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How to strike back at flax autoers.


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Before I start, I want to give credit to Cruiser1 and LordBaer for explaining this to me.




As many of you know, there are hundreds, even thousands, of flax autoers. I will explain a simple way to have some fun with them.




The only requirement to do this is you must have a cat, and do the needed quests to obtain one. They are very simple, and most players have them done.




Most flax autoers use the field south of seers bank. Simply take your kitten/cat, walk there, and place the cat over a flax plant. The cat is on top of the flax, which makes the autoer click on the cat instead of the flax!








Now, what in the world are you going to do to pass the time? I usually alch and report bots. I even merchant/use the forums while I stand there (asking traders to come to me of course).




This is a simple and fun way to mess with flax bots. Watch as 5-10 bots stand at the same flax plant for hours :lol: All the while, getting mage exp and making money on the forums.




I know this guide will never win any awards, so there is no need to post about how simple it is. :P




Have fun! :)

I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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First Post.




I love doing this when i wa spicking 5k flax to make 5k bs i always did this. then i reported each 1 :)




Owned the auters


Got whip back 2nd time =] now im merchenting

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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:




EEK! If they have barrows autoers, whats next? Monkey madness auoters? Pking autoers (they may already be some, but idk)?




Anyways, that looks fun to do.

Don't ask me for what I do for fun.

Anyways, what I do for fun (besides RS) is to tear up assignments I get and then try to re-create them. It's so much fun =D.

(I also like differrent things.(and purple ))



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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:




BARROWS AUTOERS!!!! Never heard of em...cant possibly think how to macro thro barrows!

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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:




BARROWS AUTOERS!!!! Never heard of em...cant possibly think how to macro thro barrows!




It's because they are gold farmers.... 8-)


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:




EEK! If they have barrows autoers, whats next? Monkey madness auoters? Pking autoers (they may already be some, but idk)?




Anyways, that looks fun to do.


I bet you there will be begger autoers lmao. They would say "Free st00f pl0x??" every 5 seconds.


BTW nice guide!!! I never thought about this before. If only I had a cat....



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ah, this completes the "how to kill autoer" series :o




hmm we still need a guide on how to kill barrows autoers...




they have started to come more and more often :ohnoes:




BARROWS AUTOERS!!!! Never heard of em...cant possibly think how to macro thro barrows!






not macros, but farmers. still bad though




teleother, anyone?

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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