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How will the new prayers affect pking?

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Well i think theyll help mbers quite a bit but wont change edge that much seeing as you cant smite with them on and anyone know the new max hit with whip is?




Also i feel an update for mages coming up soon :)




EDIT:Nevermind about not being able to smite aussy confirmed you could with them on,


Quit. PM me if you play The Conduit to exchange friend codes.

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Uhhhh, good thing i got bones for 70 =O

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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This will only affect PKing for higher lvls, or those with 70/75 def willing to get 70 pray. Expect to see 44+ with whip and high 30s/low 40s with dds :o




Imagine fighting a tank now :lol:

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Not many pures/pkers will want it but some will get and will be hitting high 40's maybe even 50's easy.




I would be anxious to see new max

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Well if that pray stacks wit the 15% prays im imagining it will hugely effect pking, however if they don't, i reckon they wont much of a difference.




The only way this effects me it means the 61 pray i got is worthwhile and i'll actually be able to hit high with 63 strength.




I'm thinking mains will now be more useful in the wildy then pures...

IGN: HesFearless.



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well, glad i got 60 prayer...but then i dont use melee anymore, so meh...




now i have a darkened icon on my prayer page tho? <.<


when were these released?




these wil mainly help with high-level pking...low lvls will get owned even more...


32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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i have a feeling that the prayers will be used so much more in the wildy for high levels, but the large amount of lvl1 payer pures will class it as dishonorable to use


simlarly to the use of teleports or other prayer really - anything a pure ranger/ddser cant use seem to be against the honor system :wall:


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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i have a feeling that the prayers will be used so much more in the wildy for high levels, but the large amount of lvl1 payer pures will class it as dishonorable to use


simlarly to the use of teleports or other prayer really - anything a pure ranger/ddser cant use seem to be against the honor system :wall:




:( when i read this, i remember my friend laughing like peter griffin. :( i want to record that and link the mp3 to posts i like, like this 1.

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Yeah! Another Counter-pure update!


Look promising and soon, pures can be detered. Normal member can participitate in pking!


Go, Jagex go! It's your job to kick those pures away




(I can foresee numberous stinky tomatoes throwing at me soon, if not now)

Currently taking a break from Runescape

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Level 52 prayer --> Level 70 prayer, that is.. 2 maybe 3 combat levels at most?




For a extremely high bonus on all 3 combat stats? Heck! Any decent pker with 52 prayer will raise his/her prayer to the lovely.




Does this make sense? NO!!!




Because the new prayers require 65 defense! Zomg! It is a great update for those who do not have pk stats =D> People like.. moi! :thumbsup:

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i have a feeling that the prayers will be used so much more in the wildy for high levels, but the large amount of lvl1 payer pures will class it as dishonorable to use




simlarly to the use of teleports or other prayer really - anything a pure ranger/ddser cant use seem to be against the honor system :wall:

Well, they can't prove you're using them. :P








And I'm excited, very excited. I was really worrying yesterday if my all 70 goal would totally mess up pk'ing. But now, it will help. :thumbsup:

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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