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Monday Poll: Why did you become P2P?


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I had done all the quests except for dragon slayer, and there looked like endless amounts of things to do on members.




It turns out I was right lol, so now I'm f2p again.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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i wish they didnt group more items with more bank space -- i would really like to see if im the only one who joined only for more bank space -- i do skills (never been into combat much), and i was tired of having to dump all my tools every time i switched skills

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I am still a non-member, and everytime people ask me I am not a member, well, because I know that my friends who are members dont spend a bunch of time with nonmembers, they got to go do quests, mini-games, level up their skills etc. The only reason I am playing today, because I have friends in nonmembers who says that they never run out of things to do, same with members, except when they get bored. We would hang out. I'm still standing, no one saw me fall yet.

No, I do not want to become a member, I would never be one, I will never be a member.

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hmm, tough one, i mostly became member becouse all of those things listed...


not 1 specific...


hmm, better vote for the most important one then eh :-k


probably becouse of the updates, but since thats not listed either...


quests =D> :mrgreen:

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I joined because I wanted more quests to do. I had done all but Dragon Slayer in F2P and I was bored, so I decided to try out members.


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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Access to the more powerful items in the game


also accessing the RSOF

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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I saw a friend do Herblore at his house, and I knew I wanted to do trhat skill. Now, if only people in freaking W2 would sell me some herbs@!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I joined for many reasons (Quests, Minigames, Skills, New items) but the main reason i joined was because I hated the F2P community. Everywhere you go people noobs are following you saying noobish stuff like "omg rune scimmy ur hawt b my bf pl0x" or "free st00f pl0x" all the damn time...Everywhere I used to go I got pissed off so...I decided to join members, and to my delight it wasn't too bad (this was ages ago by the way)


, but now its a different story, with autoers and goldfarmers...It's gradually stooping to F2P level...If you see what I mean... #-o #-o #-o

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