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Botting solution, a great way i think

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They have this idea on some other online games where the players seem it a good idea to cheat and ruin the game for us, whereas every 15-20 mins maybe less or maybe more , a screen may pop up bottom of your game screen and a little code is generated, you must enter it to carry on playing.


or if you dont answer within a certain time limit , your account could be banned and then i also thought of maybe other things to make the way you gotta type it fun, like little mini-games like u gotta click things on the screen to continue.




This solves two things, the BIG random problem with useless rewards and i think it would solve the botters as they couldent continue if they are not at there computer, asin unable to type the code, therin stopping the big influx in prices of basic items, which would stop people quitting and moaning.




And i know i many people will disagree with this and some agree but if you guys think for a second, it is a perfect way to tackle this plague.




Also if you read this post your different views on how the code could be added, or how long you get to type this and such things.





I am woodcutting ALL the time i am on , so if anybody need to chat or anything im always at gnome tree stronghold.





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yeh but maybe they wouldent add it to BLATENT places wer you are not gonna bot, Ex - fight caves and wild maybe. but it is a great way to stop it if u think about it, just needs refinement

I am woodcutting ALL the time i am on , so if anybody need to chat or anything im always at gnome tree stronghold.





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Along with the constant annoyance of a pop-up while you play, you also could be distracted while you fight Jad or PK. Plus Autoers could possibly get past that. If they can get through randoms and pick flax then whats a little security number going to do?




Basically it will hurt the majority of the public than help defeat macroers.



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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Guest Kickpointy
They have this idea on some other online games where the players seem it a good idea to cheat and ruin the game for us, whereas every 15-20 mins maybe less or maybe more , a screen may pop up bottom of your game screen and a little code is generated, you must enter it to carry on playing.


or if you dont answer within a certain time limit , your account could be banned and then i also thought of maybe other things to make the way you gotta type it fun, like little mini-games like u gotta click things on the screen to continue.




This solves two things, the BIG random problem with useless rewards and i think it would solve the botters as they couldent continue if they are not at there computer, asin unable to type the code, therin stopping the big influx in prices of basic items, which would stop people quitting and moaning.




And i know i many people will disagree with this and some agree but if you guys think for a second, it is a perfect way to tackle this plague.




Also if you read this post your different views on how the code could be added, or how long you get to type this and such things.










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so there i am killin jad and this little box pops up...oh wait i cant switch prayer!! oh noes im deads!!!.....yeah really..




That about sums up my five paragraph response I was about to post. ^


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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yeh but maybe they wouldent add it to BLATENT places wer you are not gonna bot, Ex - fight caves and wild maybe. but it is a great way to stop it if u think about it, just needs refinement




..there arent too many places in rs where u cant be randomly killed...by a random...

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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so there i am killin jad and this little box pops up...oh wait i cant switch prayer!! oh noes im deads!!!.....yeah really..




That about sums up my five paragraph response I was about to post. ^


Maybe it would work if the code didn't pop up if you're in the Wilderness/Combat. After all, I don't know of any autoers that do auto-combat (but they're might be).


And maybe the code wouldn't pop up in areas where Random's never pop up anyways (like in Castlewars, Pest Control, Duel Arena, and, of course, the Fight Caves).

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yeh but maybe they wouldent add it to BLATENT places wer you are not gonna bot, Ex - fight caves and wild maybe. but it is a great way to stop it if u think about it, just needs refinement




Ummmm... Ever heard of green drag bots.



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so there i am killin jad and this little box pops up...oh wait i cant switch prayer!! oh noes im deads!!!.....yeah really..




That about sums up my five paragraph response I was about to post. ^


Maybe it would work if the code didn't pop up if you're in the Wilderness/Combat. After all, I don't know of any autoers that do auto-combat (but they're might be).


And maybe the code wouldn't pop up in areas where Random's never pop up anyways (like in Castlewars, Pest Control, Duel Arena, and, of course, the Fight Caves).




There's still a problem then.




There will always be a never ending war between jagex and the autoers. Jagex constantly releases new updates to stop the autoers; such as the pinball random event(no minimap for color reference and you have to click while the screen is moving), autoer-detection programs, ect. Try as they might, though, they'll never totally eliminate autoers. And try as they might, the sweetshops halfway across the world can't stop jagex from giving up stopping them.




If jagex were to introduce this new code, the autoers would simply find a way around it and continue on.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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so there i am killin jad and this little box pops up...oh wait i cant switch prayer!! oh noes im deads!!!.....yeah really..




That about sums up my five paragraph response I was about to post. ^


Maybe it would work if the code didn't pop up if you're in the Wilderness/Combat. After all, I don't know of any autoers that do auto-combat (but they're might be).


And maybe the code wouldn't pop up in areas where Random's never pop up anyways (like in Castlewars, Pest Control, Duel Arena, and, of course, the Fight Caves).




There's still a problem then.




There will always be a never ending war between jagex and the autoers. Jagex constantly releases new updates to stop the autoers; such as the pinball random event(no minimap for color reference and you have to click while the screen is moving), autoer-detection programs, ect. Try as they might, though, they'll never totally eliminate autoers. And try as they might, the sweetshops halfway across the world can't stop jagex from giving up stopping them.




If jagex were to introduce this new code, the autoers would simply find a way around it and continue on.




You know if the autoers would use their programming skills for non-illegal stuff... Think of the possibilities... RuneScape as a virtual reality game!!!

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yeah, if the numbers/letters/characters were completely random, randomly colored, with random shadings, and random scratches, eventually all the macroers would be taken down. but it would also be extremely annoying when pking or training you would probably be killed. i think it would be better to randomly change the shape of the compass since most macros use the compass to move around.

done with runescape

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yeah, if the numbers/letters/characters were completely random, randomly colored, with random shadings, and random scratches, eventually all the macroers would be taken down.




No they wouldn't. Read my post.

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