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Change Back the New "swing" When Mining (new pics!!)


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Unor! FFS you made this thread to spam for your benefit. Quit posting for no reason. Like I am. :-$




It's more realistic, indefinately. It may look dumb but it's more realistic! <.<

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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who cares wat it looks like.....every1 else mining looks the same, i say i dont care unless it would slow down the rate that i mine at. (which it doesn't)

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I don't really care how it looks, casue i read forums while my guy is mining, (it looks really developmentally delayed btw), but it's really slowed down my iron powering.


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I do agree that it looks over elaborate and a bit stupid. So, because of that I'll support this.




While mining lots of ess though, the speed isn't changed, and if it is, it's only a slight amount. I mined ess even when I'm not swinging, so the pause isn't a problem. But as I said, it's too outrageous to be realistic, so it needs to be toned down a bit.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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The new emote is fine. If you really are self-concious about how you look while playing runescape, find a counseler.




+1. The emote is fine, and I think jagex purposely made mining a little slower because it was too fast in the first place.

~ W ~



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The new emote is fine. If you really are self-concious about how you look while playing runescape, find a counseler.




+1. The emote is fine, and I think jagex purposely made mining a little slower because it was too fast in the first place.





It wouldnt be runescape without Jagex screwing up!



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The new emote is fine. If you really are self-concious about how you look while playing runescape, find a counseler.




+1. The emote is fine, and I think jagex purposely made mining a little slower because it was too fast in the first place.










-.- -.- -.-






who are you?

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my dude looks like its on crack!!




No he doesn't. He looks like he's mining a rock with a heavy pickaxe.




Let's face it. Before the update, pickaxes seemed to be weightless, the way players mined with them.




And is

the best argument you can come up with?

~ W ~



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my dude looks like its on crack!!




No he doesn't. He looks like he's mining a rock with a heavy pickaxe.




Let's face it. Before the update, pickaxes seemed to be weightless, the way players mined with them.




And is

the best argument you can come up with?




Yes, but how many real-life miners do you see raise the pickaxe as high as they can, standing on their tip-toes, then swinging it down. Barely any do. Even the few times I've used a pickaxe, I've never done that. Now I agree makes it seem like picks weigh something now, but they could have toned it down a bit.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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my dude looks like its on crack!!




No he doesn't. He looks like he's mining a rock with a heavy pickaxe.




Let's face it. Before the update, pickaxes seemed to be weightless, the way players mined with them.




And is

the best argument you can come up with?




Yes, but how many real-life miners do you see raise the pickaxe as high as they can, standing on their tip-toes, then swinging it down. Barely any do. Even the few times I've used a pickaxe, I've never done that. Now I agree makes it seem like picks weigh something now, but they could have toned it down a bit.

I wouldn't be opposed to having it altered a bit, but it is a lot more realistic and interesting.
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Anyone who says that the old emote is more realistic than the new one has obviously never used a pickaxe before.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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im not sure if the new animation affects the speed which u mine the rock although there have been ppl who complained that it does. from my experience from mining coal and rune (the only 2 ores that i bother mining) i dont think it slows u down a lot, if it does in at all. however yea i do agree that the new animation makes me look like a total weirdo...so exaggerated for goodness sake...im 100% sure that ppl in real life do NOT mine like that. in fact if anyone did try to mine like that i can bet u that they will fall down flat on their face due to the weight of their body being unbalanced. seriously u look like u are doing some balancing act or having fits -.- in fact the previous animation was more realistic. unfortunately i think jagex felt that it was a bit too monotonous and wanted to spice it up a bit...just that it was not exactly what we wanted but good try nonetheless...just try to make it a bit more realistic ya :)

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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i dont understand..........my runescape guy was never on drugs...... :uhh:


I knew drinking all those potions made with strange "herbs" couldn't have been good. :lol:


But seriously, yeah, the new animation is a bit Nickelodeon-like in it's exaggeration. If anyone in rl used a pickaxe like that, they'd throw out their back in the second swing. The trick to real pick swinging (I've learned the hard way) is to actually keep your feet stable and your trunk balanced, then move your arms as little as possible to conserve energy. You're supposed to let the weight of the pickhead produce the necessary momentum to make an impact.


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