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What people around the world are eating:


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hmm :-k the german family looks like they have a lot of alchohol.. unless thats something else my eyes are mistaking




Germans drink a lot of alcohol. Aren't they like one of the highest consumers of alcohol? Hmm, I'll go check.


Me doing staff.

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hmm :-k the german family looks like they have a lot of alchohol.. unless thats something else my eyes are mistaking




Germans drink a lot of alcohol. Aren't they like one of the highest consumers of alcohol? Hmm, I'll go check.


yeah but probably if my parents laid out all their wine bottles there would be a lot more than that

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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The source: http://www.amazon.com/Hungry-Planet-Wha ... 1580086810




As for the German family's alcohol consumption, I don't think it's that bad if it's spread out across the week. I'd be worried if that's what they'd consume on a one night binge, but I doubt it is. In Roman times watered down wine was drunk on a daily basis, even by the children, simply because the water usually wasn't safe. The human body can handle alcohol perfectly fine in moderation.

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Why was it really hard for me to find the rice in the Chinese one?


Just add some more rice to that and you'll get something like what my family eats.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I found the amount of processed food in both American families absolutely frightening. I had to look long and hard to find a piece of fruit or a vegetable.




That's the only reason you made this topic, isn't it.




Anyway, you're right. It's funny how the American's in this topic automatically go in defence again instead of acknowliging that's it's not good what they eat. Just like in the last topic you opened with the bottles and so "But they didn't take recycling in account!!!11 :-k ". The Egyptian looks best IMO. After that the Equador.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I found the amount of processed food in both American families absolutely frightening. I had to look long and hard to find a piece of fruit or a vegetable.




That's the only reason you made this topic, isn't it.




Anyway, you're right. It's funny how the American's in this topic automatically go in defence again instead of acknowliging that's it's not good what they eat. Just like in the last topic you opened with the bottles and so "But they didn't take recycling in account!!!11 :-k ". The Egyptian looks best IMO. After that the Equador.

Hardly. If it was about America I could've just used the two American families, the Ecuador one and the Darfur one.
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Anyone notice how the Mexican family has more bottle of coke then even the American familys ?




I wonder how it was decided how much of each food product to have in the picture. I doubt the Mexican family actually has that many un-opened bottles of Coke sitting around at any one time. So, did the magazine just set up an estimated representation of how much each family eats in a week, 2 weeks, a month? The expenses listed are for a week so I would guess that food represents what they wold eat for a week, but, even still, that seems like a lot of Coke for just one week.

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I found the amount of processed food in both American families absolutely frightening. I had to look long and hard to find a piece of fruit or a vegetable.




That's the only reason you made this topic, isn't it.




Anyway, you're right. It's funny how the American's in this topic automatically go in defence again instead of acknowliging that's it's not good what they eat. Just like in the last topic you opened with the bottles and so "But they didn't take recycling in account!!!11 :-k ". The Egyptian looks best IMO. After that the Equador.


If you're including me in that group, sorry for seeing things differently at first. I and pretty much everyone else know that based on our lifestyle and society (as has been already explained and mentioned), Americans have a less healthy diet than many other countries. Duh. But not even thinking what kind of food they have, the first thing I noticed was easily how everyone's food was packaged. Maybe I'm desensitized to the fact that Americans have a worse diet than others, I dunno. But just based on the pictures the first obvious difference is that EVERYTHING the Americans had in their pantries was brand name. You could practically figure out the brand of everything on their tables- it wasn't like that at all for any other country.




Not meaning to be defensive, and if you weren't even referring to me... whoops :-w . It just seems like I'd fall into the category of "Americans not acknowledging the fact that our food is the worst" [again and again and again...] based on my post.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Just want everyone to see again:












A picture says a thousand words, don't it?




It certainly does. Both families are black.


To be honest Antrune, you are a bit of a toff really aren't you?
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Just to throw this out there, produce is quite expensive in the US. To eat healty you have to have a much larger budget. Low fat foods generally cost more than high fat foods so it's cheaper to buy more high fat foods. I go grocery shopping with my mom occasionally just to make her buy more produce/low fat foods and when I go shopping with her we buy less and spend more. You can't just say we all love to ingest as many calories as possible, it's just cheaper to eat that way. At MacDonald's you can get a double cheesburger for $0.99. Try to make one from store bought meat, buns, cheese + whatever else you want on it for that price. It would be healthier to make it yourself but also more expensive.




Good point.




The amount spent at Fast Food restaraunts in the U.S. is insane though. My family hardly ever eats at a McDonalds (maybe twice a month if that), but we order out Pizza probably twice a week (not because that's what we want, we are just restricted by our schedules).






Twice a month is hardly ever? I eat there maybe once every 2 years! But its fine by me because I hate Mcdonalds.

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