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Suggestions For A New Combat-Affecting Skill?


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I was thinking that (maybe not too recently, because I believe hunting came out in....November 2006?) Jagex should create a new skill, that would affect your combat level. This is a lot easier to do than to raise the highest possible levels for skills (from 99 to like 110 or something).




I have been asking around for some ideas, and I'm going to ask for some suggestions here too.




It should be a somewhat hard skill to train, perhaps with the xp gain as slow as Hitpoints?




I was thinking that the max combat level should go to either 130, or 135. Which means that it will take about 10 levels in this new skill to raise a combat level (if max combat level is 135). And about 24 levels in this skill to raise one combat level (if max combat level is 130).




Post some ideas...










Adamfostas (RESILIENCY)








Behind_You (HEALING)





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Well for one they would have to change the entire code to make this work I think...If they did though first thing they should do is make agility factor into combat to where agility affects your weight load limit also, speed, dodge rate, attack speed, hit rate, defense ratings. They could add Dexterity to affect your weight load limit, attack speed, attack speed and accuracy using light weapons, dodge rate, accuracy as a whole, hit rate. Theres other things like intelligence, lore, and more. You start getting into copying form other RPG's though once you go this route.

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They've done enough with combat already.


There's one more skill slot available so they should use it more wisely.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


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There's one more skill slot available so they should use it more wisely.




Space at the list isn't their biggest problem when adding new skills.




I personally don't see a reason to get a new combat related skill. Either it would turn the combat triangle into square and cause balancing problems or it would be a "non-affecting skill" like prayer. For the 2nd option I personally don't see a need.




IMO we'd need more things added to the current ones than a new one. Prayer for example should get more high level prayers. Piety was a good example, but unfortunately not high enough. I'd personally want to see more of these combination prayers and also combine range and magic prayers into strong melee prayers.




Also like TrixStar said, agility should play a bigger role at pkin. At the moment it's good at big f2p fights, but otherwise a pker doesn't really need it.



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I dont see that happening in Runescape 2. Rs3...maybe, who knows...




Anyways if you meant other skills that affect your combat lvl, no we dont need those, lvl 126 is oddly high enough with all the skills being lvl 99 (or 98 with prayer) to get past a lvl 99 mark.




And if you meant things that affect combat like chinchompas that didnt come out a half a year ago or so in march, but back in novermeber of last year btw...well then maybe higher lvl fish? or something that heals more hp per bite, would be all i can think of now.




Its quite funny on a side note that half of your post count, consists of double posts btw :XD: :lol: (least untill you post again...)

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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I agree that agility should have much more of a role in combat, like making you hit faster, or making attacks (melee, range and magic) miss a tiny bit more on players... (just a TINY, TINY bit, like if 5/30 hits are miss, then like 7/30 or 8/30)










And as far as my ideas. It won't throw off the triangle, because I am not suggesting something that effects ONLY melee, ONLY range or ONLY magic. Agility is a great example of what should affect combat levels. Maybe they can think of something to help out the combat levels, using agility as some sort of a guideline...


double post? lol


gwd drops:


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Another possibility is to do something like the Alternate Advancement system in EQ.




In that system you can choose to send a part of your exp into earning AA levels.


When you have earned enough AA levels you cash them in for increased performance.




For example, the first thing that most players get is a permanent 30% speed increase.




Most of the benefits are % based.


So you might get 5-10-20% more healing out of your food, or 5-10-20%


more damage from a nuke, or 5-10-20% decreased prayer drain rate,


5-10-20% increased special attack damage, 5-10-20% decreased chance


for weak hits, etc.




It might take 2 hours of killing to earn 1 AA and a 20% boost would cost 12 AAs.


At present, there are, roughly, 2500 AA worth of stuff that a player can buy.




So, even maxed out players would have something to work towards


that actually improved their character.




Right now, the only reason to get more than 13 million exp in a skill


is to get higher on the hi-scores list.


This scheme would allow a player to use that "unused" exp to


selectively boost their abilities.

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I was just about to make a suggestion similar to one above, but they beat me to it...




Regardless, I'll flesh it out to kick off some discussion. The current melee combat skills are imbalanced. The evidence for this is the existence of pures; if the combat skills were balanced, they wouldn't be as effective as they are now. Quite apart from this, it's quite clear that there's a logical hole in the combat system:




Attack: increases your chance of hitting an opponent (i.e. not scoring a 0)


Defence: decreases your chance of being hit by an opponent (i.e. them scoring a 0)


Strength: increases your max hit, thus increasing the likelihood you'll hit higher.




Attack and Defence work against each other, but Strength is unpaired. There is no way to counteract it, thus making Strength pures effective. The skill I propose provides this counteraction. My preferred name for it is 'Resilience', although the name is the least important part.




Now, it's important that Resilience doesn't simply cancel out an opponent's Strength on a one-for-one basis, otherwise the stats become useless at a high level, and high levels would be invincible to lower levels. Rather, it must decrease the odds of a high hit. Consider it this way. Under the present system (possibly, unsure of the probabilities), in a situation where your character's attack has been rolled against your opponent's defence and you've scored a hit, then if your max hit is five then you have a 1-in-5 chance of hitting a value between 1 and 5 inclusive.




Let's consider what happens if we factor in my Resilience model. Say you hit a 4. Now, we want to leave open the possibility of lucky high hits, so we can't just give Resilience a single roll to see how much it's reduced. Rather, we have a two-step process: firstly, a roll to see whether Resilience is applied (odds determined by level) and then a roll to see by how what percentage the damage is reduced (again, odds determined by level). The maximum damage can be reduced by is 50%, to prevent fights lasting forever.




Now while you may be claiming that the current combat system is fine and doesn't need this, I argue that it does. I base this on the current upsurge in threads claiming that HP isn't rising enough to counter the new max hits from weapons like the Godsword. A Resilience system, or similar, would permit those max hits while greatly reducing their occurrence, making them much less of a factor. What do you think?

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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An endurance/toughness skill would be nice. It could be how well you can take damage, and receive it as less damage. Of course being combat related in terms of level wise!




so.... ANOTHER defence skill? i think one is enough tbh.

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The reason I haven't been posting is because my computer takes over 7 minutes to post something on here...which is really odd, because my computer is usually very fast.




I like adam's idea of "RESILIENCE", and I like some of the points he makes.




As for everyone correcting my statement about when Hunting came out...I just came back to RS after a 1ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâý years of not playing, so I missed the construction and hunting updates, along with TONS of other things.






And I apologize for the double posts...



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I think Adam's idea of resilience is by far the best new skill idea i have heard. Def is very weak in comparison to the other combat skills, especially strength, it is overpowered.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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The thing is, the combat system is not based on "every 5 levels in range you gain 1 combat level" sorta thing, its all a system of charts and stuff combined to form an equation that shows you combat level. A new combat skill would either require a whole new working of the equation because a skill that would raise your combat every 5 or 10 levels you gain in that skill would go aganst the code they set down, which would ruin their software.


Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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I'd like to see agility come into the equation.




Perhaps not by boosting stats as has been suggested, but as a series of combat specials that you can invoke once you reach a particular agility level. Similar to the combat enhancing prayers. Each special would drain 1/10th of the agility level needed to invoke it from your agility points.




Strata say eight different specials across level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 agility level requirements alternating between offensive and defensive moves.




Examples of defensive enhancements could be:


Evade - Player has a chance of dodging the attack


Parry - Player has a chance of mitigating the damage from the attack


Deflect - Player has a chance of turning some of the damage back on their opponent (like a recoil or vengeance)




Examples of offensive enhancements might be:


Double Strike - Two hits for the price of one, think DDS spec


Vital Organs - Your agility allows you to strike at the heart of your opponent (literally), doing increased damage.


Roundhouse - Go Chuck Norris on your opponent with a flying headkick that leaves them stunned for three seconds.




Mechanically it would act much like the prayer and special bar interfaces currently behave. A player would select an enhancement, then - on their next offensive or defensive turn - the special would have a chance to be effective. The points drain would occur regardless of whether the special was effective.

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