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PCing- Immoral?


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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.




it's because the world is a good pc world, then the clan ruins it. and by the way str lvls wouldn't help me, i can do more damage but it won't make me do it more often. you're only taking the clan's side because you don't like low lvls doing pc. well, i'm not gonna talk about this anymore because i do think that pc is immoral if done in bulk.




You dont realize, high level clans MAKE the good pc worlds. Str would help you, your already 70 attack, thats more than enough to hit at your level.




You know little of pures, and less of pest control.


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.




it's because the world is a good pc world, then the clan ruins it. and by the way str lvls wouldn't help me, i can do more damage but it won't make me do it more often. you're only taking the clan's side because you don't like low lvls doing pc. well, i'm not gonna talk about this anymore because i do think that pc is immoral if done in bulk.




You sir, are the definition of PC product.




You don't even know how to play the game you're doing so religiously.

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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.




it's because the world is a good pc world, then the clan ruins it. and by the way str lvls wouldn't help me, i can do more damage but it won't make me do it more often. you're only taking the clan's side because you don't like low lvls doing pc. well, i'm not gonna talk about this anymore because i do think that pc is immoral if done in bulk.




You sir, are the definition of PC product.




You don't even know how to play the game you're doing so religiously.




To add to that, 1 minute games are much better than 4-20 minute games that have a better chance of failing. In PC, a good offense is much better than a good defense.

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Well i only PCed like 900k Xp until i realise ' hey PC is actually very boring... '.


I dont PC now..

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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*Didn't read the middle 3 pages, shoot me*




Warning! Lots o' dem squigglies and groopt up squigglies is acomin' yer way, so if you can't handle makin' senz o' dem, you mayhaps want to skip all that thar reedin' stuffs and just assoom I'm rite. :wink:




Immoral? That is BEYOND a stretch. Go figure that I am taking ethics when I read this. :roll: Morality does not enter into training speed for a game... Seriously, people...


The "evil" of PC is faster speed in which you level, correct? So, by inverting this, to be "moral", one cannot utilize anything that speeds up training a significant amount. That is using simple logic, so please do not tell me that you can be a "moral" player and still use any "immoral" training methods. You delude yourself if you think you can (morality is black or white, bub; an action is either moral or immoral, as is a chosen path in life), and you delude yourself even further if you cling to the equivalent of VHS, eight tracks, and cassette tapes (am I that old already? :-$ ) to retain your delusionally superior "morality".




For all of you who think PC is "immoral", please tell me that you do NOT use any of the following:








Altars for prayer leveling (in fact, you only bury big bones and nothing else, right?)






D wc axe


Black Mask












If you use A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE, or ANYTHING since the game was FIRST released, you are a "X-product", where "X" is anything introduced since RSC was FIRST released. This stems from YOUR OWN LOGIC that people are PC-products since they use one of the MANY training aids introduced since Runescape first started. Seriously, people. THINK about it. Unless you use SOLELY the tactics first introduced into the game, you are an "X-product".




Call me a PC product. Call me a Cook-x Product. Call me anything you like. I don't care. Why? Two reasons. 1. My self-worth is derived from things in life slightly more important than the words and opinions of somebody who refuses to use their brain. 2. I'll enjoy out-leveling you because I have learned to adapt to a game with WEEKLY UPDATES!!!




I think the biggest issue with PC is that it is combat. The people who whined and complained about cook-x and altar burning (or whatever the term for that is currently) were minute compared to those who whine and complain about PC. Why? Because combat stats are the... umm... how do I put this delicately?... Combat stats are the... err... "male equipment" of your character. "My sword is bigger than your sword" or what have you. PC has caused so many people to throw tantrums because their... "swords" can be out-..."biggered" or matched with less effort than previously. That is the largest distinction, and reason for, the varied levels of complaining about non-combat and combat training updates. If there were an update to an incredibly slow-to-train non-combat skill, such as runecrafting, on the scale of PC (oh wait, whats this thing called "The Abyss"?) there wouldn't be (and there wasn't) the outcry at the level there is today (not to mention the fact that PC is OLD but is still being complained about regularly). People do not want their most evident "status symbol" (hey, I figured out a better phrase, finally) being trumped so easily and are therefore unreasonably and unfairly biased against "PC Products". The game evolves and you either adapt or become as archaic as your delicious rune two-hander. Choose the way of the dinosaurs or the way of cockroach (how many millions of years have THOSE dang things adapted?)




But what the hell did you expect?! That your precious 99's would always be as hard to obtain for others as they were for you? In a game that updates so often? Alch your whip. Drop your cannon. Never cook or fletch bows again. If you don't, you can't call yourself "moral". Enjoy your delusions of grandeur. I'll enjoy my levels.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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defying moral principles: contrary to accepted moral principles




standards of behavior: principles of right and wrong as they govern standards of general or sexual behavior





I have no idea how training with PC is immoral. I don't use it, but I do have 80 Slayer (and rising). My only issue with PC is that you can trian magic and ranging with a whip. And it's not even very slow. People can train with PC all they want, but I think it's stupid that you can get magic and ranging xp without throwing a chinchompa or casting a fire bolt.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Without reading the topic, I say PC was meant to be a minigame, not a way of XP gaining. You can play it for fun. If you don't hate the game itself, ignoring the fact that you can gain combat xp from it very fast, you can play and spend all those points on void knight stuff, seed packs, or heck, even NOTHING! It must be a big misconception that PC = experience. PC = a minigame.



You're being watched.

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*Didn't read the middle 3 pages, shoot me*




Warning! Lots o' dem squigglies and groopt up squigglies is acomin' yer way, so if you can't handle makin' senz o' dem, you mayhaps want to skip all that thar reedin' stuffs and just assoom I'm rite. :wink:




Immoral? That is BEYOND a stretch. Go figure that I am taking ethics when I read this. :roll: Morality does not enter into training speed for a game... Seriously, people...


The "evil" of PC is faster speed in which you level, correct? So, by inverting this, to be "moral", one cannot utilize anything that speeds up training a significant amount. That is using simple logic, so please do not tell me that you can be a "moral" player and still use any "immoral" training methods. You delude yourself if you think you can (morality is black or white, bub; an action is either moral or immoral, as is a chosen path in life), and you delude yourself even further if you cling to the equivalent of VHS, eight tracks, and cassette tapes (am I that old already? :-$ ) to retain your delusionally superior "morality".




For all of you who think PC is "immoral", please tell me that you do NOT use any of the following:








Altars for prayer leveling (in fact, you only bury big bones and nothing else, right?)






D wc axe


Black Mask












If you use A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE, or ANYTHING since the game was FIRST released, you are a "X-product", where "X" is anything introduced since RSC was FIRST released. This stems from YOUR OWN LOGIC that people are PC-products since they use one of the MANY training aids introduced since Runescape first started. Seriously, people. THINK about it. Unless you use SOLELY the tactics first introduced into the game, you are an "X-product".




Call me a PC product. Call me a Cook-x Product. Call me anything you like. I don't care. Why? Two reasons. 1. My self-worth is derived from things in life slightly more important than the words and opinions of somebody who refuses to use their brain. 2. I'll enjoy out-leveling you because I have learned to adapt to a game with WEEKLY UPDATES!!!




I think the biggest issue with PC is that it is combat. The people who whined and complained about cook-x and altar burning (or whatever the term for that is currently) were minute compared to those who whine and complain about PC. Why? Because combat stats are the... umm... how do I put this delicately?... Combat stats are the... err... "male equipment" of your character. "My sword is bigger than your sword" or what have you. PC has caused so many people to throw tantrums because their... "swords" can be out-..."biggered" or matched with less effort than previously. That is the largest distinction, and reason for, the varied levels of complaining about non-combat and combat training updates. If there were an update to an incredibly slow-to-train non-combat skill, such as runecrafting, on the scale of PC (oh wait, whats this thing called "The Abyss"?) there wouldn't be (and there wasn't) the outcry at the level there is today (not to mention the fact that PC is OLD but is still being complained about regularly). People do not want their most evident "status symbol" (hey, I figured out a better phrase, finally) being trumped so easily and are therefore unreasonably and unfairly biased against "PC Products". The game evolves and you either adapt or become as archaic as your delicious rune two-hander. Choose the way of the dinosaurs or the way of cockroach (how many millions of years have THOSE dang things adapted?)




But what the hell did you expect?! That your precious 99's would always be as hard to obtain for others as they were for you? In a game that updates so often? Alch your whip. Drop your cannon. Never cook or fletch bows again. If you don't, you can't call yourself "moral". Enjoy your delusions of grandeur. I'll enjoy my levels.




This post subdues all others. ROFL, being on this fan site which gives you advantages that helps you in-game is enough to call you immoral. So that's pretty much everyone who browses the site/forum. Though I don't believe in honor in games, just as long as I'm playing legit and everyone else around me plays legit, then I have nothing to complain about.

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I haven't gotten more then 10 PC points simply because I hate it. I don't like that people can go and get cheap xp while the few, honorable people train on npc after monotonous npc. Why do they get the easy way out?






I think we're throwing around the word 'honor' here. There is nothing dishonorable about using PC, it's a legal addition to the game; like using a gym compared to push ups and sit ups only. This is kind of like the so-called 'honor' in PVP, 'stay there and let me kill you.' Essentially, in Runescape, honor seems to mean "play the game as boring and weighted against you as possible." This isn't life, it's a game, meant to be fun, not boring as hell. It mgiht be and easier means to use PC, but it's not some cheap easy way out that's not fair. If you want to prove yourself, go ahead, but you're more hardcore than Honorable (or just stupid :mrgreen: ).




Please don't compare what I said to those(but not all) idiotic PKers who do that. Those who call you Prayer, Defence, and so on Noobs, they have nothing to do with what I said.




It does moreso than you think; as while subjects may differ the underlying thinking is quite similar in terms of complaining about things that should be embraced; PC should be accepted as making combat easier and more fun, rather than something only people with enormous attention spans and way too much free time (not a bad thing, but only so many have the time required.) This is much like defense, teleports, running, and prayer in the wilderness; while not added to the mix, they change up the gameplay, making it harder for some (those with so-called 'honor') and easier for others (us who are smart, usually labeled cowards because we don't prefer standing there and die.) People are too stubborn about stuff like that, and from my view it's just annoying.




I am completely against all of the Wilderness Honor things, I believe that you should be able to use those things to your advantage. But, I just do not like the fact that people spend all their runescape time in PC and learn nothing about the game itself. They go in and play the same thing enough to be a high level, but are still noobs on the inside. It makes it worse because so many people do this, and end up with no respect for other players.




Now that's something abotu this I can get behind; the fact that level 100s are running around being complete nubcakes because they played for what, three months and got easier levels. That is my problem with PC, the stupid people getting easy levels, but the easy level getting itself is fine for me (however, you can't have one without the other, so I'll go with PC because its still pretty fun)

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Saying pest control is an immoral way to level combat skills is a bit like saying it's immoral to use the blast furnace to level smithing. It's not immoral to play the game in a way that the developers of the game have explicitly introduced for that purpose. If you don't like the fact that other people get faster XP by subjecting themselves to hour after hour of mindless grinding then that's your problem. They're not taking anything away from you.

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I think the biggest issue with PC is that it is combat. The people who whined and complained about cook-x and altar burning (or whatever the term for that is currently) were minute compared to those who whine and complain about PC. Why? Because combat stats are the... umm... how do I put this delicately?... Combat stats are the... err... "male equipment" of your character. "My sword is bigger than your sword" or what have you. PC has caused so many people to throw tantrums because their... "swords" can be out-..."biggered" or matched with less effort than previously. That is the largest distinction, and reason for, the varied levels of complaining about non-combat and combat training updates. If there were an update to an incredibly slow-to-train non-combat skill, such as runecrafting, on the scale of PC (oh wait, whats this thing called "The Abyss"?) there wouldn't be (and there wasn't) the outcry at the level there is today (not to mention the fact that PC is OLD but is still being complained about regularly).


If only sigs had enough space for something like this. ... :lol: Greatest analagy evah. :lol:




It's so true. The Runescape player psychy is such an interesting thing :-k .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I have played it a few times, but the only few reasons i don't play it is because i like to train by attacking monsters, The people pcing often don't pc right so you end up with a knight thats hp is draining as fast as my sink does and you can't hit the portals because you are trapped in the middle of a brawler and a ranger (i forgot the rangers name) and you can't hit the spinners and other people don't hit them.


Well anyways i had more but don't remember it after writing all that.

P2p: 135 F2p: 124 as of July 29, 09.

P2p: 137 F2p: 126 as of September 25, 11.


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This topic just got RAHK'd.




I use pest control. It's faster so I can finish my goals sooner and get back to runecrafting. <3:




Oh, I don't think it's immoral. I do however don't think it's a good thing that people can train melee, range, or mage without actually using that type of combat. That's the one thing that I would change about it. Nothing else.

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well.. i dont know slayer is aweful if you pc, i pced 110-123.. i dont care.. i hate combat and slayer i'm still a skiller so idc..




I pced big deal.. i'm not luring or hacking i'm playing the game.. jagex released the content not me :)

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This topic just got RAHK'd.




I use pest control. It's faster so I can finish my goals sooner and get back to runecrafting. <3:




Oh, I don't think it's immoral. I do however don't think it's a good thing that people can train melee, range, or mage without actually using that type of combat. That's the one thing that I would change about it. Nothing else.




Pure solid genius. I agree wholeheartedly. Using it in this manner is hardly wrong, per se, but I do think that it is the only aspect of the minigame that could merit any valid controversy. Would I change it? Absolutely. Is doing any legal activity in runescape immoral in any way whatsoever? Absolutely not.




P.S. Nice pun with my name, lol. :XD:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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well i do sorta think pc is too easy of an experience maybe make pc harder even if people complain like how there is the line of monsters trying to get the void knight but change it so they are smarter and make 2 lines and they go out in groups to attack people and split up and such




but now with so many people pcing with the money is gives it is also a big economy inflater

Mojo477 has had to quit members so i need friends to talk to on my pure Lived4devil so please add her

"The elves having helped create the crystal saw is like Greenpeace having helped create a nuclear seal skinner"

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This topic just got RAHK'd.




I use pest control. It's faster so I can finish my goals sooner and get back to runecrafting. <3:




Oh, I don't think it's immoral. I do however don't think it's a good thing that people can train melee, range, or mage without actually using that type of combat. That's the one thing that I would change about it. Nothing else.




Pure solid genius. I agree wholeheartedly. Using it in this manner is hardly wrong, per se, but I do think that it is the only aspect of the minigame that could merit any valid controversy. Would I change it? Absolutely. Is doing any legal activity in runescape immoral in any way whatsoever? Absolutely not.




P.S. Nice pun with my name, lol. :XD:




completely agree with thease 2, love the post RAHK

offical quest freek

qpsig-4.png i DO have max qp...just havent got around to updating this yet

100 combat on 26/4/2007 at 23:05 GMT

mm.png jmods ftw XD

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*Didn't read the middle 3 pages, shoot me*




Warning! Lots o' dem squigglies and groopt up squigglies is acomin' yer way, so if you can't handle makin' senz o' dem, you mayhaps want to skip all that thar reedin' stuffs and just assoom I'm rite. :wink:




Immoral? That is BEYOND a stretch. Go figure that I am taking ethics when I read this. :roll: Morality does not enter into training speed for a game... Seriously, people...


The "evil" of PC is faster speed in which you level, correct? So, by inverting this, to be "moral", one cannot utilize anything that speeds up training a significant amount. That is using simple logic, so please do not tell me that you can be a "moral" player and still use any "immoral" training methods. You delude yourself if you think you can (morality is black or white, bub; an action is either moral or immoral, as is a chosen path in life), and you delude yourself even further if you cling to the equivalent of VHS, eight tracks, and cassette tapes (am I that old already? :-$ ) to retain your delusionally superior "morality".




For all of you who think PC is "immoral", please tell me that you do NOT use any of the following:








Altars for prayer leveling (in fact, you only bury big bones and nothing else, right?)






D wc axe


Black Mask












If you use A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE, or ANYTHING since the game was FIRST released, you are a "X-product", where "X" is anything introduced since RSC was FIRST released. This stems from YOUR OWN LOGIC that people are PC-products since they use one of the MANY training aids introduced since Runescape first started. Seriously, people. THINK about it. Unless you use SOLELY the tactics first introduced into the game, you are an "X-product".




Call me a PC product. Call me a Cook-x Product. Call me anything you like. I don't care. Why? Two reasons. 1. My self-worth is derived from things in life slightly more important than the words and opinions of somebody who refuses to use their brain. 2. I'll enjoy out-leveling you because I have learned to adapt to a game with WEEKLY UPDATES!!!




I think the biggest issue with PC is that it is combat. The people who whined and complained about cook-x and altar burning (or whatever the term for that is currently) were minute compared to those who whine and complain about PC. Why? Because combat stats are the... umm... how do I put this delicately?... Combat stats are the... err... "male equipment" of your character. "My sword is bigger than your sword" or what have you. PC has caused so many people to throw tantrums because their... "swords" can be out-..."biggered" or matched with less effort than previously. That is the largest distinction, and reason for, the varied levels of complaining about non-combat and combat training updates. If there were an update to an incredibly slow-to-train non-combat skill, such as runecrafting, on the scale of PC (oh wait, whats this thing called "The Abyss"?) there wouldn't be (and there wasn't) the outcry at the level there is today (not to mention the fact that PC is OLD but is still being complained about regularly). People do not want their most evident "status symbol" (hey, I figured out a better phrase, finally) being trumped so easily and are therefore unreasonably and unfairly biased against "PC Products". The game evolves and you either adapt or become as archaic as your delicious rune two-hander. Choose the way of the dinosaurs or the way of cockroach (how many millions of years have THOSE dang things adapted?)




But what the hell did you expect?! That your precious 99's would always be as hard to obtain for others as they were for you? In a game that updates so often? Alch your whip. Drop your cannon. Never cook or fletch bows again. If you don't, you can't call yourself "moral". Enjoy your delusions of grandeur. I'll enjoy my levels.




Oh. My. God. This has to be one of the best pro-pc statements from anyone. You deserve a cookie.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Shame jagex put pc in really, it produces players that are just rude and ignorant of everything else in the game and goes against they way (most of) the rest of the game is structured.




Normally on runescape where there is a high reward there is also a high risk (eg dag kings)




But with pc there is absolutely no risk at all and the fastest combat exp in the game.




PC hasn't "ruined" the game but it's become a shame that there are so many more maxed combat players than there ever were before. Having a 99 combat skill used to be a heck of a lot more special than it is now, wish it still was like that.




Oh well, rant over ^_^

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most of the people who complain about pc are lvl 80s who are mad that they got laughed at for being a low lvl noob who ruins pc.




i can guarentee you they don't ruin pc, clans do. they force everyone out of the world by beating games every minute. lvl 70-90s make up the majority of pc games if they are not clanned. they do not ruin it, they are the best players to have in a game because then low leveled players have a chance at getting 50 damage before it is over.




On the contrary, having low leveled players only means that the void knight gets killed more often than not.




on the contrary, level 100+ people just leave the knight open for attack and just kill portals and spinner, if even those. anyone below that level usually has the sense to guard the knight and defeat the rangers outside the gates. that's called coordination, if you switched places doing that too, you wouldn't get bored as easily.




Sir, you know nothing of pc.




Those people aren't guarding the knight, they're guarding their exp interests. And the only thing that clans do is speed up exp for everyone. If everyone had the same mindset of attacking the portals, each game would be less than one minute.




And people who can't do 50 damage shouldn't even be in there. 50 damage is highly plausable for a level 80-90 with a rune scimitar.




apparently you have never been on a world where a clan is. i don't pc much, but clans ruin it for me. they come in, and finsih games before i can get even 30 damage. they ruin it for everyone who is not their level or higher. and people don't guard the knight for xp interests, most worlds lose because people only focus on the portals. that's why i usually don't do pc, people don'rt know how they can win, they only rush in thoughtlessly, but the people who do know what they're doing are clanning.


The objective of the game is to


A) last 20 minutes


B) Destroy the portals before the Knight dies




They dont do it thoughtlessly, and they all know what they are doing. If you cant get in your 50 zeal, then you shouldnt be there. If your having such a big problem, hop worlds.





you're not supposed to let the knight die either, that's what happens in most games before the portals can be destroyed.


It only happens when you cant kill the portal in time. Odds of that happeneing when these pc clans go to your world are low, unless its a bad clan. Your crossing over your arguments, these pc clans that go to your world wouldnt exist if they lost majority of games.




What is this guy talking about, really?




If you can't get 50 damage in the 1 minute that the clan is there, oh my goodness. Oh my golly gosh.








Or, gain a few measly str levels, and actually help your team take down the portals.




You know why people only attack the spinners?




No, you don't, because you really don't make any sense of the matter. In all honesty, you don't. I'm in a one minute PC clan, and we've never had to defend the knight. And I'm sorry if you're not 106, but actually make something of it instead of complaining to people who are probably also 106 or higher.




I don't understand how you wouldn't enjoy faster games.




it's because the world is a good pc world, then the clan ruins it. and by the way str lvls wouldn't help me, i can do more damage but it won't make me do it more often. you're only taking the clan's side because you don't like low lvls doing pc. well, i'm not gonna talk about this anymore because i do think that pc is immoral if done in bulk.




You sir, are the definition of PC product.




You don't even know how to play the game you're doing so religiously.




To add to that, 1 minute games are much better than 4-20 minute games that have a better chance of failing. In PC, a good offense is much better than a good defense.




I bet ingame he runs aroung like a noob with it's head cut off...


^Clicky for Q Cape Blog^


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uhm just to say my thing about PC:




I use it only for the melee stats, when I range I slay, when I mage, I alch. I just use the abilities Jagex gives me, why wouldn't I? If it gives you a guaranteed no lose of items whlist training, I'd go for it. :shame:






Oh and I use my points on melee stats too.





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I don't think PCing for lvls are immoral at all. It's a part of the game and you then have your full rights to use it. Wether PC should have been a part of the game or not is another discussion.

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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