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Noobs-- Where exactly do they come from


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note: noob= annoying person, newb = new player


everyone is a newb at one point, no one should ever be a noob




According to many players, in RSC, and even early RS2, there were very few, if any, players who would scam, beg or try to make this game less enjoyable for others.




When I discovered Runescape, a little over 2 years ago (yeah, i missed rsc by a bit), there were already a lot of annoying players, and scammers/beggars weren't hard to find. Luckily, I found tip.it early. Tip.it is an oasis of intelligence in a (growing) desert of stupidity. I spent over a year training my skills and meeting the occasional friend before making the leap to members. After finally joining p2p, apart from the extra content, I learned that many more mature people and adults played runescape than I previously thought. In the past year, however, even on members worlds, I witnessed a huge increace in the number of "noobs". Not to mention, I never saw a single bot when I joined members, but now they're everywhere :shock: .




Last week, I lost my membership again, and i've been wandering the free worlds, being begged by almost everyone to show my quest cape emo (i've had over 10 people call it an emo... it's called an emote :wall: ) I can't seem to go through any populated area without at least 5 beggars asking for money, or "emo[te]"... It's even worse now than when I started, and it was bad then!




sorry if I made this sound like a rant, that wasn't what I meant to do. I was simply wondering anyone knows where this all started. When did the noobs start coming? And where did they come from? It seems like they started coming all at once. Or maybe that's just what it seems like.




some people claim that a lot of the "noobs" came from miniclip.com, one of runescape's affiliates, and the only other site that could legally run runescape. Let's just say that miniclip is well known as a "kid's game site" and runescape got pretty popular there.




What do other people think? I really want to know :XD:



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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THey come from their friends saying "Hay, dis game is gr8, u shld try it." Then, there friends teach them to to 'spall lake dis'. After that, they see people in pretty red and blue armour with wildrness capes and bone spears, and say "buy ur bone axe and armur pl0x." Stuff like that.



Avatar by me; don't steal!

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THey come from their [Miniclipper] friends saying "Hay, dis game is gr8, u shld try it." Then, there friends teach them to to 'spall lake dis'. After that, they see people in pretty red and blue armour with wildrness capes and bone spears, and say "buy ur bone axe and armur pl0x." Stuff like that.




ROFL edited XD

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One time i was upstairs in the general store in varrock in f2p and i had my maul. suddenly these players came up and the main player was playing the "Trusting Game" Report Abuse after all those people got scammed I told them it was a scam they look at me and see me in my purple armour and Granite maul and they ask if i can give them a rune helmet they lost, or the 100k they lost or etc. then after i say no they Report ME for scamming. then they start following me calling me a noob -.-. I buy the 100 laws i needed For a very good price of 35k then i tele all they way to fally where i go to a members world.




Also they called me rich because i can afford that "hammer" -.- Its a maul <.<

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Noobs-- Where exactly do they come from










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Noobs-- Where exactly do they come from















That is for illegal immigrants #-o




But now serious,


I think this is mainly because the game is presented as a game for 5-12 year olds.




I don't know if you're Dutch, but if, you may know or read a 'newspaper for kids' called 'Kidsweek'.


There is a gameing part as well, and someone wrote that 'runescape is a really bad game and should only be played till 12 years, then move on to WoW.




That made me really angry :wall: :evil:

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I don't know when the noobs started comming, but their number has dramatically increased under the time I have been playing RS.


I think Miniclip could be one of the reasons to why so many noobs lately have joined RS, but it could also be some other things. I think that the biggest reason is that noobs get's new noobs (Don't missunderstand that :XD: ). One noob says to his friend: "Check out this great game!". The friend starts playing RS, but he has problems getting cash or problems with skilling. He asks his friends what he should do. The noob Rs player will then tell him to beg from other high level people to get "g00d st0ff". When the newb logs into RS next time he has become a new RS noob. And that's really, really sad.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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What I can't understand is how ALL noobs act the same, speak the same way (it's called nubspeak for a reason :lol: ). Is there some conspiracy somewhere? Is there a noob club that I don't know about?



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Why, wanna join?




I think the theory of N00bs "converting" newbs into N00bs is the most plausible. The idea of mommy and daddy N00b sounds good as well...



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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I just love how people throw the word maturity around. I don't see how your mature just because you type differently to someone else. I don't see how your any better then someone else because they play a game different then you (scamming etc). You obviously don't have the maturity to deal with such a minor problem.

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Indeed, there is a 'noob' conspiracy - but don't point your collective fingers at those poor hapless 5 year olds. What is really happenning is this; Blizzard, the creators of WoW, see Runescape as a threat to their MMORPG revenue, and have created 'noobs' to make the game less enjoyable and thus increase the rate of players quitting RS. :?




These 'noobs' are not people as such, they are soulless creations of corporate greed.




Next up: The secret corolation between UFO's and Autoers...

Communism is not fit for humans. We are not good enough for it.


Tip.It is officially Red. o.0

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Indeed, there is a 'noob' conspiracy - but don't point your collective fingers at those poor hapless 5 year olds. What is really happenning is this; Blizzard, the creators of WoW, see Runescape as a threat to their MMORPG revenue, and have created 'noobs' to make the game less enjoyable and thus increase the rate of players quitting RS. :?




These 'noobs' are not people as such, they are soulless creations of corporate greed.




Next up: The secret corolation between UFO's and Autoers...








And for the person who says how you type doesn't reflect maturity, you're wrong. You cannot honestly tell me that someone who types like this "dat is a kool wep! wot is it? ur kool, can i hab free stuf plz! i got haked n dun hav ne stuf wif me ne mor" is older than 13. First of all, any semi-mature person would NEVER use "dat, wif, or wot."

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If maturity doesn't exist, then why do we have age restrictions on things like voting and contract laws.




The reasons why we have restrictions such as thi\ese is because there is a very clearly observed relationship between maturity and age.




Thus with an influx of younger players into Runescape, the average maturity is most likely to drop.




That is not to say that all young people are immature, merely that it is more likely for older people to have a higher level of maturity.




Maturity is the way you act towards life - such as respecting others and making logical, well thought out observations, not "0mGz0r PMg!!111


I getz Haxz0r3d111!?"




Allow me to demonstrate:




Mature, Responsible 'Scaper (MRS): "Hello there, level 3, are you new to this game? Would you like some help?"




Immature 'Noob'(IM): "I gotz haxd, can I haf phree stof p10x?"




MRS: "Well, I'm sorry you lost your account - would you like me to show you how to make some money?"




IM: "Give me money pleez.( Or some variation )"




MRS: "No, sorry."




IM: "Omg -reported noob, I hate joo."




Well, you get my point?




If not, please seek assistance by clicking the small X in the upper right hand of your moniter. :-w

Communism is not fit for humans. We are not good enough for it.


Tip.It is officially Red. o.0

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If maturity doesn't exist, then why do we have age restrictions on things like voting and contract laws.




The reasons why we have restrictions such as thi\ese is because there is a very clearly observed relationship between maturity and age.




Thus with an influx of younger players into Runescape, the average maturity is most likely to drop.




That is not to say that all young people are immature, merely that it is more likely for older people to have a higher level of maturity.




Maturity is the way you act towards life - such as respecting others and making logical, well thought out observations, not "0mGz0r PMg!!111


I getz Haxz0r3d111!?"




Allow me to demonstrate:




Mature, Responsible 'Scaper (MRS): "Hello there, level 3, are you new to this game? Would you like some help?"




Immature 'Noob'(IM): "I gotz haxd, can I haf phree stof p10x?"




MRS: "Well, I'm sorry you lost your account - would you like me to show you how to make some money?"




IM: "Give me money pleez.( Or some variation )"




MRS: "No, sorry."




IM: "Omg -reported noob, I hate joo."




Well, you get my point?




If not, please seek assistance by clicking the small X in the upper right hand of your moniter. :-w




I never said maturity doesn't exist, and i never said maturity isn't linked with age. Maturity has become one of those buzz words, and pretty much anyone that thinks there better then someone else uses it. Which is stupid, because its impossible to measure your own maturity, in fact, its impossible to accurately measure anyones maturity, so your wrong if you label anyone immature. But I understand its used as a confidence boost, so i guess do what you wish.




If not, please seek assistance by clicking the small X in the upper right hand of your moniter. :-w




Your hilarious.

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I sometimes talk like that just to make people angry. or just walk into a crowd of people and say "reported". When people start taking you seriously I just find it funny. I can go out of my way to make it obvious that I'm joking but its usually the less mature ones that get serious about it imo.

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- Sweatshops


- Under a rock


- From the pits


- From the darkest hole in the Earth


- From caves


- From another planet (Jupiter maybe?)


- From people who became bullied at school and takes it out in Runescape

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We were all once idiots, i wasn't whilst playing runescape but when i was 10 or so i was an idiot. I hate it when people try to make out that because they type properly it somehow heightens them above the average scaper. i dont judge people on how they type and STOP going on as if anyone speaks in full "leetspeak" because they don't.




Maybe most of you elitist players are the ones that are ruining rs because you're so quick to judge other players on how they type. Theres more to people than how good their spelling are and if you realised this you might not be so bitter.

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