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What is so bad about RC pk'ing?


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The reason why i hate rc pkers is because i have yet to ever come across a rc pker who didn't tele when i came back in gear. Your excuse may be oh its cause your gonna lose 2m if you die blah blah blah grow some balls if your gonna try to kill someone you gotta expect them to try to kill you and if your to scared to fight then don't even bother trying to pk the rcers. I have no problem with people trying to pk me while im in the wild i think rcing is worth the risk but if someone tries to kill me and i come back to fight them and they run it proves they are noobs who have no balls simple as that.


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The reason why i hate rc pkers is because i have yet to ever come across a rc pker who didn't tele when i came back in gear. Your excuse may be oh its cause your gonna lose 2m if you die blah blah blah grow some balls if your gonna try to kill someone you gotta expect them to try to kill you and if your to scared to fight then don't even bother trying to pk the rcers. I have no problem with people trying to pk me while im in the wild i think rcing is worth the risk but if someone tries to kill me and i come back to fight them and they run it proves they are noobs who have no balls simple as that.


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but that scenario can be used @ any kind of pker? its the wilderness if you dont want to fight you can tele if you were smart enough to be 1 step ahead of the pker your fighting? runecrafters got there chance to be 1 step ahead of everyone with there diamond bracelets?




il fight you if you come back. but im not going to just stand there and die, thats just plain stupid. really when a rc'er comes back that ive killed i like to ask for a real DM or stake for 10m at the arena.




a real master paralizies his opponent, leaving them vunerable to attack.



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its not that they rc pk its when you go back in gear and they run away and pray.. or tele its like i was the one with a bronze pickaxe and you pro meleed :roll: you had ahrims dds whip karils and dming gear, alot of brews sharks super set etc..

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The reason why i hate rc pkers is because i have yet to ever come across a rc pker who didn't tele when i came back in gear. Your excuse may be oh its cause your gonna lose 2m if you die blah blah blah grow some balls if your gonna try to kill someone you gotta expect them to try to kill you and if your to scared to fight then don't even bother trying to pk the rcers. I have no problem with people trying to pk me while im in the wild i think rcing is worth the risk but if someone tries to kill me and i come back to fight them and they run it proves they are noobs who have no balls simple as that.


Agreed 100%




Yup and as I am level 122 in RS2 now it's simply disgraceful for the people who try to RC pk me. Imagine a level 120 tele'ing at once without even trying to fight.

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There's nothing disgraceful about that at all. They aren't equipped to fight you. You going back to kill them involves you taking advantage of them as much as RC pking is about taking advantage of the RCers using the abyss. The only method of revenge that has any honor is to offer a stake or message the person that you'd like to DM them or at least fight them fairly in the wildy. Getting upset when the RC pkers tele away is about as dumb as a RC pker getting mad at the RCer for teleing away when he starts getting hit with ice spells.




Just because someone does something that aggravates you doesn't mean that they are wrong to avoid a fight that they know they can't win. There isn't a single player in all of runescape that is going to hang around in the wilderness and let someone attack them when they know they have no hope of winning the fight, if they have something to lose by dying.

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There is nonthing wrong of RC pking. People complains about it. If the abyssal was made in the wilderness. You can pk those RCers.




Wildernes = Free for all/No Rules




People complains..it their opinion. Everybody complains, yet it doesn't effect anybody. It's their problem and not the pkers.

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There's nothing disgraceful about that at all. They aren't equipped to fight you. You going back to kill them involves you taking advantage of them as much as RC pking is about taking advantage of the RCers using the abyss. The only method of revenge that has any honor is to offer a stake or message the person that you'd like to DM them or at least fight them fairly in the wildy. Getting upset when the RC pkers tele away is about as dumb as a RC pker getting mad at the RCer for teleing away when he starts getting hit with ice spells.




Just because someone does something that aggravates you doesn't mean that they are wrong to avoid a fight that they know they can't win. There isn't a single player in all of runescape that is going to hang around in the wilderness and let someone attack them when they know they have no hope of winning the fight, if they have something to lose by dying.


Well for a start Rc pkers are way more equipped for a fight than someone with no food,and usually no armour. Also I still havent came across an rc pker that would stake me or dm me fairly, so the only way to fight them is to tele away>glory back to edge>get stuff out and go attack them. The fact they instant pray and tele away ticks me off so much. If an rc pker asks me for a dm's me then no problem at all.

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Another smart thing to bring to not get pk'ed is karamja gloves 3 if you have em, i bring em and its a nice tele that doesnt take up an inventory spot. You just click operate and awaaaaaaaay you go.


Yep,but its not one click,so you might as well use a glory...

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Another smart thing to bring to not get pk'ed is karamja gloves 3 if you have em, i bring em and its a nice tele that doesnt take up an inventory spot. You just click operate and awaaaaaaaay you go.


Yep,but its not one click,so you might as well use a glory...

Well when using a glory, you have to wait for message saying, "Where do you want to tele" and usually by then, you have been hit again, making it go away. With the gloves, you click operate and you're gone.




Great idea brainy, almost inspires me to do karamaja thing.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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RC PKing is completely idiotic. Sure, you can do it if you want to, I'm not gonna try to convince you to NOT do it, but you're still always going to be an idiot in my eyes if you try to PK a RCer. First of all, RC PKing is just a waste of time. I've PKed in tons of places using tons of methods, and I must say that RC PKing is the most dry type of PKing. It involves no PvP interaction. You are the agressor, and they are the defender trying to flee for their life. I am sorry, but if you think that it is difficult to PK a RCer, then you are either a horrible PKer or a stupid person. To me, it sounds like a little bit of both.




Think of it this way. Bill Gates stops working to be a pickpocket. He manages to come up to you and steal all of the money in your wallet, and then he doesn't prey on anyone else all day. Would you be mad? Of course. He inconvenienced YOU, and for what? Does he need what he killed you for? No. He could've easly gotten more money in one day than what you have in your wallet. As th original poster said, you could easily make more money per hour than what you take away from innocent players just trying to use a skill.




Are you allowed to do it? I don't care. Will I ever have you on my friends list if I know you RC PK? Never.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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I always thought killing runecrafters was lame. To stay in the same spot for hours switching servers just to kill people running by with a bronze pick and a glory ammy. Kinda a prejudice I suppose, but to me, when I think of player killing , the good times I had in rs1 wilde will always come to mind.






"Be Excellent To Each Other"

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mad money to be made ... uga knows what im talkin about






...that has to be one in a million. Surely people can't be that stupid >.>




click my blog and go to first post theres a awsome pk thats very hard to believe there


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Uga is right. There is absolutely nothing morally "wrong" with rc pking. It's a complete waste of time and money, but then so is runescape. However, some people find both of those things fun o.O.




There's nothing wrong with detesting them either however. Sure, they don't have their job cut out for them, but they are still a considerable and unnecessary inconvenience for the rcer. On top of that, many of them are very unpleasant people. I met one once who pked rcers just for the fun of making them get back their pouches. Once he killed them, he'd go to great efforts to sell their stuff in front of them. Sure, they aren't all like that, but it doesn't make you want to love them any more.

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