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Autoers (Oh no.. Not another autoers thread...)


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I was thinking.. Everyone hates autoers/gold farmers for several reasons.. So.. If one day all of the autoers were to just randomly disappear, What would happen?


In my opinion the market will go crazy.. Everythings price will go higher due to there not being enough materials for the competition of the buyers.. Think about it, Autoing/gold farming covers almost every aspect of the game, from crafting, cooking, and now even barrows!




Sure we all piss and moan at the autoers but maybe they are helping runescape?






Deviant Art Account

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Why would the 'market' crash...? :?




The only thing that would happen would be that people would need a longer attention span in order to buy things. Plus, raw materials would go up alot more.




EDIT: There is no such thing as a barrows autoer. :|


Mmm... Mudkipz...

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Crash? Haha...Everything would skyrocket sure, but not crash. Patience will be needed, and more noob gathers.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Yea... how does the market crash? It's not like anyone going to be jumping out of windows over rs items. The game will be more authentic, *only* players in the game will make it much more enjoyable in my opinion.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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We would see way less people selling coal and other raws, some merchants would go back to getting things themselves, and no more threads like this would exist! Plus the Jagex/Macro war would end, players who avidly report (like me) wouldn't have to anymore (yay!). And there would be one less rule and problem.




Macros gone? I say Yea. (as in Congress)




I have quit RuneScape. I have posted on the Leaving sticky saying so. Goodbye.

"Too late... my time has come... gotta leave you all behind and face the truth."

~ Freddie Mercury ~

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The way I see it, I am a supplier not a consumer. Sure I buy my armour, but I fish my own food and sell the surplus. I sell my finished smithing products, and in the case of cannon balls, I actualy will just buy my bars, smith and sell. But for the things like fishing, selling yews (if I could cut them), etc.. It would just mean more profit for me. Sure it sucks for people who buy there food and runes, but thats not really my problem. It would be good for me.

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I dont see how you can auto barrows personally




O really :shock:








Sorry for not covering the name. There pics are not mine.




Thanks, i didn't feel like fishing out the thread :D Anyways.. i didnt mean crash crash it was just the first word to come to mind xD




edit: Autoing/gold farming covers almost every aspect of the game, from crafting, cooking, and now even barrows!




I didnt mention autoers doing barrows.. autoers was in the phrase yes but i meant gold farmers..


Deviant Art Account

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Ok, umm....How is that a barrows autoer? The person is fighting, and didnt respond to you? Then they're obviously an autoer. or maybe then were too busy, perm muted ( like me) or just didnt give a **** to respond




Surely they cant be goldfarmers autoers.. considering


#1 they are all in identical gear(apart from dmed)


#2 they all have random names


#3 they didnt respond to anything


#4 They were meleeing the melee brothers.. who actually does that without verac?






Oh my holy pants.. Not another "macroers are really helping us" topic. I'm getting sick of the people and their ignorance.




I'm not on about that.. I'm on about what would happen when the macroers go.


Deviant Art Account

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Oh my holy pants.. Not another "macroers are really helping us" topic. I'm getting sick of the people and their ignorance.




I'm not on about that.. I'm on about what would happen when the macroers go.






I tell you what




No cheaters = Better community




Brings back "right" prices on items. No more dirt cheap willow logs because macroers flood the market with them. They will now get the price they 'should' have compared to time/demand/skills.




Mainly fletching and cooking will be a little bit harder. Wait a minute, the two easiest skills in the game. About time they got 'harder'.




Yew logs will be easier to get for legit players, as macroers don't camp at the spots, meaning larger profit for legit players.




High level mining / woodcutting / fishing will be more balanced with other forms of getting money since the raw materials will likely be higher priced. Thus balancing the game more.






To mention a few of the positive effects of getting rid of macroers


21 lag piles, 4 Pjs, 2 Party hat kills, 67 newbs teached.

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When i was walking to the boat at port sarim i was so shocked.


I hadnt been in f2p since i got my membership, and there was (no lie) 12 autoers around 3 willow trees, and 4 of them around a single yew tree near the port sarim pub.


I was always saying to myself, ah its not that bad.


But now i realize how bad it is :-#

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just a matter of time before they make barrows autoers


then...metal dragon autoers


then...kq autoers


then...jad autoers!


Technically this won't be a problem to Jagex: they're getting good 5 bucks for each autoer. And all this is unlikely to happen, none of them are profitable in any way (Jad doesn't give profits at all). Kq and metal dragons maybe so, but just not reliable enough as yews and rune ess.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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The way i find it is the every autoer/goldbyer that becomes member is paying jeagex to get rid of them. so basically they are killing themselfs...slowly though...

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The way i find it is the every autoer/goldbyer that becomes member is paying jeagex to get rid of them. so basically they are killing themselfs...slowly though...




Jagex can't get rid of autoers. All the can do is ban them.

The optimal.

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just a matter of time before they make barrows autoers


then...metal dragon autoers


then...kq autoers


then...jad autoers!


some people claim to have seen bots at barrows but i never did. Jad doesnt give money, only a cape after spending a lot of money on the supplies which the cape high alches for 36k.

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