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Do You Take Action Against Global Warming?


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With all this talk about saving the planet and global warming, it made me think- how many people out there actually do things to stop global warming?


There are the people who actually do things like use that kind of lightbulb, use less of the car etc...


And the second kind of person- Mr. "I should really do something about global warming! but then again......"


So do you try to stop global warming or ignore it get on with your life?


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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what the f is global warming



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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All my house does it recycle...


Global warming doesnt really worry, I'm a good swimmer and I like hot holidays :P


But seriously I guess I do some stuff anyway, like I'd turn off the TV anyway to cut down on eletricity bills and I wont put the heater on if I have the window open.

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I use a lot less water than I used to. We recycle. My mother takes public transportation to go to work usually. Apart from that, we got a really small house and don't use much electricity.






I think most citizens do a good job. It's the government and the companies who are HUGE wasters.

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I blew up a hummer store.


Pfft, I blew up three.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I dropped bombs on Honda, GM and Ford. Then I peed on the burning ashes.




Why those three? Toyota is the biggest car manufacturer.




Anyways I really don't do anything to stop global warming. When I get the money I will be trying to go green with electricity, not so much for the environment as it is to save me money in the long run.



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Nothing major here. At my house we've been gradually replacing light bulbs with the spiral ones and we turn most stuff off when we're not using it, but we're not going lengths to bike instead of take a car or anything.

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'Saving energy' as people call it. My family just calls it "Turn off that damn light if no one is using it!"


I'm not too concerened with Global Warming though, it can't be said anything about it this far since the earth naturally heats and cools itself and it's too early to draw a conclusion. I do however, agree in helping the enviorment on wasting less energy, littering, and blowing up Hummer Stores.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Nothing major here. At my house we've been gradually replacing light bulbs with the spiral ones and we turn most stuff off when we're not using it, but we're not going lengths to bike instead of take a car or anything.




I am using those spiral light bulbs right now, but one is flickering really badly. It is very annoying. It sucks even more because I just installed it yesterday.



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I don't do anything in particular. I mean turning off a lightbulb or recycling you daily newspaper isn't going to do a whole lot. It's large corperations not individuals that are responsible for most of the problem.

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~Wilt Chamberlain~

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Yeah we use those 'ecobulbs'. All the supermarkets in NZ use plastic bags, I usually refuse plastic bags and just recycle ones that I already have at home and just bag them up at my car. Turn off lights when we're not in the room. Recycle paper, glass and plastic bottles, compost (I strongly advise on composting, if you do it right, it doesn't smell and we only throw out one bag of real rubbish a fortnight now).

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nothing global warming is a consipracy



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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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And another thing I do is when I buy beers for home, I get a swap a crate. We only have one glass melting plant in our country, and it's under great pressure. When glass is recycled they don't wash n reuse the bottles. They melt them down.




But with swap a crate, you drink your beers, then when you're done take the empties back and get some more, and they steralise and reuse the same bottles. I do still occasionally buy normal beer 'cause swap a crates are only Lion Red and Tui. :ohnoes:

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i take some action against global warming, but it isn;t for the purpose of global warming. I recycle, but that is only because I just do. I also turn off lights when people aren't using them, but that is mostly to save money for the energy bill ::'


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personally, i have bought tickets to every live earth show within a twelve hour drive of where i live, and am hugely supportive of their efforts to cart multiple bands and pampered singers along with trailers full of equipment across our nation, doing their part to emit as many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as possible, not to mention all the helpful light pollution they produce at the concerts that contributes to bird migrations going off course.




and i am so hoping i win the one-of-a-kind eco-trip to australia, i really want to chase after little wild beasties and study their poop while wearing clothes made of recycled fig leaves!




if i could make my views any more blatent, i would. :)


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My family really tries to take action against it. Since we are not on the power grid we use solar power, :thumbsup: and my Dad dives a Prius soo i say we're trying to take action. :)


2104th to 99 Hunting January 10th 2008

Proud Fan Of The Offspring Since 1998

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I slash the tires of every car I see.




That may be one of the funniest quotes I have seen on these forums. You have a way of making dry humor be very, very funny, Smapla, and I think that's cool.




I try to do small things like turn out the lights and stuff, but no, I guess I don't really do big things to prevent it. :-k

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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