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What is your networth?


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i'd guess around 100m.. only ~4m of that in cash though




I feel poor but i'm a packrat and I have loads of everything for most skills banked.. i just don't have much buying power because its all in items that i dont want to sell

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somewhere between 10k to 20k (mostly cash). I don't like to keep useless junk in my bank

Never argue with an idiot - it only drags you down to there level, where he then beats you with experience.

completed Underground Pass at level 52!

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Funny you should ask this.. i went through my bank last week working out the price of every single item that might be worth selling, put it in a spreadsheet and totalled. (yes i was bored)




The result:77,149,600




im glad im not the only one sad enough, exept i did it in notepad, and the desktop calculator, how sad is that:




TOTAL 76311.4k from 26/03/07 (3 monthss ago..., probs gone up a few mill since)


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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Ehh pic proof lol








These are the only things of worth, everything else is a lil random, or i just can't be bothered calculating their worth. (i sold my green a few days ago, if any friends are wondering)

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well if i sold all my good stuff, that people would buy, i would say abouttt 35mill, if my estimates are right lol




At the moment i only have 1.2mill in cash eveyrhtin else is in items



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Ehh pic proof lol








These are the only things of worth, everything else is a lil random, or i just can't be bothered calculating their worth. (i sold my green a few days ago, if any friends are wondering)




not bad... <3:




dont forget you ow me 100mil :XD: (jk's)

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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