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What is your number one pet peeve in Runescape?


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I absolutely hate when people use "o", "i no", "c", "u", "ur". Is it really going to kill you to type one or two more letters? Oh no! You might lose half of a second typing? Too bad. Talk to me once you pass third grade english.




I also cannot stand egotistical pures. Now I did not say I hate all pures. I only mean the ones who think they are better than everyone.




I also don't like people who make fun of "top-of-the-hiscores-players". You aren't the one to say how they live their life and how they spend their time. Most of the people who do this are the noobs in the Wilderness and when they lose they say, "Omg! My main cud so own joo! He is lvl 126 n00b." Really? Then why aren't you using him? You hypocrite.




Oh I could go on about beggars, scammers, and macroers, but as everyone else has already talked about them, I won't. Just because I'm lazy like that.




Why could you possibly have a problem with them? If you want just a combat based game, look elsewhere. You're not the one to say how they play the game. If they don't like combat, they don't train it. Please grow up and learn to respect others choices.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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When training slayer, I deliberately hop to an empty world so that when I cannon it won't irritate anybody. It gets really annoying when people who log in after I do try and flame me about having a cannon and telling me to hop worlds.


621st person to achieve 99 slayer on December 3rd, 2007

177th person to 99 summoning on June 21st, 2008

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I absolutely hate when people use "o", "i no", "c", "u", "ur". Is it really going to kill you to type one or two more letters? Oh no! You might lose half of a second typing? Too bad. Talk to me once you pass third grade english.


I agree, that's my number one also, just people who type like that in general


Joined RS2: Late May/Early June 2006

100 Combat achieved on June 30, 2007 All skills 60+ achieved on August 22, 2007

Quest Cape achieved on September 8, 2007, at 104 Combat

Check out my blog to 85 Slayer!

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Noobs that don't read the news. I get followed all the time, and these idiots are all like, "HOU U GET TO (Insert Update here)??????????" If these idiots would just read the fricking news, they'd know! But nooooo they can't read the news! They're too lazy! :evil:

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People who use u/ur as an abrivation of you/your. It's such a small thing, but I find it so flippin' annoying.




As a Teacher of mine once said: "If you hand in an essay in which "U" is used as a word, that's the Grade you're gunna get."




Your teacha should be sent back to gramma school :lol:




I also hate it when you say "selling item for x amount" and someone offers 20k below that price, it really does annoy me :wall:




I hate it when I say "buying x item" someone trades, I put up my money and they put up their money. Errrr I said I was buying not selling you twit




In rs people who don't add "ing" when they're buying, "buy dba", that extra ing is hardly going to kill you :x




On a forum it gets so tiring when people constantly go on about how long they've played as if its meant to make them supreme rulers of the universe, the RSC section is the most nostalgic self important forum i've ever seen with people flaming anyone who doesn't think a 2d game that hasn't been updated for 5 years is better than rs2 :roll:




The lack of ability it takes to be rich. People shouldn't be making money off what Jagex intended to be a fun holiday drop. The game should be based on usable items. A close second is the lack of community.




Gotta agree, it would be so much better if the holiday drops didnt mean someone could just buy a load of 99's, it would be so much more of a sense of achievement at full dragon if you couldn't "merchant" your way there with items jagex never intended to be taken so seriously.











"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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Noobs that don't read the news. I get followed all the time, and these idiots are all like, "HOU U GET TO (Insert Update here)??????????" If these idiots would just read the fricking news, they'd know! But nooooo they can't read the news! They're too lazy! :evil:




I was annoyed by something like this recently.




Someone read the Behind the Scenes, and thought that meant that -ALL- those updates were instantly added to the game. I'm trying to tell him that no, that's just what is supposed to be added this month.




He followed me for 20 minutes asking me where to find an update that didn't even exist yet. I kept telling him it doesn't exist, and he'd just say "No, it's in the news". Eventually, I just blocked him and switched worlds.



RuneSlayer - For all your RuneScape needs.

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they dropped the amount of rare seeds in nests... used to get 1 mage or yew in 10 nests, now im getting 1 at 50


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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People who all they do in trouble brewing is burn things. Even though it is a part of the game, there is no advantage gained from it. The only thing it does it causes the other team to become vengeful and burn you! No body gains ANYTHING from it.

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Moving is not smooth. And the constant running backwards. How am I to have fun if this game cannot make us walk properly.


:-k i dont understand how people can be annoyed by things that dont directly affect them in the game. . .
The running thing can slow you down a lot while rcing. Ands it do directly affect us in the game.
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Things I dislike most ingame about RS are:




1) Bots - thousands of them in both F2P and P2P worlds and it seems that there are more each day. I fear that soon they will have far too much control over the economy and the real players will be severely affected by the actions Jagex takes. An example is the price of flax and bowstrings at present, and sharks a while back. Many people lost out on millions of RS gold due to bans, or lack of them.




2) Pking procedures in single combat wildy. Single combat is meant to be just that - 1 on 1. Pjing/tagging/looting severely detracts from the enjoyment I once got from pking at Edge. I rarely go there these days :(




3) Lack of clan support. Many moons ago Jagex said they were working on this, yet nothing to date. I do hope this has not been left on the back doorstep and blown away in the wind.

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I cant alch while training without getting a random and then I have to wait for nonagressive fire giants.


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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The Rs dance. Very annoying doing the waltz with the kq or metal dragons wasting prayer -.-
so when exactly does this happen?????????




When you manage to get under the monster that takes up more than 1 square, you and the monster do this akward dance involving some twists and walking backwards and when you're fighting the kq or something that strong, every prayer point counts.

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The Rs dance. Very annoying doing the waltz with the kq or metal dragons wasting prayer -.-
so when exactly does this happen?????????




When you manage to get under the monster that takes up more than 1 square, you and the monster do this akward dance involving some twists and walking backwards and when you're fighting the kq or something that strong, every prayer point counts.




actually, it can happen with anything, but multiple square monsters have it happen the most. my thing that i hate is when you're running, when you click to go forward while you're still moving, a lot of the time it makes you stop, turn around, walk the other way, then goes the way you were going. affects me a lot doing skills that you have to run to the bank for.



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The Rs dance. Very annoying doing the waltz with the kq or metal dragons wasting prayer -.-
so when exactly does this happen?????????




When you manage to get under the monster that takes up more than 1 square, you and the monster do this akward dance involving some twists and walking backwards and when you're fighting the kq or something that strong, every prayer point counts.




actually, it can happen with anything, but multiple square monsters have it happen the most. my thing that i hate is when you're running, when you click to go forward while you're still moving, a lot of the time it makes you stop, turn around, walk the other way, then goes the way you were going. affects me a lot doing skills that you have to run to the bank for.


oh i was thinking of when you clikc"dance" in emotes, lol.

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The Rs dance. Very annoying doing the waltz with the kq or metal dragons wasting prayer -.-
so when exactly does this happen?????????




When you manage to get under the monster that takes up more than 1 square, you and the monster do this akward dance involving some twists and walking backwards and when you're fighting the kq or something that strong, every prayer point counts.




actually, it can happen with anything, but multiple square monsters have it happen the most. my thing that i hate is when you're running, when you click to go forward while you're still moving, a lot of the time it makes you stop, turn around, walk the other way, then goes the way you were going. affects me a lot doing skills that you have to run to the bank for.


oh i was thinking of when you clikc"dance" in emotes, lol.




that used to save prayer :lol: now it just wastes it as well.



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Why could you possibly have a problem with them? If you want just a combat based game, look elsewhere. You're not the one to say how they play the game. If they don't like combat, they don't train it. Please grow up and learn to respect others choices.




skillers do tend to make our stats look bad and he does have a point there. a lvl 3 with every non cb stats higher then a lvl 120+ would make us feel minor. if he hates skillers thats his problem, remember were discussing about our pet peeves!

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