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"You Know When You Have Been... When..."


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Does nobody like my "you know you've been playing runescape for too long then......"




I really love the follow someone and say "Buying this" thing.




I'll repeat myself:



You go to the Sewers and look for a zombie.


You try to sell a santa hat for $5,000,000


Open and close again and again a cupboard trying to look for a skeleton


If you think you will get your strength up by a lot if you go to a musseum, take a red battleaxe and shout "Raaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!".


You go to a monostary and tell the monks "Can you help me? I'm injured"


You try to cook something witin a minute.


You put your hand into other people's pockets, sarch it, do it again and hope to be rich.


You try to stun pickpockets.


You do absolutley nothing, and think that will let a mysetrious old man appear eventually.


You follow a person saying "I buy your coat, $15"





Here's a new one:


Go to a forest and look for a goblin since you think they are "anywhere"

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Sorry blaizken, I just don't like yours. IMO telling "you know you've been in rs too long when..." jokes that no one actually does is like telling a russian person a joke only a canadian would understand.




You know you play rs too much when:




You run out of space on your friends list




You run out of space on your ignore list (both common but a VERY large sign that you spend too much time in rs)




People start recognizing you. People you've never spoken too before.




Random people walk up to you and say "Wow you're still here?" (happened to me several times today while ranging lessers)




You know the defence bonuses of armor you're not wearing.




At some point, you think to yourself "10k more xp then I'll go to bed"




You start recognizing the "regulars" of all your favorite training spots.




You know what the maximum number of gp/ an item that can be held in the game is.




You know what the max amount of xp you can have in a skill is.




You see someone wearing a santa hat, and rs is the first thing that comes to mind.




You look forward to christmas, halloween and easter for the holiday drops.




You go to burger king, and are reminded of a phat by those paper crowns.




You see the word phat (commonly used misspelling of fat, kinda like leetspeak for white suburban kids who think they're from the ghetto, blastin their rap music in their mom's S.U.V., you get the point) and mentally pronounce it as p-hat.




At least one of the things on this list made you smile and nod.




I'm guilty of all of these (exept the last one) :P

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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You know you've been playing RuneScape for too long when:



You go to the Sewers and look for a zombie.


You try to sell a santa hat for $5,000,000


Open and close again and again a cupboard trying to look for a skeleton


If you think you will get your strength up by a lot if you go to a musseum, take a red battleaxe and shout "Raaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!".


You go to a monostary and tell the monks "Can you help me? I'm injured"


You try to cook something witin a minute.


You put your hand into other people's pockets, sarch it, do it again and hope to be rich.


You try to stun pickpockets.


You do absolutley nothing, and think that will let a mysetrious old man appear eventually.


You follow a person saying "I buy your coat, $15"


Go to a forest and look for a goblin since you think they are "anywhere"





You call people that stands in their office all day long doing business autoers.


You go to the north pole and kill every human you see there


You go looking for fire giants in volcanos

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  • 2 weeks later...

ur so poor u found a cookie box in a trash can and called it "home sweet home"




ur so dumb u found coins under the couch and waiting for it to respawn




ur so ugly u turned medusa into stone




ur so addicted u come up to a old man and asked him for a mysterious box




all i can think of

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You know you've been playing Runescape to long when go to sleep and yell to your mom "Im logging out!"




You know you've been playing runescape to much when your standing in a loud crowd and say that your turning your public chat off and you then plug your ears.


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  • 2 weeks later...

You know you play RS too much when you refer to scavenger hunts as "real life treasure trails". -- guilty --





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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you know when you have been playing to much RS when you wonder where you have placed your tele runes (in real life.)




you know when your family has been playing to much RS when your family life happens in RS ( they exist i tell you :!:)




you know when you have been playing to much RS when you wish such a family




you know when you have been playing to much RS when you wonder if your boss sells an *fill in job here* skillcape.

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You know you've been playing RuneScape away too much then you:











You go to the Sewers and look for a zombie.




You try to sell a santa hat for $5,000,000




Open and close again and again a cupboard trying to look for a skeleton




If you think you will get your strength up by a lot if you go to a musseum, take a red battleaxe and shout "Raaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!".




You go to a monostary and tell the monks "Can you help me? I'm injured"




You try to cook something witin a minute.




You put your hand into other people's pockets, sarch it, do it again and hope to be rich.




You try to stun pickpockets.




You do absolutley nothing, and think that will let a mysetrious old man appear eventually.




You follow a person saying "I buy your coat, $15"




Go to a forest and look for a goblin since you think they are "anywhere"




You call people that stands in their office all day long doing business autoers.




You go to the north pole and kill every human you see there




You go looking for fire giants in volcanos











Say to someone "Just shoot me, I will get back to life anyway"




If you think all brown cars are piece of junk and all blue cars are very great (trust me there are some brown cars out there that aren't rusty)

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  • 2 weeks later...

CS ones








u know uve played too much cs when u run races holding a knife(after all, u do run fastest with a knife)








" " " when u sock sum1 across the head u mutter to urself "headshot..."








" " "when ur getting hit and u crouch to fite back



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CS ones








u know uve played too much cs when u run races holding a knife(after all, u do run fastest with a knife)








" " " when u sock sum1 across the head u mutter to urself "headshot..."








" " "when ur getting hit and u crouch to fite back








What's CS? :shock:








You know you play too much grand theft auto game then you:








Shoot out of your car








Think the life is rated RG 18








Go to a stranger's house looking for a mission








Think everyone on the street that's got a gun is a gang member








Try to steal a car by going to the middle of the road try to open a locked car








Go to a police station think the cops will be after you as soon as you enter








Think you will be out of hospital cured in 1 second








Go to a shop and try to find the lights to be able to buy something








Think a machine gun wouldn't break down a building








Think if you jump on a car, the car drivers will go crazy and crash on walls








Think you will get hired as a taxi driver by simply stealing a taxi








Yell NUTTER TOOLS and think that will give you all kinds of guns








Steal a motorbike without helmet and think you will crash off it safety








Think people have money in their pockets if you kill them








Go to top of high buildings to search for hidden packages.








Now can someone tell me what they think of this? =P~

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