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The beauty of women


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I've never cringed so long in my life.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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EDIT: Are you posting this cuz of you're in love? Just curious.


That's what I was thinking! It sounds to me like he's describing one certain girl. :wink: :wink: :wink: Oooooooooh!


I second that. Honestly, smelling a girl's scent isn't the first thing I do in the morning. And neither would you enjoy appreciating any random woman. Maybe you want to specify a certain lady you are thankful for?




And I do hate to hear the generalizations that women are "calm, thoughtful, compassionate and clever" and that men are "egoistic, uncouth brutes". Men and women are very equal in those characteristics, or at least enough so to not generalize either sex.




In love...or just got lucky? :wink:




Speaking as a some-what cynical 30ish ( :-w male, yes, some women are wonderful, but some just AREN'T. If you're lucky - VERY LUCKY - you'll never know what I'm talking about

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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This is what happens when you put the [kitty] on a pedestal.




Congrats mate, at least you respect them.




However, you will soon realize that your idealized dream won't last very long, and reality will begin to set in.




It will break your heart.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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Very nice things that you had to say about women.




I have to agree with you. Sexism is a curse of mankind. But don't worry, scientists are working on an injection to rid males of dominance. I don't see how having a penis makes you better. Sure males are biologically stronger, but I believe the female brain is superior to the male brain. Female brains are adept at linear, memory, language, etc. Male brains are adept at abstract, visual, etc.




I'm a male. However, I'm a different kind of male. I possess no dominance. If I do have any aggression at all, it would be very mild. I am a very sensitive, empathetic person. I am not afraid to express my emotions. My brain is adept at linear, memory, language, etc. skills. I care about what others feel. In fact I'm going to pursue a career in Psychology because I want to empathise with people and help them.




Am I ashamed to possess this kind of behavior? Of course not. I could care less about what the other males think of me. I cannot help that I'm made differentlly.




Yes, women are very very beautifully made. They are more social than males. I believe females average 15,000 words a day and males average only 7,000 words a day.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I believe females average 15,000 words a day and males average only 7,000 words a day.




Yes but the 8,000 extra for women are to do with clothes, shoes and shopping generally. :twisted:
















That's a joke (I hope).

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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This is what happens when you put the [kitty] on a pedestal.




Congrats mate, at least you respect them.




However, you will soon realize that your idealized dream won't last very long, and reality will begin to set in.




It will break your heart.




What he said. Being whipped for the [kitty] will get you nowhere. In this game, the nice guys will hardly ever win. Because lets face it, they already have a [kitty], why would they need another one?

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Here let me turn this into a discussion for you.






Fact: Women are not equal to men except legally.

High five.




But seriously. Some women smell. Take fat women for example, they stink (fat men do aswell like). Also grannys, they also stink.

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to gaze upon a womans breasts or thighs have a mesmerizing affect on me, not necessarily sexual but hynotic and stunning making me cough and splutter if I see them for real. The way they move knocks my brain around, not arrogant but knowledgeable of their own beauty.








Men and women are equal but not exactly the same.




So THAT'S why men can't have babies?!?! :-s

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Kudos to you for stepping out on a limb and posting this...better yet, for feeling/thinking it.




It's important to see beauty with our physicality and instincts. Men and women are spectacular to all senses and it's nice to know that some people appreciate it.




On the flip side, of course there are people who don't exercise proper hygiene but don't let that ruin the core of this thread.

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Plenty of nice girls, plenty of terrible ones.
Just wait till one snaps you in half
and eats your heart.




lol... gunna need a big woman to do that ;)

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I shudder at the amount of generalisations. But seeing as it seems to have become a trend, let me make a few too.




Everyone is different.




Oh, and try this one.




No one is perfect.








Funnily enough, by placing females on a pedestal as you have you've just only promoted sexism against males. Aren't you just grand?

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Glad to see you think the way you do. But there are some pretty crappy women out there too. Just like there are crappy guys.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




I can see a lot of guys here seem to have grudges against women. :?

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Glad to see you think the way you do. But there are some pretty crappy women out there too. Just like there are crappy guys.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




I can see a lot of guys here seem to have grudges against women. :?


Maybe some, though my post was more of a point of how the idealism (and ignorance) in the first post seems almost like an objectifaction of women ("creatures, exotic, er... private parts"). I know it wasn't the intention (I think), but I just got a very strong whiff of objectification from the post.




Honestly, no one else cringed while reading that?




Then again, I'm not exactly a fan of feminists, so... ya.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Glad to see you think the way you do. But there are some pretty crappy women out there too. Just like there are crappy guys.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




I can see a lot of guys here seem to have grudges against women. :?


Maybe some, though my post was more of a point of how the idealism (and ignorance) in the first post seems almost like an objectifaction of women ("creatures, exotic, er... private parts"). I know it wasn't the intention (I think), but I just got a very strong whiff of objectification from the post.




Honestly, no one else cringed while reading that?




Then again, I'm not exactly a fan of feminists, so... ya.




:lol: I'm not either.

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Glad to see you think the way you do. But there are some pretty crappy women out there too. Just like there are crappy guys.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




I can see a lot of guys here seem to have grudges against women. :?


Maybe some, though my post was more of a point of how the idealism (and ignorance) in the first post seems almost like an objectifaction of women ("creatures, exotic, er... private parts"). I know it wasn't the intention (I think), but I just got a very strong whiff of objectification from the post.




Honestly, no one else cringed while reading that?




Then again, I'm not exactly a fan of feminists, so... ya.




Neither am I - you don't see masculinists around now do you? I didn't cringe when I read that; I bore my eyes out.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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You'll have to excuse me while I stop laughing and try to catch my breath.


All I can really say I dream on, but don't complain when you get snapped.




Hate to the the pessimist, but the sea is polluted. No one is perfect, the second you start thinking they are is the second you allow yourself to let them jerk you around from their pedistal you have put them on, so to speak. Keep them on the same playing field and you keep it fair.

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Lynard Skynard,




1) Keep those hormones balanced, please.


2) Not all men worry about their ego and pride. Heck, pride's a sin.


3) Looking at women is sexual. >_>


4) Some women do smell bad. Really bad.


5) Women have forged our history as well. Catherine? Hatshepsut? Cleopatra? Elizabeth?


6) I don't know where you live, but men aren't just looking for a good time where I come from.


7) If your male friends are so awful, hang out with a girl.


8) Heck, I have better things to do than worship women.




Let's pray that those women don't catch you eyeing them. :|

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If I were to put a date on it, I'd say today is the day your testosterone production has begun. Welcome to manliness. Keep in mind, the female gender is in place to keep the male gender in check. One might say the opposite is true as well. I'll keep the explanation very basic beyond that: As far as our bodies are concerned, the purpose for women is to have sex. Men want sex as a form of survival; keeping their genes in the pool. You, my friend, obviously want to survive. Good luck with that.

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I suggest you first live with a woman for few years.


I am sure it gonna make you reevaluate this women-supremacy manifest.


Not that we men are better btw,we have our crap but i find our crap nicer in a (more childish) way :D

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