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Runescape in the news again...


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You know, you can't really consider it rape, since the boy wanted to have sex with her. :lol: (Yes, I know it's wrong.)




Think about this though. They have a 9-year difference between their ages. When a 13 and a 22 year old have sex, it's considered wrong; yet when a man who's (example) 50, and a woman who's 30 - a 20 year difference - get married, people just shrug it off and say 'Oh well, as long as they love eachother'. Weird eh?




And TBH, it is the mothers fault. She should have been more parentish and prevent 22-year olds stay at their place. Dumb mother. Although, I can't really argue with what happened, because now that this happened, parents will read this, and probably watch their kids play (those who are 14 and younger), or even make their kids stop playing, then the game will have less 12-year olds yelling 'Fr33 S7o0F p|0x!!1!1!!'


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


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Think about this though. They have a 9-year difference between their ages. When a 13 and a 22 year old have sex, it's considered wrong; yet when a man who's (example) 50, and a woman who's 30 - a 20 year difference - get married, people just shrug it off and say 'Oh well, as long as they love eachother'. Weird eh?





*Cough*Cough*AnnaNicoleSmith*Cough*Cough* :lol: . And it is considered wrong because one of them is underage, that's easy to understand.




Anyways, people need to quit making assumptions about how bad a parent the mom was. I mean come on, how often do you see a female child molestor :shock: . And I canthink of several ways that would make the mom trust her.




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To dooku: I agree with the testing for competence idea, however that is a lot of testing and tax money, it is much easier to put an age limit on things. Although some younger people are adequately competent, many ( more than 50 percent for sure) are not. Not making a personal attack to u, u say u are competent and u are under 18 but that might just be incompetence, again not saying u are, just a possibility, also you say you can easily manipulate your dad however i've realized there are lots of things parents know about but just don't bother confronting there kids about (again maybe not true in your case just saying). I myself am 15 and realize wow when i was 14 i did some stupid stuff and i'm probably making mistakes or think i know about things now that in later years i will come to realize were not what i thought they were at all or just dumb mistakes.




Also about people saying it's not rape or complaining about others calling it rape, its called rape because for legal matters it is classified as rape, which is why the report says rape, which is why people are saying rape.




To halo2 rocks7: when a 30 year old marries a 50 year old people shrug it off because they are both adults and should be competent (though not all are refer back to my agreeing with test instead part) whereas a 13 year old boy and 22 year old woman are only 9 years apart a 13 year old boy is most likely not competent despite howeve many people on here say yes young kids are competent i believe they are bias as some are young kids themselves (though so am i in a sense).




I also agree that it may not be all the mothers fault but as the whole story isn't printed evidence points towards the problem being largely her fault




p.s wow this is a long post and sorry for some of the spellings and grammar dont have time to fix it all im tired and going to bed.



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Who wants to spend 2 weeks at my house!! I like to party and drink Woo!!




Only kidding though :P








I won't say the obvious it has been said way to many times here, and so I'm going to try and instead point out what I believe to be both sides of the argument.




First off I blame Runescape in a sense,




They have all these rules and terms, and one of them states that you must be 13 to play the game, and in this case it is all dandy this person is 13 (by dandy I mean age), however Runescape has no way of knowing a persons age on the game, and they have the ability to lie about their age in order to get around the parental blocks. I'm thinking Runescape needs to raise the age limit without parental permission to play the game to the age of 16, and there should be an age verification process.




I know these steps would be a pain in the [wagon] when creating a new account, however it would help protect the children out there. Furthermore If they enforced an identification system then all those pesky autoers out there would have a harder time creating new auto accounts as they would have to prove their identity every time, and thus tying the accounts to their names.




Other then that it comes down to where I can also blame the parents.




The Parents need to keep a controlled eye on their minors, and see what kinda activities they are up to. It is rather easy to see when a kid doesn't want to be interrupted, or have their parents looking over their shoulder. As a parent I would advise learning the lingo to online chat so that when a kid tries to type something like "Pos" you'll know something is up, and figure out what is going on. I think this might reduce intimate chat online, because as a younger kid you are more influence-able, and you don't know what love really is. You might think that you have this perfect person for you online, however there are signs, and when you are younger you can't see them, and you could be walking right into a victims trap.




I think all and all the penalty system in this will work out just fine, because the parent has to live with this mistake for the rest of their life, and can learn to better educate, and keep an eye on their kid, and it'll help other parents out there to learn to watch their kids with a close eye.


99 Fishing 11/12/2006 790th fisher to 99

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To those who are complaining about the age of consent laws:




There has been research (I can find and post if necessary) done that shows that the impulse control portion of the brain isn't fully developed until a person is in their early to mid 20's. And at 13 I seriously doubt that this kid was emotionally ready to handle a sexual relationship.




Also I hate the double standard of cases like this. She will probably get off with a slap on the wrist. If it was a 13 yr old girl, the 22 yr old guy would get crucified and this story would be on every national cable and air news show

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To those who are complaining about the age of consent laws:




There has been research (I can find and post if necessary) done that shows that the impulse control portion of the brain isn't fully developed until a person is in their early to mid 20's. And at 13 I seriously doubt that this kid was emotionally ready to handle a sexual relationship.




Also I hate the double standard of cases like this. She will probably get off with a slap on the wrist. If it was a 13 yr old girl, the 22 yr old guy would get crucified and this story would be on every national cable and air news show




She got charged on three counts... :shame:




Its ridiculous, and I don't care to much about research on impulse control. The sex they shared was obviously not an impulse if she flew in to see him, him sending her naked pictures before hand was not an impulse.




Your argument may have seemed great in your head, though it has no real place in this conversation.


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Source : http://jonsabinpi.blogspot.com/2007/07/ ... inary.html




Kathryn Brauch waives preliminary hearing




kbraunchuu5.pngPOTSDAM- Kathryn Brauch, charged in an internet sex case involving a 13 year old boy waived her preliminary hearing Friday morning.


In plain English, that means the woman passed on a chance to hear some of the evidence against her. The case will now go straight to a St. Lawrence County grand jury awaiting indictment.




Shes HIDEOUS! :ohnoes:




When you mentioned the Dragon Plates I had a sudden vision of a load of gangsters running around in fancy dress yealling "Grim Reaper in da hood!"
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Source : http://jonsabinpi.blogspot.com/2007/07/ ... inary.html








Kathryn Brauch waives preliminary hearing








kbraunchuu5.pngPOTSDAM- Kathryn Brauch, charged in an internet sex case involving a 13 year old boy waived her preliminary hearing Friday morning.




In plain English, that means the woman passed on a chance to hear some of the evidence against her. The case will now go straight to a St. Lawrence County grand jury awaiting indictment.








Shes HIDEOUS! :ohnoes:












I'd still do her.... :thumbsup:



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Just typical. Blame our beloved game. Not as if tis our fault some idiot teen decides to make love to a 22 year old he met online, while the mom sits back ignoring the entire thing.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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Definitely not the first time runescape's been in the news for this stuff.








Odd that in the three cases I've seen like this, it's an older female with a younger boy.

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Source : http://jonsabinpi.blogspot.com/2007/07/ ... inary.html








Kathryn Brauch waives preliminary hearing








kbraunchuu5.pngPOTSDAM- Kathryn Brauch, charged in an internet sex case involving a 13 year old boy waived her preliminary hearing Friday morning.




In plain English, that means the woman passed on a chance to hear some of the evidence against her. The case will now go straight to a St. Lawrence County grand jury awaiting indictment.








Shes HIDEOUS! :ohnoes:












I'd still do her.... :thumbsup:








yes all she needs is some make-up and a better outfit :roll:

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