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"Rushing, pjing, and safing"


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Well, as someone said, no matter what you would have been flamed. I say, play the game according to the rules set by Jagex, not according to some kids who try to bend rules to suit themselves.








+1, I basically agree with all these posts. Most people say you have no honor, because they want to trick you into losing. Like if you're praying, and they say you have no honor, so you take off pray then they kill you fast and quick. It's a bunch of BS and it's the reason I don't PK.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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You attack somebody. He turns on protect melee. You turn on protect melee. You hit him, he eats. You miss, he hits back, you eat. 5 minutes later, you're both down half your food, both with full health. Another 5 minutes later, you finally run him out of food. He teleports.




You go grab another 40k worth of supplies, and so does he. You fight. 5 minutes later, you get lucky, you nearly kill him. Some guy jumps in and tries to kill you. Due to both you and the new guy praying, you manage to escape by teleporting.




You return to take vengeance on the PJer, to find he returned most of the stuff into the bank. You fight again, but because he's praying, he manages to hit you once before he dies. 4 damage and now you have to go grab an antipoison.




You return once more, and finally, out of sheer luck, the guy you're fighting is killed when he lags right when you eat, and another guy attacks him. You just begin to grab the loot when some guy jumps you. Doesn't matter, with your pray you get away with about 150k. Ignoring the fact you just spent almost 200k in supplies, you're significantly cheered up and return.




Five similar battles later, you've now spent about 400k in supplies, and you're running low. You decide to enter one last fight. You get close to winning, when suddenly the worst happens. Your parents accidentally bust a fuse in the next room and shut off your computer. You log back on, in Falador, with your whip. Only then you realize that you completely wasted over 400k in supplies and didn't profit at all. In addition, you and the one opponent you killed both lost some items that you can't trade, like rune defenders, skill capes, barrow gloves.




That's what edgeville PKing will become. In fact, that's what it DID become. You can't really kill anyone unless they lag, or computer freezes, or parents kick them off, or a freak thunderstorm comes by.




And that's why there are rules that make people easier to kill. A pure usually spends around 15k-25k per fight. A nonpure generally spends upwards of 40k a fight, because of the need for more prayer potions. With the amount of untradeable items you can work into your combat gear, PKers ALREADY stand a low chance of earning anything.




So on top of that, you make it completely luck based, where the only time someone is able to win is when something improbable such as lag, or thirty consecutive max hits (prayer really does cut it down), or their parents/siblings/friends bust their computer, or their firewall jumps up, they're not going to die.




If you're talking about PKing in 20-30 wilderness I totally agree. Instead of going alone and complaining when they tag you, bring 20 friends, bring teleblock, ice barrage, all the manner of spells to prevent them from escaping, and kill them.




But when you're in level 1 edge, it's nearly impossible NOT to escape if you want to. Prayer + sarabrews/food + teles when you only have to run 10 steps to be safe is really pretty pointless. Throw in the fact they have to be almost exactly the same combat level and it spells "Come and waste your food here."




And if you don't have a big enough team with both teleblock and ice barrage, you really don't stand a chance PKing deeper either. Remember, there's always a bigger fish, leading up in levels and numbers until you encounter a clan of fifty level 126s.




Time to wrap this up. Rules are NECESSARY to make PKing in under 10 wilderness worthwhile. With the general courtesy of not eating the second you get hit, with not jumping people in the middle of a fight, with waiting until everyone has a chance to use their potions before starting, skilled PKers CAN turn a profit. I know many PKers who successfully kill their opponent in over half their fights because they're timing is better, they're more experienced, and they can predict when their opponent will eat and whether it's worth the risk to keep attacking. When people follow these rules, the more skilled players have a chance to profit, the less skilled can learn to be better.




By completely shattering the rules to take advantage of players who understand these rules are necessary, you are stating that you are unable to be successful when the terms are fair. You can't kill them when both of you are praying, safing, teleporting. You always get killed if you both provide each other a sporting chance. Thus, you're only way to succeed is to take advantage of the fact that these PKers give each other a fair fight.




Of course, when you're deeper in the wilderness, this all goes to hell. There are more than enough ways to score kills efficiently EVEN IF they're praying, teleporting, etc. Luring, tagging, rushing is all fair game deeper, because at that point, it's still possible to "win".




Basically, these so called "honor" rules aren't because they're greedy and want all your items. These rules exist because it makes PKing potentially more rewarding for EVERYONE. If EVERYONE follows these rules, EVERYONE has a chance of coming out ahead, and a chance of coming out behind, that they actually have control over. And if you can't accept this, then either PK in deeper wilderness, or expect to be flamed, because all you want is a win-win situation for yourself. If that's the case they're hardly the greedy ones?

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In almost all video games there is some that is considered "cheap". It it something that is an easy way of doing something usually difficult. People usually like to avoid using cheap techniques because for one its more fun without them, and two because it is very frustrating.




When you far cast, pj, safe, etc. it makes the game much less enjoyableor the other person, and thats the reason we play the game in the first play, to have fun.





In another game I play, NCAA footabll, there are techniques that work all too well. These being the long ball and the HB direct snap. Now when a person does this every play, the entire game, it is called "cheesing." It is extremely frustrating for the player playing them. Same with no honor pk'ing, makes it less enjoyable.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Yeah I know these "Rules". Are pretty stupid if, someone was attacking you in real life, if you had an advantage some way would you use it? or would you just die. So if I'm ever attacked in the wildy, I don't give a bleep about these "Rules".








EDIT:Sorry for weird example.

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I've though about this subject before.. Basically the way I see it, its gone from an honor code between friends and friendly opponents wanting to fight fair, to an excuse for noobs to blame their sucky luck / lack of skill on. Sure, some people may follow these rules in edgeville, and they will play "fair" and have fun. The majority of people I have seen though, will use these rules as a way to have an excuse when they loose, and try to insult the other person in the process.




The thing you have to consider is a good portion of rs's population is immature idiots, and young kids that lack common sense. They will look for any excuse there is to make themselves look better. They cant accept that they lost because their immature, and thats it. When I used to get pked in the wild, I'd say nice fight. If the person were to tell me haha noob, you got pwnt, I would simply point out that they were an idiot, and they needed to get a life and stop taking things so seriously.




The "rules" are something to be followed between friends for good fights, but as for between random people, no. Play the game the way you want, if someone is immature enough to call you a "safer noob" or anything involving noob, they need to just stfu. A mature player may mention something about you pjing or something, but they wont be flipping out saying "Omigwd j00 pjayed my ReCtum!! J00 nubbbb!!".

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i love how no one ever mentions rune craft pking when they start abolishing the "pking codes"




reguardless you should play runescape how you want and abide by jagex's rules. people critisize you outside of the wilderness too dont they?

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i love how no one ever mentions rune craft pking when they start abolishing the "pking codes"




Rc pking is really a different topic alltogether.

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i love how no one ever mentions rune craft pking when they start abolishing the "pking codes"




Rc pking is really a different topic alltogether.




:roll: w/e wilderness is the wilderness like it or lump it. i dont understand how you can defend pjing then bash rc pking. its nothing out of the wilderness element so it cant be a "diffrent topic"




but i wont fill your topic with flaming about rc pking, im just saying its ludacris to say its not acceptable or "OK" if its in the wilderness.

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i love how no one ever mentions rune craft pking when they start abolishing the "pking codes"




Rc pking is really a different topic alltogether.




:roll: w/e wilderness is the wilderness like it or lump it. i dont understand how you can defend pjing then bash rc pking. its nothing out of the wilderness element so it cant be a "diffrent topic"




but i wont fill your topic with flaming about rc pking, im just saying its ludacris to say its not acceptable or "OK" if its in the wilderness.




Sorry, but, just to make this clear, I DO NOT like pjing, I just pjed that guy, I never pj.

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Sorry, but, just to make this clear, I DO NOT like pjing, I just pjed that guy, I never pj.










: a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something


Don't treat me like an idiot, I know what a contradiction is, but, I only pj rarely, like the example I stated

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Wilcher, that actually makes you look like an immature jerk who just likes to put people down.




On topic...I don't give a damn what people say to me in the Wilderness, unless it is nice/meh. If they attack me, I usually keep a trick up my sleeve and pull it out, making them turn into a "teletubbie" or "running man". Ah, well.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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just game courtesy. Wouldn't you consider it rude? Sure, it is the wild, and there are no in-game rules. But like luring, pile jumping really isn't in the spirit of the game. Even tho a person could look at it as retribution for a friend, it really is just a person being greedy hoping for more loot. Trying to get a cheap kill.

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Heres an easy solution, just pk with public chat off or on friends. although the other person can call you what he wants, you will hear nothing of it. Whoever thinks their is a code of honor in the wild is probably not going to follow it when they are risked with a life-death situation, so why should you, and die just for fear of being called a "safer" I really don't pk, but i follow no rules when doing it. i safe eating to full, i spec out people when they aren't paying attention, but i don't mind, they scream names at me but i don't really care... they attacked me for no reason, so why should I care if they can pull a code of false meaning-less rules on me. i really think the wild and all these pures have bogged the game, and as it states if you read the runescape manual, there is no code of honor written in there. so... don't bother following it.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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There are no rules of honor.




Then why do people not safe?


Why do they not pj? (Sometimes)


Why no teles?


etc, etc.




Because, they're not that smart.

me and kashi are running for president in '08.

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The only things I dont like are Pile Jumpers and Tag Teamers in non multi. I mean once I utterly fragged these 2 guys where one was a mage with tb and stuff while the other was just whipping me (whereas at the time I was like 10 cb lvls lower and with a d scimmy) I made 1 run off while another guy helped me out cause he knew what had happened. So I mean thats the main reason why I hate Tagging. Its just plain unfair and annoying. Its like a 2 vs 1 in the area where its supposed to be 1 on 1.




Anyways though for everything else other than the above mentions and my little story I can handle the others.

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Here is another issue I sincerely hope someone else has addressed.




In many other multiplayer games, there are tactics that are considered "unfair" and thus looked down upon. They've been prevalent in almost EVERY video or computer game I ever played.




For example,




In Star Wars Battlefront 2, people have often resorted to rushing up to a crowd of opponents and dropping a landmine, thus killing themselves and at least 3-4 other players as well. Also, people have found "opportunities" to hide themselves inside a wall, called "wall glitching". "Minespammers" and "Wall Hackers" were both generally disliked, flamed, abused, and not accepted into most clans.




In Metroid Prime Hunters (A Nintendo DS first person shooter) there would always be dishonest players who disconnected so that it would not hurt their record when they lost. Same goes for other similar games. Also, in many first person shooters, "camping" is generally hated. I'm not 100% certain on this but many of my friends play games like Halo and the names they place on those who camp or use other cheap tactics aren't really that pleasant.




In Jedi Academy, attacking anyone who had "powered down" their lightsaber was considered pathetic... pathetic enough to get you permanently banned from the server. Why? Because they felt it was unfair to attack people unprepared for combat.




In the recent Pokemon games, they have formed all sorts of "clauses", prohibiting the use or abuse of specific tactics.




There are many parallels between the "PKing Code of Conduct" and these other rules. You're generally not supposed to take advantage of people who aren't prepared for a fight. X-Logging seems to be Runescape's version of disconnecting, escaping from duels and fights in deep wilderness. In Pokemon you have players telling you not to use evasion to make yourself almost impossible to hit. In Runescape, it's players stating that prayers make yourself almost impossible to kill except by lag.




In every game, there's going to be certain rules that are made by the players, not the game makers. Fact is, most of these rules DO improve the quality of the game.




At first look, it does seem pretty dumb. Let's stay at low hitpoints so your opponent has a better chance of killing you. Let's not use prayer to cut all damage dealt to us by about a third as well as increasing defense. No, you can't bring teleports, because it makes it too easy for you to escape. Hey, it's dishonorable to pick on the player with no weapons on. Leave the runecrafters alone and go after the REAL PKers who will probably kill you.




Yes, it's stupid if you look at it that way. But as I mentioned before, it works the other way around too. If EVERYONE follows these rules, then everyone has a greater chance of dying. Then it becomes a manner of timing, reflexes, experience, and ability to predict your opponent's next move, all in real-time. Versus the all-luck lose-lose situation you get when everyone disregards these rules. Yes, these rules DO increase the quality of PKing.




Finally, if you disagree, try PKing. If you don't want to risk all your valuables on your main, try a pure account. To be honest, it's a very good way to understand PKing better. Try following the rules, and you will realize how much more rewarding it is to PK following these rules, and understand how badly the people who oppose the rules dampen the experience. Look at how much you spend PKing, compare it to what you earn, and realize how difficult it is to make PKing profitable.




Anyways, I don't think I have any more to say. So I'm probably done posting on this topic until further notice. :wink:




EDIT: Okay, fine I did forget something. If you really don't believe how ridiculous rules can sound while still being beneficial, there's a video I recommend you watch.




A group called "Rooster Teeth" made a show called Red Vs. Blue, Blood Gulch Chronicles. Two teams fight a war in the middle of a valley with nothing but their two bases, while fighting with and against ghosts, robots, etc.




Anyways, one of the episodes featured two characters traveling to another dimension, where they found dozens of soldiers playing a game of capture the flag. In the ensuing frenzy, you hear many cries of "noobs" or "rocket noobs" or "camper noobs" and other stuff, sometimes with more unpleasant terms. It's not that unlike runescape where you have "farcast noob" and "Pj noob". It sounds REALLY ridiculous listening to it, but to anyone who actually plays Halo (was told this by my friends), these rules all exist for a very good reason: because they make the game more fun to play.

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Rushing isn't bad to begin with. Be more prepared next time. The Code of Honor in the Runescape makes pking fun and more enjoyable for everyone except the guy who cries everytime he dies. Its really sad to see people pk at low levels and tele, pj, tag, etc., when they are a few steps from safety. This "its just a game" defense is full of [cabbage]. If it was a game, then why are you so scared to die? If it's just pixels, then why are you scared to lose your precious rune? If you can get it once, you can get it again.




Just to add, this new "asking to fight" deal that started recently is [cabbage]. If you see someone who may attack you, prepare yourself or pray until you pot up. If you don't want to fight someone, pray and run, don't pray and keep fighting them or call them a noob for attacking you.




Discussion like this usually turn into a flame war anyways. Alot of the no-honor people can't even put out a decent arguement to save their lives. Most of it isn't relevent to anything at all. Total [cabbage] :roll:

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The only thing i find annoying in the wild is Teaming in non-multi wilderness and people who 1 item (dds with junk robes,power ammy)




Ya, +1 on that




It's up to the individual how he want's to follow these "Rules of Honour". I personally don't. It's the wildy :XD:

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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The RS community is way to big, to expect players to follow any rules, but the official rules of the game. A player new to pking just won't understand what these "rules of honor" may or may not be good for. If he honestly would try to abide to them, he'll probably just die.




So i guess everybody just has to figure out for themselves what makes sense and what doesn't make sense. If that means you and your opponent both are just eating and draining prayer, so be it. What are you going to do about it? Calling him a noob?




What i don't get at all is, why people don't use the duelling arena instead, if they have a problem with others not playing to their rules. Isn't the arena exactly what you are looking for? There you can set the rules as you seem fit.




The argument: "If everybody would do that, then.." just doesn't work. You have to accept, that there are very few inherent rules to the wilderness. If that makes people do things you don't deem enjoyable, the only thing you can do, is to leave the wildy and do something else instead. Pjing might not be nice, but the wilderness is hardly about being nice. Saving and praying might waste supplies. If that is the case, you'll have to find a way to get a fast, sudden kill.




The way i see it, the wilderess is hardly the place for a fair duell. You got the duelling arena for that. The wilderness is about looking for opportunities. Fighting somebody around your level with full health, full prayer and an inventory full of food and pots isn't exactly what i'd call an opportunity.

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In the wilderness, you are always a noob, regardless of what you do. Hell, even if you just stand there and let someone kill you, he or she will STILL call you a noob because you "got ownt."





















My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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1 question




Why lose your 1.6M just because of honour this is a game for pete's sake.




Why not make that extras 1.6M because you pjed.




It's a game who cares money is money and there is NO rules in the wilderness.

Click for My Blog



670th to 99 Smithing July 21st, 07 |743rd to 99 Mining November 29th, 07 | 649th to 99 Runecrafting May 18th, 08 | 29,050th to 99 Defence October 20th, 08 | 20,700th to 99 Magic November 8, 08 | 47,938th to 99 Attack December 19, 08 | 37,829th to 99 Hitpoints December 24, 08 | 68,604th to 99 Strength February 4, 09 | 27,983rd to 99 Range February 9, 09 | 9,725th to 99 Prayer June 8, 09 | 6,620th to 99 Slayer December, 12 09 | 4,075th to 99 Summoning December, 28 09 | 3,551th to 99 Herblore February 24, 10 | 3,192th to 99 Dungeoneering November 11, 10 | 146,600th to 99 Cooking December 29th, 10 | 11,333rd to 99 Construction June 7th, 11 | 16,648th to 99 Farming August 1st, 11 | 19,993th to 99 Crafting August 2nd, 11 | 89,739th to 99 Woodcutting Janurary 1st, 12 | 55,424th to 99 Fishing May 9th, 12| 60,648th to 99 Firemaking May 12th, 12 | 16666th to 99 Agility May 17th, 2012 | 24476th to 99 Hunter June 1st, 2012 | 57,881st to 99 Fletching June 1st, 2012 | All 99s June 1st, 2012 | 3183th to 120 Dungeoneering July 24th, 2012 | 2341st to 2496 Total level July 24th, 2012 | Completionist Cape July 24th, 2012

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My question is, where exactly did the "rules of honour" come from? Was some guy just walking around in the wilderness and thought, hey, people shouldn't be allowed to eat to full hp, because I won't get any rune armour.








Actually yes, it started back when tele was good enough to always save you. (weak weapons, no tb) It was seen as unfair along with prayer, the rationele against these was that if one person were to use them the other would also and no one would get kills.




This same logic spread like a weed to many other areas of pking and now everyone upholds the honor with all the flame they can muster without knowing why. :thumbsup:

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1 question




Why lose your 1.6M just because of honour this is a game for pete's sake.




Why not make that extras 1.6M because you pjed.




It's a game who cares money is money and there is NO rules in the wilderness.




If its such a game then why do you care if you lose money.

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