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The beauty of women


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Women aren't creatures or godesses. We're people.




Why do some men find it necessary to put women on a pedestal? What a truckload of pressure, we're just bound to tumble of it at one stage or another. You're the type of guy women have for breakfast. Build up some resistance asap.

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I'm sure you would say the same thing about men if you were homosexual...




I fail to see the discussion. Women are beautiful to (most) men. It's natural. Point? I think you're freaking people out.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Woah I checked this thread in hope of some nice comments instead...well I feel kinda miserable now. Some points that need to be addressed, I am 18 years old (male) and am not late going through puberty. Besides, my post contained more than just sexual thoughts I figured it was deeper than that (I'm talking about all women). I am not in love either, I am just making a humble observation like William Blake an English Romantic. You can make jokes at me or laugh but they are just some thoughts I wanted to share.




The discussion points I wanted to address and sorry for not being clear were whether or not females are more superior than males? Not just in intellignce but the majority of things. I don't need personal attacks, because although we are over the Internet they can be offensive. Comments like 'women will eat you up'...women won't eat me up if I am clear to them about my feelings.




I just think women are nice I'm not going to talk to my dad because he views women more as objects, would you rather me speak of a woman with a nice rack or appreciate their spirit and physical attributes.




P.S if you feel I didn't address your point in this thread just private message me please and I will edit.

The best advice in life is to take your time and don't live too fast.

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Woah I checked this thread in hope of some nice comments instead...well I feel kinda miserable now. Some points that need to be addressed, I am 18 years old (male) and am not late going through puberty. Besides, my post contained more than just sexual thoughts I figured it was deeper than that (I'm talking about all women). I am not in love either, I am just making a humble observation like William Blake an English Romantic. You can make jokes at me or laugh but they are just some thoughts I wanted to share.




The discussion points I wanted to address and sorry for not being clear were whether or not females are more superior than males? Not just in intellignce but the majority of things. I don't need personal attacks, because although we are over the Internet they can be offensive. Comments like 'women will eat you up'...women won't eat me up if I am clear to them about my feelings.




I just think women are nice I'm not going to talk to my dad because he views women more as objects, would you rather me speak of a woman with a nice rack or appreciate their spirit and physical attributes.




P.S if you feel I didn't address your point in this thread just private message me please and I will edit.




You can't compare apples and oranges just like you can't compare men and women. You can only compare them as humans. Women are no better than men. Men are no better than women. They are DIFFERENT.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I'm a male. However, I'm a different kind of male. I possess no dominance. If I do have any aggression at all, it would be very mild. I am a very sensitive, empathetic person. I am not afraid to express my emotions. My brain is adept at linear, memory, language, etc. skills. I care about what others feel. In fact I'm going to pursue a career in Psychology because I want to empathise with people and help them.



Are you sayinig that you're pretty much a girl?




Anyways to the OP:


I understood why you were posting this, and I thought it was kind of dumb how everyone was making those comments about hitting puberty or what not, although I can easily see where they are coming from. I would still have to say that you did make a lot of generalizations, and there were a lot of points that I definitely didn't agree with or had faulty logic

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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Aww, bless. I thought it was quite sweet (totally and utterly deluded but sweet nevertheless).




We (people in general, not just women) like to know where our boundaries are with other people, and the only way to discover those boundaries is by testing them. If someone doesn't set the boundary, you just keep on pushing to find it. If you're unsure of my meaning, monitor a child's behaviour in a new situation. Notice how they 'test the water' to see how much they can get away with - we do the same as adults, but in a much more subtle way.




So, putting a woman on a pedestal is not a good thing. I used to date a guy who did this and yes, I walked all over him. The reason? Simple - he was foolish enough to let me. I hated myself for it and left him. I know I can't speak for all women but I can tell you that I like to be treated nicely, but I also need a man to stand up to me when necessary, i.e. I want a nice guy with an edge. /tangent :uhh:




Neither women nor men have superiority over the other sex. Each and every person is an individual and should be appreciated for who they are, not what they are.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




Absolute truth, Kayla.


The Poison Fairy

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<3: Have I told you, you're my new best friend?




However in all seriousness, if someone bowed down to my feet I would give them a swift kick, to let them know not to do it again in a hurry :lol:




appreciate their spirit and physical attributes.




Good point my boyfriend tells me the thing he loves the most about me (he is a spiritual person but not Christian... more spirituality) is my soul and the feeling of wholeness he gets when we're together etc And he calls me beautiful instead of sexy, which means a lot to me.




Makes me feel better than him saying I have a nice rack or letÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s [bleep]... Although in an appropriate mood that would be fine :lol:




I guess what I'm trying to say is both sides are fine for me, I like to be treated like a Goddess but only on special occasions... Because in all honesty I would take advantage of it and walk all over you... Which would make me bored of you and leave you.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Orginal Poster, I congratulate you for stepping out and posting what you feel, think, and believe.




I am sad to say the cold cruel society we live in today will not accept your views for fear themselfs. I would not worry about it, as they would probably do the same thing had their been no fear.




People can say all the cruel things about you they want, because if its one thing I learned, its the people that are open, are the one's who are at the top.




Only those who refuse to break out of society and their hateful ways will be bond to it.




Amazing creatures we are. To say this all came from evolving is a joke in my opinion.




Who gave life the power to evolve. And who gave life to life.




I'm getting a bit off topic, to stay on topic though.. The physics of a woman are beautiful crafted and designed. However, do not look there for your future. Look for a beautiful crafted and designed Spirit of a woman. Its how she lives her life than how she looks, will bring you more happiness than you could ever imagine.





If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

2 - Hate me

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Its how she lives her life than how she looks, will bring you more happiness than you could ever imagine.




I'm dating one the biggest nerds around who wears glasses, star wars and just about every online game possible and every single one of my friends tells me I can do better than him looks wise.




They don't seem to understand that I love him because of every other reason other than how he looks and I find that because I love him for every other finer detail, which makes him, him, this is what makes him attractive to me.




There are plenty of better looking males but the person he is, noone could ever come close, he makes me feel whole.




He makes me happier than what any one else can because of who he is.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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lol u just hit puberty. Also, women are worse than a rubiks cube, even will smith playing chris gardner couldnt figure them out maybe u should cut ur balls off or take steroids and become a woman :shock:




also,why is it that guys r looked down on for hitting a girl when women wanted equality?this thread is quote unquote wack. (always wanted to do that)

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Hmmmm, you think women are "exotic creatures"? Ok, they are human. :-# and some guys can be emotional too. you also say " no one would die the world would be perfect blah blah blah" if everyone were woman, there would still be murders and robberies, women have done that too, and I've smelled women who stink. Last thing, if you see a woman's breasts or thighs and you start coughing and about to pass out, no comment, :XD:




Anyway,I'm not putting women down in any way, it's just that they can stink, can kill, and are human.

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I'm not sure that girls are "immensely exotic creatures." You know, the banana slug found in the Washington rainforest is considered an immensely exotic creature.




But there are several differences between the genders (aside from the obvious anatomical things). It's nice to see you've thought about it and drawn some conclusions.




Some guys are pretty amazing, though, too.




And if everyone was a woman, everyone would die. We need males to reproduce and maintain the species. (Sigh).




To say that I'm not interested in making money, and that I'm happy with my gender would be a lie. Sometimes I think it'd be so much EASIER to be a guy. But alas. I missed out on the Y chromosome. But I'm happy with what I have, what I am, and I think that there's a very special distinction between man and woman. We're just not the same. I'd have to say we're not quite equal (at least in the USA), at least as long as guys can remove their shirts in public and girls can't. (NOT THAT I WOULD!)




But that's just something silly I think about. How equal are we? Hehe.




fite the power! support the "hot women can take their shirts off in public" law!




They are not arrogant or self absorbed




id just like to point out when i was finally over my first love, this is exactly how i would describe her, so yes there are women arrogant AND self-absorbed. that statement u made is a fallacy




I spend 84% of my time being arrogant and self-absorbed. ;)




and the other 16% calculating that...?




Woah I checked this thread in hope of some nice comments instead...well I feel kinda miserable now. Some points that need to be addressed, I am 18 years old (male) and am not late going through puberty. Besides, my post contained more than just sexual thoughts I figured it was deeper than that (I'm talking about all women). I am not in love either, I am just making a humble observation like William Blake an English Romantic. You can make jokes at me or laugh but they are just some thoughts I wanted to share.




The discussion points I wanted to address and sorry for not being clear were whether or not females are more superior than males? Not just in intellignce but the majority of things. I don't need personal attacks, because although we are over the Internet they can be offensive. Comments like 'women will eat you up'...women won't eat me up if I am clear to them about my feelings.




I just think women are nice I'm not going to talk to my dad because he views women more as objects, would you rather me speak of a woman with a nice rack or appreciate their spirit and physical attributes.




P.S if you feel I didn't address your point in this thread just private message me please and I will edit.


maybe :roll: btw, a rack is a physical attribute, just saying




Aww, bless. I thought it was quite sweet (totally and utterly deluded but sweet nevertheless).




We (people in general, not just women) like to know where our boundaries are with other people, and the only way to discover those boundaries is by testing them. If someone doesn't set the boundary, you just keep on pushing to find it. If you're unsure of my meaning, monitor a child's behaviour in a new situation. Notice how they 'test the water' to see how much they can get away with - we do the same as adults, but in a much more subtle way.




So, putting a woman on a pedestal is not a good thing. I used to date a guy who did this and yes, I walked all over him. The reason? Simple - he was foolish enough to let me. I hated myself for it and left him. I know I can't speak for all women but I can tell you that I like to be treated nicely, but I also need a man to stand up to me when necessary, i.e. I want a nice guy with an edge. /tangent :uhh:




Neither women nor men have superiority over the other sex. Each and every person is an individual and should be appreciated for who they are, not what they are.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




Absolute truth, Kayla.




what u be smoking homie?




[Mod edit: Posts moved together, next time use the Edit-Button.


And please watch you language ~Kill Life]

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Orginal Poster, I congratulate you for stepping out and posting what you feel, think, and believe.




I am sad to say the cold cruel society we live in today will not accept your views for fear themselfs. I would not worry about it, as they would probably do the same thing had their been no fear.




People can say all the cruel things about you they want, because if its one thing I learned, its the people that are open, are the one's who are at the top.


Um, over-exaggeration?

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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We all have our good features. I like being a guy for the fact there is no [bleep]iness, no back stabbing. Girls will act like best friends when they actually hate each other? If guys have a fight, they have a fight, next day, best mates again. Girls spend months upon months plotting each others utter demise.[/generalisation]




But yeah, as many have stated before, if you let em, they'll walk all over you, then leave. There no passion in that, gotta have a bit of fire in a relationship ya know.

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What I have recently figured out is girls HATE confronting their problems with the one they are having a problem with. They will avoide every chance they have to associate with them. I have seen this first hand... Depending on the personality type, they will either just sit back and get worked up about the situation, or they will take action and totally hurt the person that's hurting them.




Most guys only see the beauty side of girls. But I can guarrentee that 50% of us guys have never seen the total hate that some girls have for other girls. It's actually quite incredible how out of the way they will go just to hurt each other. It makes me sick sometimes...

Training my pure!



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Women are generally more hypocritical and stubborn than men. If they decide that they want to hurt someone, they spend weeks planning and still pretending to be that person's friend... Unfortunately, men are attracted to "beautiful" women and vice-versa. Outside beauty is much less important than things like intelligence and character.


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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Aww, bless. I thought it was quite sweet (totally and utterly deluded but sweet nevertheless).




We (people in general, not just women) like to know where our boundaries are with other people, and the only way to discover those boundaries is by testing them. If someone doesn't set the boundary, you just keep on pushing to find it. If you're unsure of my meaning, monitor a child's behaviour in a new situation. Notice how they 'test the water' to see how much they can get away with - we do the same as adults, but in a much more subtle way.




So, putting a woman on a pedestal is not a good thing. I used to date a guy who did this and yes, I walked all over him. The reason? Simple - he was foolish enough to let me. I hated myself for it and left him. I know I can't speak for all women but I can tell you that I like to be treated nicely, but I also need a man to stand up to me when necessary, i.e. I want a nice guy with an edge. /tangent :uhh:




Neither women nor men have superiority over the other sex. Each and every person is an individual and should be appreciated for who they are, not what they are.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




Absolute truth, Kayla.




what u be smoking homie?


How does "suziangel" sound like a guy to a you? She can say anything sappy she wants and have immunity from being bawked at.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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Aww, bless. I thought it was quite sweet (totally and utterly deluded but sweet nevertheless).




We (people in general, not just women) like to know where our boundaries are with other people, and the only way to discover those boundaries is by testing them. If someone doesn't set the boundary, you just keep on pushing to find it. If you're unsure of my meaning, monitor a child's behaviour in a new situation. Notice how they 'test the water' to see how much they can get away with - we do the same as adults, but in a much more subtle way.




So, putting a woman on a pedestal is not a good thing. I used to date a guy who did this and yes, I walked all over him. The reason? Simple - he was foolish enough to let me. I hated myself for it and left him. I know I can't speak for all women but I can tell you that I like to be treated nicely, but I also need a man to stand up to me when necessary, i.e. I want a nice guy with an edge. /tangent :uhh:




Neither women nor men have superiority over the other sex. Each and every person is an individual and should be appreciated for who they are, not what they are.




When it all comes down to it, we're all just people. Some of us are bad, some of us are good. It all just depends on the individual.




Absolute truth, Kayla.




what u be smoking homie?



How does "suziangel" sound like a guy to a you? She can say anything sappy she wants and have immunity from being bawked at.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about, but as for your second sentence: apparently not

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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lol u just hit puberty. Also, women are worse than a rubiks cube, even will smith playing chris gardner couldnt figure them out maybe u should cut ur balls off or take steroids and become a woman :shock:




also,why is it that guys r looked down on for hitting a girl when women wanted equality?this thread is quote unquote wack. (always wanted to do that)




...Did you even read the topic? Read through all of the pages.




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Since I have a severe lack of serious posts, here's what I think on it.






I really do not understand how males became the dominant gender when looking upon the power of a woman.




Alright. I can dig that. I'm all for equal rights.




Everything about them is really superb. Firstly they are not afraid of their feelings, unlike me as a male.




Alright, I can agree with that. It's generally true.




when you're a man you have to worry bout your ego and pride, women are just out in the open, mellow and accpeting!




Not always. Hell, I don't. I can talk about whatever it is that's bothering me with some friends, and I don't care. Ego and pride? Why should it really matter when you're with some friends?






Looking at women they are also beautiful, to gaze upon a womans breasts or thighs have a mesmerizing affect on me, not necessarily sexual but hynotic and stunning making me cough and splutter if I see them for real.




Alright. Uhm. I can imagine this is trying to be deep, speaking of the beauty of the human body and all, but I think you could've phrased it better. It just kinda sounds creepy from a first glance. To me, anyway.




They are not like men in any way, they do not smell bad, I doubt anybody has ever smelt a bad woman.




Here, you imply guys do, which is just stupid. Come on. And smelled a bad woman? You mean, a smelly woman? Okay then. That's sexist. It all comes down to personality, and not gender. A gender shouldn't define a person generally, and certainly not how they smell.






They care about how they look and can look incredible unlike a male.




Hey. I can look incredible. >.> Sure I can. Why can a guy not care about what they look like? You see guys using acne cream and stuff, isn't that them caring about what they look like? They also shave and buy razors, isn't that caring about what they look like? I shower every day, and make sure to wash and shampoo. Isn't that caring about what I look like? And it's not just for the benefit of people around me, but me as well.




It's all about personality, and generally, both genders tend to like to look nice. It's somewhat shunned by society to not shower and go out after rollng out of bed. But if that's what you want to do, male or female, go for it.






They are not arrogant or self absorbed but they care about the good things in life and are not controlled by sex and lust.




Are you kidding? This once again comes back down to matter of the person's personality. A person can be arrogant or self absorbed, this isn't based off their gender. A lady doesn't decide to be arrogant, then remember they're female, and call it off. If they're arrogant or self absorbed, they are, and gender has nothing to do with it. This goes for male and female. As for being controlled by sex/lust, once again, personality takes over here, not gender. While it's true that you hear of most men doing things with sex/lust as their motive, females do do it as well. It's all a matter of morals and personality.






Our history has been forged by men, and how has it turned out? Awful, a vile history mankind has been shaped by.




I guess I can't argue that point. When you look back into history, it usual is males that are at the top of these things, causing problems.






females don't care about superficial things like making money but stronger more deeper things.




Now I ain't sayin' she's a goold digga... This is again, matter of personality, not gender. And I think it goes for guys and girls. Most people do care about making money, that's why society works. Unless you're implying most ladies plan on being stay at home mothers, which is sexist.






They keep themselves healthy and strong often alone raising large families when the male has had sex and left knowing he got what he wanted. They mature earlier and know what they want in life, their emotions are powerful but in a good way as they are sensitive to what other people like and dislike.




A single mother is to be respected, because it is hard for a single mother to raise children in our society, no doubt. As for the male comment, it depends on the person, not the gender.




When I hang around with my male friends they don't appreciate me but laugh and make jokes at my problems, women are caring and understanding.




Get better friends? Generally, guys do joke around about this kind of stuff, but I'm assuming girls do it with eachother as well. Whether or not they're being nasty about it, or just joking around, I guess is based off who they are.




1. What I am trying to say to fellow adolescent males on this forum is that women need to be appreciated for what they are!!!! 2. Immensely exotic creatures that need your every minute of affection!!! 3. If we could all be like women this world would be at peace and people wouldn't die.




1. Women need to be appreciated, for sure. Why shouldn't they be? They are animals after all, and they have rights.




2. Exotic creatures? They're humans, dude. Male and females are equal in my eyes, except obviously the different body parts/functions. But it's like a two piece jigsaw puzzle. You need a male, and you need a female. Exotic creatures? You make it sound like they need to be studied and observed, to get the full benefit. They're just trying to live life like anyone else, leave 'em alone. Also, I'm pretty sure females can survive without all our 'affection!!!' You made a point earlier about single mothers. They're doing it, aren't they? A female is just as strong as a male, don't talk down to the whole gender, dude.




3. A bold comment. Who knows? Maybe we would be at peace, and people wouldn't die. Or maybe they'd be in power like males have in the past, and fight for the same reasons males have. That seems more likely to me. Just because they're ladies doesn't mean they don't fight at all.






My conclusion? You've got a good point that ladies should be treated equal, but you make it sound like they're all precious dolls who can break if not treated right. We're all humans, we're equals, like I said earlier.




You have some good points, I think you just worded them poorly, is all. just argued some points I thought were maybe a bit sexist, towards male AND female. Personally, I'm all for gender equality, and am perfectly fine with it. I believe you are as well, you just worded yourself wrong.




I'd suggest not being so down on the male gender as a whole. Equality is so much better than putting one up above another. That is, if you weren't implying for equality in your post.




Your intention was noble, but the execution...ehh. Not as much.






Woah. That was like, my first really serious post ever. Hmm. I'm sure I've left some loose ends here and there, but the main point is: Don't base people off gender (for good or bad), base it off who they are.


It really has

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Women are beautiful, this is what recently I have come to notice, they really are. They have many characteristics which when looked upon, can only be appreciated! I really do not understand how males became the dominant gender when looking upon the power of a woman.




Everything about them is really superb. Firstly they are not afraid of their feelings, unlike me as a male. You see as I write this message I have to keep minimizing the window from my dad and brother, if they saw what I was writing I cannot imagine how mocked and embarassed I would feel. My dad would look what I am writing and probably burst out laughing because when you're a man you have to worry bout your ego and pride, women are just out in the open, mellow and accpeting!




Looking at women they are also beautiful, to gaze upon a womans breasts or thighs have a mesmerizing affect on me, not necessarily sexual but hynotic and stunning making me cough and splutter if I see them for real. The way they move knocks my brain around, not arrogant but knowledgeable of their own beauty.




They are not like men in any way, they do not smell bad, I doubt anybody has ever smelt a bad woma. They care about how they look and can look incredible unlike a male. The scent is enough to knock me into oblivion I feel. They are not arrogant or self absorbed but they care about the good things in life and are not controlled by sex and lust. Our history has been forged by men, and how has it turned out? Awful, a vile history mankind has been shaped by. Nowadays are history is still shaped by men, how many male business tycoons are there and how many female, females don't care about superficial things like making money but stronger more deeper things.




They keep themselves healthy and strong often alone raising large families when the male has had sex and left knowing he got what he wanted. They mature earlier and know what they want in life, their emotions are powerful but in a good way as they are sensitive to what other people like and dislike. When I hang around with my male friends they don't appreciate me but laugh and make jokes at my problems, women are caring and understanding.




What I am trying to say to fellow adolescent males on this forum is that women need to be appreciated for what they are!!!! Immensely exotic creatures that need your every minute of affection!!! If we could all be like women this world would be at peace and people wouldn't die.




Do like me gentlemen and HAIL every woman, lady and godess that you next see because they are truly beautiful and intense that I would gladly bow down to their all mighty power and divine sexuality!!!





Oh wow... you don't have a girlfriend, do you? Thanks for all the "appreciation" and all, but we don't need guys bowing down to our feet every second. We're just as equal as men. Maybe a little more, since without us the planet would be empty of human life. But, you don't see me posting stuff like "Men are truly exotic creatures who require tender, loving care..." We're people, just like you, not an endangered species. [/hide]

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Oh wow... you don't have a girlfriend, do you? Thanks for all the "appreciation" and all, but we don't need guys bowing down to our feet every second. We're just as equal as men. Maybe a little more, since without us the planet would be empty of human life. But, you don't see me posting stuff like "Men are truly exotic creatures who require tender, loving care..." We're people, just like you, not an endangered species.




Quoted for truth. ;P +1.




Wow. My first +1 post too. This is quite the thread!!


It really has

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Treat them bad, they hate you, treat them as angels they hate you. Theres no winning.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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