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Beware! New Bug, Player hit 217 on kbd, could kill you too


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Quoted From Mayhem-Maker Forums








heh, glitch just got fixed where you could 1 hit ANY npc that you wanted. They just had to hit you once and you recoil with vengance, dealing a 1 hit kill blow... for example..








That was hit on the chaos elemental btw^








Yea, me and my friend nos were near the end of our kbd trip when the glitch got fixed :(




We had killed about 40 kbds in 1 trip without any real trouble.





Doesnt the chaos elemental have 350 hp?

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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aw man, i came too late to the party I see. My friend was one of the 1st to find out this glitch (hes in my clan). He looked up vids on filefront and decided to see if it was fake. It worked. I told us all thru our irc. obviously, no one else tried it (bug abuse ftl).




Btw, this was at like 8pm eastern time, way before the world knew about it.


Also, someone tried doing it on jad in the caves. He died early, so we'll never know.

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If Jagex keeps this up who knows what will happen to RuneScape...




But it's a good thing they fixed it!




Some people are such cheaters lol.

So you're actually suggesting JaGex implements something into the game which for several years have been trying to stop?... :XD:
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imagine, 10 kq kills without a bank trip lol


but... abusing a bug is bad, and this should really get fixed if it hasn't already, sending in a bug report form right now

People said it has been fixed...


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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Where does it say this was fixed? (link please)




Jagex rarely posts updates about major bugs like this would be. If it were fixed, it'd have to be found out by testing whether it still works. I doubt we're going to be hearing about this from Jagex on the front page or anywhere like that...


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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Where does it say this was fixed? (link please)




Jagex rarely posts updates about major bugs like this would be. If it were fixed, it'd have to be found out by testing whether it still works. I doubt we're going to be hearing about this from Jagex on the front page or anywhere like that...

Umm...I don't know if that's true but in this forum someone said (i underlined the part you are supposed to read):




Quoted From Mayhem-Maker Forums








heh, glitch just got fixed where you could 1 hit ANY npc that you wanted. They just had to hit you once and you recoil with vengance, dealing a 1 hit kill blow... for example..








That was hit on the chaos elemental btw^








Yea, me and my friend nos were near the end of our kbd trip when the glitch got fixed :(




We had killed about 40 kbds in 1 trip without any real trouble.



support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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What Happened?


By looking at the video I can tell exactly what the bug was.


Normal vengance hits for a 75% recoil of what you were just hit, the equation looks like this:


damage = (hit*.75)




The damage in the video was 750% of what was just hit on you, a simple decimal place mixup. The equation at the time of the video was:


damage = (hit*7.5)




A simple decimal mixup and almost un-noticeable. Abvously a small typo in the coding.




So instead of hitting a 20 on the queen for recoil, a 200 was hit instead.




The glitch is fixed now. In theroy this would have worked on other players as well as NPC's unless Jagex has a seperate code for NPC and PVP vengance combat. However, no-one is going to admit to using it, as it would be bug abuse using this in the wilderness, so its not confirmed if this worked or not.




Anyways these typo's happen more often than you think, just normally not on a scale like this.

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What Happened?


By looking at the video I can tell exactly what the bug was.


Normal vengance hits for a 75% recoil of what you were just hit, the equation looks like this:


damage = (hit*.75)




The damage in the video was 750% of what was just hit on you, a simple decimal place mixup. The equation at the time of the video was:


damage = (hit*7.5)




A simple decimal mixup and almost un-noticeable. Abvously a small typo in the coding.




So instead of hitting a 20 on the queen for recoil, a 200 was hit instead.




The glitch is fixed now. In theroy this would have worked on other players as well as NPC's unless Jagex has a seperate code for NPC and PVP vengance combat. However, no-one is going to admit to using it, as it would be bug abuse using this in the wilderness, so its not confirmed if this worked or not.




Anyways these typo's happen more often than you think, just normally not on a scale like this.




That's not true, I was hit for a 1 by a guard and killed the guard with a 22. Same with the KBD, cept it rebounded with a 245 or something (whatever the KBD's max hp is).




The bug's been fixed, vengeance is back to normal


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Was it that you could cast Vengeance over and over again to boost the power or simply that the vengeance hit something else than it was supposed to?




[Ex-Tha Familia3]

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Was it that you could cast Vengeance over and over again to boost the power or simply that the vengeance hit something else than it was supposed to?




All you had to do was cast vengeance and get hurt by a monster


Oh darn that was one mean bug then :anxious:




[Ex-Tha Familia3]

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Quoted From Mayhem-Maker Forums








heh, glitch just got fixed where you could 1 hit ANY npc that you wanted. They just had to hit you once and you recoil with vengance, dealing a 1 hit kill blow... for example..








That was hit on the chaos elemental btw^








Yea, me and my friend nos were near the end of our kbd trip when the glitch got fixed :(




We had killed about 40 kbds in 1 trip without any real trouble.





Doesnt the chaos elemental have 350 hp?






there could have been damage on the elemental before the 250.


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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