer out there, and all in all i'd say drinking to excess is more dangerous than smoking to excess. You've got to weigh up the pros and cons for both though, it's obviously never as black and white as either side would have you believe.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Alcohol more addictive than cigarettes? I'd dispute that. From my gut feeling, the numer of tabacco addicts relative to non-addicts compared to alcohol addicts relative to non-addicts is high i.e. more people get hooked on tabacco than alcohol.




It's true though that alcohol related deaths are the biggest killer out there, and all in all i'd say drinking to excess is more dangerous than smoking to excess. You've got to weigh up the pros and cons for both though, it's obviously never as black and white as either side would have you believe.




Totally agree, but I wasn't talking about deaths, rather rates of addiction.

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Yeah, fair enough. I think people react differently but on the whole nicotine is a more effective addictive substance than alcohol.




I'm willing to hazard a guess that alcoholism is more commonly the result of a psychological dependence on alcohol than the chemical addiction of nicotine.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Yeah, fair enough. I think people react differently but on the whole nicotine is a more effective addictive substance than alcohol.




I'm willing to hazard a guess that alcoholism is more commonly the result of a psychological dependence on alcohol than the chemical addiction of nicotine.




I'd agree with that. I've heard noises to the effect that nicotine changes chemical pathways in the brain while a binge to alcoholics is a place to run away from life's problems, hence the development of a psychological dependance i.e. they think it will fix thier problems where as a smoker is ingrained to crave a cigarette.

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I have just as much training (if not more) in [wagon]-kickery than a Marine, so I'm really not going to tremble in the presence of a soldier. I guess he could shoot me, but yea...Still, brick to the face.




Oo tough guy on the internet...that's new -.-

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I started smoking New Ports after I'd smoke weed, about 2 weeks ago I stopped smoking weed and I realized I was addicted to cigarettes, I never knew before because I'd smoke weed twice a day, and then smoke 3-4 cigarettes afterwards so I never thought I was addicted. Then I quit weed and now I still need New Ports, it kinda sucks but I'm not complaining, I love the way they taste.




Yeah i know loads of people who smoke cigarettes to help quit weed,




To all the anti smokers yes I completely agree with your viewpoint but what is the point in saying "Smoke all you want, but if I smell it, I am hitting you in the face with a brick."


Seriously it sounds a bit sad


I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my cheeks.
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Yeah i know loads of people who smoke cigarettes to help quit weed,




Start smoking a physiologically addictive substance to help stop smoking a non-physiologically addictive substance? Interesting tactic.

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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I have no idea what you just said but i know about 10 people that have done this.


Sure it's probably better to quit smoking weed through willpower though...


I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my cheeks.
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Smoking is a terrible habit, but if people wish to kill themselves in that way then they may.




My father smokes and he got so sick of me and my Mother going on at him to get out of the house, in the end he turned a old room on the third floor that never got used into his smoking room. Now everyone is happy. We still aren't happy he smokes but at least he is not killing us as well.

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I have no idea what you just said but i know about 10 people that have done this.


Sure it's probably better to quit smoking weed through willpower though...




I said that it's stupid to try and quit something that only your mind is addicted to by starting something that both your mind and your body will be addicted to.

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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