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How can people be so stink!? My car got keyed :(


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Ok, I have been spending alot of time out in West Auckland, it has it's reputation, but no way near as bad as what people make out to be.




Anyway, we all piled into my car to go out and get a feed, as I was reversing I noticed my passenger wing mirror had been bent all the way forward, which I thought was strange, my mate straightend it out and off we went. We got to Noodle Canteen and ordered our food, there we saw some guy and his fully riced out two door Toyota 'rolla and we were making a few jokes about it inside the shop. He probably overheard us. We got outside, and my mate noticed on his passenger door and down at the back there were key marks all over my car. :(




If it was the guy in the shop (which I am hoping) I know who he is, but I doubt it, as I said earlier my review mirror was bent all the way to the front before we even set out, it had no reason to be like that. My mates house where it happened is down a long, shared driveway, so the chances of someone coming off the road to do it is unlikely. My car is also not the type of car to be targeted for a keying, as it isn't overly flash..




I was parked next to my mates car and his was untouched, so I'm thinking I may of done something to piss someone off. Which makes me think it was the guy from the Noodle Canteen, as Ian says all his neighbours are good people and they'd talk to him if anything was bothering them.




Anyway, here are the pics of the damage;


This one is of the damage at the back near the gas cap






This one is of the front passengers door






There is some more on the bonnet also, but couldn't get any good pics of it with the glare on the bonnet, sorry about the quality of the pics, they're taken with my phone. :P




Now, being 20, my insurance is through the roof, $1,200 premium a year, and my excess is $1,000. Sure, I get why my excess is so high, in my age group we cause alot more accidents then any other. But for accidents like this is a joke, I am just as likely to get my car keyed, or reversed into at a supermarket as a 50 year old. It's a bloody joke, so I can't even get it fixed with my insurance, as I was quoted $1,200 to get this fixed, my excess is $1,000, and if I claim, I'll lose my no claims bonus and my premium will go up, meaning it will cost ME to claim.




So, all I can really do is get it professionally cut and polished, and get a chip stick and cover it up best I can, and wait until I am 21 and my excess comes down and claim again..[/rant]

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Yeah, but thats the thing, I'm kinda leaning more towards it happened before we even headed out to get a feed. And thats why my wing mirror was bent forwards, like they started at the back and headed forward and knocked the wing mirror. No one else could of done it cause I was parked in front of bushes, and we hadn't even started drinking so no one was at the "Look at me I can pee outside in the bushes" stage. None of my mates knocked it.




I'll bring up a line from my favourite movie.. "Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that [wagon] doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."




10 points if you know what movie it is.








Yeah that was just one place I tried, I will try and do some shopping around. This is NZ, so our dollar is a bit cheaper then yours, I thought it was a bit expensive too, and I plan on selling this at the end of the year, so I probably will get it touched up propperly eventually.

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"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that [wagon] doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it."




10 points if you know what movie it is.









Pulp Fiction.




Gimme my 10 points.

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I wonder why people do this. Give other people those expenses. It's so useless. And they don't know what they're doing either. There are people who can't afford to get these things financially.




Our neighbourhood is being terrorized as well these days. There's three TWELVE YEAR OLDS stabbing people with scissors and going out to rob people at night. A friend of mine got robbed by some random guy when she was working in her shop. And two weeks ago in one week time they threw two bricks trough the windows at our house. One brick on monday. And three days later, when the window was repared, they threw one trough again.


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My senior year of highschool, someone keyed my truck and stole all my cds and tried stealing my cd player. They wrote on the drivers door a nazi sign, and i love black people. Then they keyed up and down on both sides, very noticeable. Also they stole round 100 dollars worth in cds, and tried stealing my cd player. I really didnt have anyone at school who didnt like me(happened during school in school parking lot), so i had no way of knowing who did it. really [bleep]ing blew.

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We got to Noodle Canteen and ordered our food, there we saw some guy and his fully riced out two door Toyota 'rolla




Damn you make some funny comments Led. :lol: :lol:






Anyway I was going to ask you about this a minute ago when I saw the death threat on your msn display name. :lol:




I hope though you sort this all out, its a shame to hear it, there's some real nobs out there. Ah well, if nothing else goes to plan maybe you could colour in the scratch marks with a blue pencil? :P :-w

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Now why did I think Down under was one of the places in the world where you didn't get a culture like that :-k




:( That really does blow






New Zealand broke away from Australia many millions of years ago. :wink:

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Now why did I think Down under was one of the places in the world where you didn't get a culture like that :-k




:( That really does blow






New Zealand broke away from Australia many millions of years ago. :wink:




Sadly some criminals managed to jump aboard. :( Haha, just joking. :P




Now why did I think Down under was one of the places in the world where you didn't get a culture like that




Sadly, there are [bleep]s where ever you go. No escaping them, I wish I caught who ever did it, then they would of discovered I don't keep a baseball bat in my car just for [cabbage]s and giggles.




I doubt it was one of the neighbors either, I haven't done anything to annoy any of them there, and our parties there are generally low key and we don't get roudy or anything.. I sure hope it isn't any of the neighbours cause I am moving into that house in a few months time.. Especially when the next car I get I am planning on getting a fresh paint job, definately wouldn't want it to get keyed. :(

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It's probably the same as everywhere, people getting riled up and thinking keying a car is the ''hard'' thing to do.




I saw someone trying to do it to my mums car. At the time she was in the shop and I'd just walked out.




Now this was a kid, I'm not saying they all are but around here, it pretty much is.




He must have been about what 15? skinny guy who was about a foot shorter than me (everyones shorter than me at 6ft lmfao!)




and just as he was about to key my mums jeep, which we'd only just bought with a heafty price tag, I smack him across the back of the head.




Now this was because I was lucky enough to see the little runt in the act, but if I hadn't the price would have been sky high...and he didn't even have a reason for doing it.




Amazing huh? People are just absolutely inconsiderate, it's different when I get my key and start tracing bad words across your bonnet.




I'm sorry about your car!! I hope you can get it re-buffed and painted. <3:

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And thats what you get for living in west Auckland, nah jk. Its the same everywhere, but I get it just for being Asian. Parked outside New World, my mum's car got spat on as we got out. Course its not as bad as being keyed, but its just a matter of time.

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Now why did I think Down under was one of the places in the world where you didn't get a culture like that




I don't think you've had the pleasure of meeting one of our Australian Aboriginies.




Most they do nowadays is get drunk, sniff solvents, get in fights, abuse others, and rape their children.

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Now why did I think Down under was one of the places in the world where you didn't get a culture like that :-k




:( That really does blow






New Zealand broke away from Australia many millions of years ago. :wink:




Sadly some criminals managed to jump aboard. :( Haha, just joking. :P





Well aren't quite a few of Austrailian citizens probably descended from British convicts exiled over there :-w


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It doesnt look "too" bad. Ive seen worse, Your car is a relatively light colour and will probably T-Cut and polish out ok. :(



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Yeah, where I got the quote done I asked if it will cut and polish out, he said the general rule is if your fingernail sinks into it, then I probably won't, which most of them do. :( Too far through the clear coat he said. It looks worse in person, my camera is crap and it was quite bright out. But it could of been much worse.




But I'll try my luck and see what happens.




Thats just the thing though, I definately don't know who did it, I'll do some fishing with the guy from Noodle Canteen, he was wearing a Woolworths uniform with a name badge on, so I'll ring his work, and see if I can get it out of him, otherwise I have no idea. An yeah, I am mega pissed, specially since I planned on selling it at the end of the year for $5,000, will have to sell it for even less now. ;(




Well aren't quite a few of Austrailian citizens probably descended from British convicts exiled over there :-w




Yeah, thats why I said it as a joke, lol.

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Nah, I didn't know the guy in Noodle Canteen, I know how to find him, thats why I was hoping it was him. :P




Nah, didn't notice it when we set off, well my mate didn't, it was dark out, but he noticed it when we got back in from getting out feed.

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