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basketball and spawn stealing


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one of my biggest pet peeves in this game is people who steal the area your training it. so heres a real world example:




lets say me and a friend are in a PUBLIC park, with three full sized basketball courts. me and my friend are playing one-on-one at the set of hoops closest to the street. a spawn stealer is someone who shows up and starts throwing free throws in the hoop your using. he knocks your ball out of the hoop every time you go for a shot. he cuts you off while your playing and is in all too many ways abnoxious.




no i dont freakking own the court.


yes i was bloody well here first, when i ask you politely to use one of the other avalable courts i am not the one being a *insert word of choice here*, you are for ignoring my request.




would you cut into someones game irl? if not why in gods name would you in the virtual world? sorry if this is the wrong section for this, i hope you all enjoy the analogy and work at treating one another with the courtosy we all deserve. ::'

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would you cut into someones game irl?




No, in most cases most people wouldnt do that, those most cases being the people with manners and common sence.





if not why in gods name would you in the virtual world? sorry if this is the wrong section for this, i hope you all enjoy the analogy and work at treating one another with the courtosy we all deserve. ::'




However, as we all well know there are still morons in the real world, hell maybe even more of them then there are in RS :lol:




So yes some people would, but I could tell you most of the the people that are stealing your spots ingame and making such a problem out of it most likely wouldnt do that to you in the real world.




A) Most of them, are just seeking attention, and not a thrashing.








B) Some of these people dont know what outside looks like. :XD:

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that's a good analogy, and i feel the same way sometimes, but there are differences between spawn stealing and sharing. however, most people in the game cannot distinguish between the 2.




if the area i want to use is full, i'll hop as many times as it takes me to find an empty one. but if it's a spot suitable for sharing, such as the chinchompa hunting grounds or an area with several monster spawns, i'll take sharing any day over hopping for hours trying to find a completely empty one.




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sounds very borderline rant, but technically, the spots are not yours, and just like the RL situation, if someone is stealing your spot, ask politely to move, and if they are a stuck up little kid (RS not RL) then they probably wont move, so you can..




1. Stay there and get the monster/tree/rock 50% of the time, or


2. Hop, and never have to deal with him again




Personally, hopping is better, as it starts no oral argument that can end in receiving as report, or even black marks.

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that's a good analogy, and i feel the same way sometimes, but there are differences between spawn stealing and sharing. however, most people in the game cannot distinguish between the 2.




if the area i want to use is full, i'll hop as many times as it takes me to find an empty one. but if it's a spot suitable for sharing, such as the chinchompa hunting grounds or an area with several monster spawns, i'll take sharing any day over hopping for hours trying to find a completely empty one.




I agree, what I don't like though is when there's 4 people already at abyssals and someone logs in and continues to stay there, people are waiting around fighting over abyssals yet the person that just logged in doesn't change even though it's obviously it's packed.




Sharing is fine, there's just a limit where it becomes stupid.

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I agree. I think anyone who takes over a spot when you were there first is completely rude, especially if they cannon.




I ALWAYS get people coming to Dark Beasts and trying to kill in the same area I'm at. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that Dark Beasts are never-endingly aggressive, and take up like 6 squares. This means the beasts will follow whoever isn't already fighting one. And because of their size oftentimes they'll get stuck behind eachother, and the ones trying to attack you won't be able to get to you. Also, if you attack a Dark Beast before it attacks you, the first attack it will shoot out will be mage, which it doesn't ever do if it attacks you first.




In laymen's terms (since you really have to experience what I'm talking about first hand to truly understand it) you end up getting less exp and and kills an hour because beasts will try to attack the other player instead of you, AND you get mage damage. (Which when you prayer melee to kill them, is just plain annoying.)




But yes...totally agree. People need to have common courtesy.




Yes, I don't own the spot.




Yes, you can technically do whatever the eff you want, because it's an online game and real life society won't know about it and shun you for being as jerk.




No, it is still not ok to do.




And no, it is still not polite.




That's all I have to say about it.



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Well, i think there are almost 40+ member worlds... Not every spot will be taken in every world. It takes like 30sec to world hop.


Go check bandits at 3 pm EST on a friday, it's full in every world


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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Yes, but in real life, you and your friends can beat the jerk up for being so annoying..


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First off, comparing a video game to real life is just stupid.




Second, if it bugs you so much, why don't YOU hop? You don't OWN any monster spawn and have no right to complain about other people killing it. :roll:

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First off, comparing a video game to real life is just stupid.




Second, if it bugs you so much, why don't YOU hop? You don't OWN any monster spawn and have no right to complain about other people killing it. :roll:




You are missing the entire point of this thread, apparently.




And it can be and IS comparable to real life, because even though you are not physically in the game, you are still a real human being with real feelings, thoughts, opinions and emotions sitting in front of the computer screen controlling that character in game. If you are being rude in game, you are being rude in real life, as well, because you are interacting with real people, whether or not they are physically next to you.




That's the equivalent of saying that it's ok to call you an inappropriate name on these forums just because it's not "real life."







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i was killin greaters in brimhaven at the time, i finally got them not agressive when he turned up, the area is plenty big enough for him to go a zone of control over and left me to my spot.




and to whoever was implying that because this is a game you can disregard manners: think real had about what you just said, your basically saying its ok to lower your morals because there are no consiquences. have a sense of pride. :shame:




its comforting to know there are others who try to play this game courtiously. way to go tip.iters! =D>

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Sometimes i get angry about that kinda stuff but meh. Only place that is really a nuiscance is at bandits >.>,one day i was there some level 80 came up and said "thats my spot11!!!11 omg nerd1! i just logged to go to the toilet " :-k .Him and his irl brother tried to muscle me out of the spot. That is a pain...

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Well, i think there are almost 40+ member worlds... Not every spot will be taken in every world. It takes like 30sec to world hop.


Go check bandits at 3 pm EST on a friday, it's full in every world




It's true, popular training spots are always full on weekends/peak hours.

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Anyone who says it's easy to world-hop clearly hasn't tried hunting red chins. EVERY members world there was someone there. I world-hopped for half an hour and nothing. Just...ugh, frustrating to the max.

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Well IRL you can do something about it


In RS you can't.

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My moto is: First come, first serve.




The problem is that most players get upset when they show up and find someone trainning in "their" spot. I was ranging Lessers on Crandor once, and this obnoxious lvl 113 logs in and starts shuting at me, saying that it was his Lesser.


In such a situation, I calmy reply:"Okay, how much will you sell him for?"


That should tick them off and send them packing.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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